Chapter 14

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Hot sex. You have been warned.

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Jennie had no idea what Jisoo told Kai, but the three of them seemed cool. The girls were pretty much inseparable for the next two weeks. They were expected to spend their days together anyway, and Jisoo had grinned when she had heard that, not minding in the slightest. Jennie was happier than she could remember being in forever. Tempted as Jennie was to make Krystal's life hell, Jisoo kept to her role as bodyguard well and stopped her from doing anything rash.

Actually, she stopped her from doing anything at all. Not being allowed to leave the campsite after dark made life a little difficult when it came to finding time to kiss, but Jennie was inventive, and Jisoo reciprocated each and every time. After that first conversation, Jennie had been wise enough not to raise the topic of what it all meant again. Anyway, Jisoo seemed perfectly happy in her company, and there had been the previous night...

Jennie had briefly gone back to the cabin from their forced movie night. It was raining, and the teachers had gathered everyone indoors, going so far as to do a head count! Jennie was cold, and had gotten permission from Mr. Forrest to grab a sweater; she had been so well behaved for the last few weeks, he let her go with just a nod and a grin.

She had dashed across the wet ground and ended up in her cabin, a little damp and breathless. She was rooting around in her bag, swearing and looking for a sweater, when she felt warm hands on her waist and warm breath on her ear. She felt Jisoo slide her hands around to her abdomen, pulling her back and kissing her ear, tongue sliding out to lick gently. Jennie moaned, covering Jisoo's hands with her own and tilting her head sideways, giving the purple haired better access.

"You're wet," she heard Jisoo murmur, as she ran her mouth down the side of Jennie's neck, eliciting shivers and a gasp.

You have no idea.

She felt Jisoo's hands slide down and then up again, this time under her wet shirt. Jennie steadied herself on the bunk, gulping and pushing back against the warm body behind her. Turning her head, she brought her lips to meet Jisoo's, glorying in their softness. She tried desperately to deepen the kiss, but the angle wasn't right. She felt Jisoo's hand slide up to her rib cage, sitting just below her bra. Jennie moaned, turning around fast, wrapping her arms around the purple haired and pulling her into a tight embrace. Now that she could deepen the kiss, God, it was good: Jisoo's tongue sliding along hers, hands crazy on her sides. She pulled Jisoo backwards onto the bottom bunk, and they writhed with one another.

"God almighty, Jisoo," Jen cried, when Jisoo's hand slid up to cup one breast, brushing her hand across the taut nipple.

Jisoo pulled away breathless, staring down at the flushed brunette, panting.

"We have to stop," she groaned, resting her forehead lightly on Jennie's. So they had, needing to get back to the hall before they were missed.

Jennie had spent the rest of the night painfully aware of both Jisoo sitting next to her and the ache between her legs. She didn't think she'd ever wanted someone this badly before, ever. There was only a week left before they had to go back to LA, back to the real world of school and parents and, scarily, Jisoo's family.

They hadn't talked about it too much, the thought of Jisoo's family sending frightening shivers down the purple haired's spine. Jennie mostly kept quiet, as she wasn't exactly looking forward to going back to civilization.

Oh my God, how much you've changed.

Who knew what would happen when they got back? Jennie conveniently thought of Jisoo as her girlfriend, although no such conversation had been had. She kind-of thought she may as well pretend, since the whole three weeks so far had been a waking dream.

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