Chapter 25

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The redhead was definitely interested. And she was also definitely innocent. Jennie could feel the effects of the alcohol begin to stir beneath her skin. The warmth pooled in her abdomen and made her skin hum. She watched the redhead with cool eyes, flashing her a knowing smile and shifting so that her taut abdomen showed past her top. She could see the girl blushing from here, but the eyes that she suspected were green also couldn't stay off the confident brunette.

Jennie turned around, pretending to ignore the redhead for a while and ordering another drink. This would be fun. It was a game, like it always was. She was the hunter and there was the prey, right over there, soft and innocent, subtle and so ready. And there was no better hunter in LA than Jennie Kim.

She smiled again when the song changed. It must be 'dark and dangerous' night at the bar because the humming throb was insistent and hypnotic. The tones of TV on the Radio vibrated across the floor. Jennie ran her tongue across her teeth and let her smile settle on her face. It was predatory, but she didn't care.

Cross the street from your storefront cemetery

Jennie downed the shot in one swift motion, the alcohol mixing in her stomach and intensifying her sudden clarity. She turned on one heel and crossed the floor, stepping deftly between the people dancing and making her way to the other side.

Hear me hailing from the inside and realise

She stopped in front of the redhead who was now staring at her, mouth slightly open in surprise. She clearly hadn't expected Jennie to be so bold. Alcohol running freely in her veins and the song throbbing in her feet and ears, she held out her hand wordlessly to the other girl. Pulling the redhead to her feet, she led her back to the dancefloor and began to move.

I am the conscience clear
in pain or ecstacy
and we were all weaned my dear
upon the same fatigue

Turning the girl in her arms, she began to grind, the music insistent and permeating. She wrapped her arms around the waist in front of her and moved, letting her hands slide down over hips and thighs, grinding gently. Her teeth came down and bit, lightly, on velvet skin and she heard the gasp. And the whole time, she ignored the chant in her head echoing the beat of the song: Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo.

staring at the sun
oh my own voice
cannot save me now
standing in the sea
it's just
one more breath
and then
down i go

Turning the girl around, she pulled her close. She felt arms move around her neck as their bodies slid, the music pounding in them. Jennie felt her heartbeat respond, racing and coursing. With each beat, it said the same words - Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo - and she ignored it. She found the edge of the random girl's top and slid her fingers underneath. Letting her mouth fall down, she ran her tongue along one exposed collarbone and moved her hips.

She would wash this from her soul. She would drown it in alcohol and sex. She would wash this from her life. She would clean herself up. And she would not lose.

your mouth is open wide
the lover is inside
and all the tumults done
collided with the sign
you're staring at the sun
you're standing in the sea
your body's over me

Pulling the redhead into a deep kiss, she worked with her tongue, massaging and penetrating. It was fast and hot and wet and she knew it was full-on. She was in no mood to play coy right now. She wanted this girl and she would have her, here and now. Wrapping her hands in red strands, she pulled the girl's head in, kissing her harder than she thought possible. She felt hands slide across her skin, skimming and grasping, nails gently digging in as the fires lit. And all she could feel was Jisoo.

note the trees because
the dirt is temporary
more to mine than fact face
name and monetary

Pulling away from the kiss, she stared down at the other girl and found her face flushed and panting. Suddenly Jennie had a flash of hate: for herself, that she was doing this; for the girl in front of her, who wasn't what the brunette wanted; and for Jisoo, for putting her in this position on the first place. The memory of the purple haired stirred Jennie back into action. Her hatred was suddenly thick and angry, swarming across her like a plague of African ants destined for a meal. She pulled away from the redhead and got a look of surprise back. Grasping the girl's hand firmly, she pulled her from the dancefloor and straight out the door of the club.

be what you will
and then thrown down your life
oh, it's a damned fine game
and we can play all night

She didn't wait for her car. She pulled the girl out into the cooling night air and up the street, into the nearest alley, dank and dark. In the distance, as though making soundtrack for some sleazy movie, a cat tipped over the lid of a trash can and howled in the night. The music from the club was a distant hum now, with the beat and the bass thrumming through the street but the lyrics lost. Jennie could still feel it, and she knew the song backwards anyway. Pushing the girl up against the wall, she let the hatred, the need, the alcohol and the beat of the music flow over her. She scraped her nails up the girls thigh and pulled the loose short skirt up with her as she moved higher.

beat the skins and let the
loose lips kiss you clean
quietly pour out like light
like light, like answering the sun

She was not slow and she was not gentle. She was inside the girl before she was barely wet enough to allow entrance. Her mouth cut off any protest and she felt the clutch of fingers on her shoulders as Jennie worked hard. Her hand pumped, her teeth bit. Her thumb came up to press on the girl's sensitive bundle of nerves while she fucked the life out of her. She could hear whimpers, begging hungry whispers. This girl deserved better; this girl deserved more. She probably deserved flowers and at the very least a bed. But Jennie wasn't in the mood. This girl wasn't Jisoo and for that, she was punished. She felt the girl climax hard around her fingers. When it was over, and the body slumped against her, the nausea rose in Jennie like a phoenix from the ashes. Pulling her fingers out, she stared at the gasping girl and her own hand. It was like it belonged to someone else. This wasn't her. Flipping sideways, she leaned up on the wall with her hand and let the contents of her stomach splash on the pavement. When it was done, she looked back, at the girl who had now straightened and was watching Jennie with guarded, fearful eyes.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. "I'm.. I'm sorry."

And she ran. She ran past the line, the bouncers and the club, with the music still flooding out.

you're staring at the sun
you're standing in the sea
your mouth is open wide
you're trying hard to breathe
the water's at your neck
there's lightning in your teeth
your body's over me

She ran past her car and down the street. Stopping to take off her heels, she threw them in the nearest bushes and ran. Her heart pounded and her body strained but she ran and ran and ran, until she could run no more. With absolutely no idea where she was, she hailed a passing cab.

Weary and completely fucked up, she made her way up the darkened stairs of her own house. Rolling her shoulders at the pains that sparked across them, she pushed her own door open and stopped.

Jisoo Kim was sitting on the end of her bed.

* *©clomle44* *

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