Chapter 8

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Jennie didn't sleep for the rest of the night. She heard Jisoo shift, her breathing even, and wasn't sure if she was awake or asleep. The sun dawned and Jennie lay, still staring at the side of the tent, too wired to move. The ache in between her legs had settled down to a dull roar sometime in the early dawn, but the emotions running riot through her body would not. She couldn't decide what the best way to play this was.

Pretend nothing happened. Why else would you have pulled away? Good point. The voice in her head was starting to sound almost reasonable these days.

Unable to stand the tension any more, Jennie grabbed her clothes and scooted out of the tent. She stopped outside, taking in deep breaths of morning air. Only a few other people were stirring and the sun was just over the horizon. When she returned from her shower, dressed and ready, she ducked her head in the tent and found Jisoo still asleep. Well, at least one of them could sleep. Jennie threw her clothes in the corner quietly and backed out of the tent, unwilling to be confined in such a small space with Jis again.

At least until you can do something about it. The voice in her head practically had a snicker in it.

With nothing really to do with herself, Jennie wandered surreptitiously to the boys' side of the camp and found Kai's tent. Checking for teachers, she unzipped it, and ducked in the entrance. Kyungsoo was snoring in his underwear on one side of the tent, leaving little to the imagination. Jennie shuddered. Kai was a little better dressed in boxers, his lean tanned body covered in a slight sheen of sweat. The tent smelled of boy. Jennie grabbed his ankle and shook. Kai awoke with a start and stared down at her; Kyungsoo continued snoring.

"Jennie, what the fuck?" Kai asked, groggily.

"C'mon, get up, I wanna go for a walk," she replied, insistently.

"Ugh, go by yourself"

"No." She pulled on his ankle again.

She backed out of the tent and, checking for teachers again, made her way around to the communal eating benches. She sat on a table, waiting for Kai. It took him five minutes but eventually he emerged, grumpy and disheveled. She grinned at him.

"Why are we up so early?" he whined, stretching himself out of his sleep.

"Because it's a beautiful day and I'm bored." Jennie hopped off the table. "I wanna go for a walk and you have to come with me."

"What happened to your buddy?" he asked, but started walking with her anyway.

"She's still asleep." Jennie kept her tone unreadable.

"Bet she's hot when she's asleep."

You have absolutely no idea.

Jennie hit him in stomach gently, and he grinned. They walked off, trying to keep close enough to the camp that they could find their way back before they were missed. They were quiet, silence fairly companionable, or so Jennie thought until Kai pulled her up short.

"Jen, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" she frowned at him.

"You're not a morning person, and today you're practically walking on tightropes. Also you hauled me out of bed for no good reason."

"Spending time with me is a perfectly good reason," she pouted, her brow furrowing as she grumbled.

"Yeah," he agreed, "but there's still something wrong."

Jennie sighed. She found a rock and sat on it, waiting for him to do the same. When they were both seated, she looked at him. "Do you like Jisoo?"

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