Chapter 2

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Jennie felt the bus move off with a jerk, and watched out of the corner of her eye as the purple haired next to her slipped her bag off her shoulder and slid it onto the floor. She sat back, giving Jennie a nice view of her abdomen as it peeked between her shirt and jeans. Jennie jerked her attention back to the window, heart beating like a drum, hoping she hadn't been caught. She felt Jisoo - That was her name, right? - shift in the seat next to her, and prop one knee up against the seat in front. She turned slightly towards Jennie, smiling.

"So... school camp?"

Jennie couldn't tell if she was being genuinely excited, or just had a warm voice. One that melted like molasses in the sun.

Dammit, Kim keep in your fuckin' pants, she reprimanded herself.

"Yeah".. she replied vaguely. She regarded the purple haired from under hooded lids. "You're kidding, right?"

The purple haired cocked her head to one side quizzically.

"What, you don't think it will be fun?"

"I'm not much of a joiner" smirked Jennie. "Four weeks is a long time to be anywhere near half of these Neanderthals." She wrinkled her nose at the spitball fight flying past them in the aisle. "Ugh".

"I don't know," smiled the girl, her eyes crinkling in the most gorgeous manner. "This could be fun, you never know."

Jennie couldn't help smiling back, her nose wrinkling as she did.

"You have to be the most optimistic person I've ever met," she laughed.

"Maybe, but it's nice to meet you anyway!"

Jennie let the conversation wash over her as the bus trip continued. Jisoo, it turned out, was newly-in from Ohio; had been at the school for a few months; had two brothers, two parents, and the damn cutest smile Jennie had ever seen. Jennie had to stop her gaze drifting to the girl's mouth.

Okay. This could be interesting. Maybe I could seduce her. Or let her seduce me. Jennie nearly snorted with the ludicrous nature of the thought. Like that's going to happen, Kim. It had been a fun thought, though. Jisoo was looking at her like she was crazy. Okay, so she had started smiling to herself about nothing, but..

"Hey!" she came to a realisation. Jisoo cocked an eyebrow at her. "Ohio, you come from Ohio."

"Yeah," the purple haired replied, confused.

"Like Krystal's new boyfriend," Jennie pushed on.

"Yeah." Jisoo let out a puff of air, as though unimpressed. "That would be my brother, Jin."

Jennie goggled at her. Kai's bitch had been stolen by this girl's brother? Oh, Kai was not going to like this, at all.

Jisoo was still staring at her, clearly not understanding what was going on. Jennie decided that now was probably not the time to enlighten her.

"Oh, I was just curious. Y'know. Kind of a weird coincidence."

"What?" smiled Jisoo. "That my brother and I come from the same state?"

"No," she retorted, "it would have been a weird coincidence if both of you had been new and from the same..." She stopped, watching the expression on the other girl's face tease her. "Okay, okay, I'm not as dumb as I sound right now, you know."

With that she got a genuine chuckle.

"You sound just fine."

They got talking, and Jennie was surprised at how easy it was to fall into conversation with this girl. Normally, she found talking to most people impossible, but somehow the words were flowing like mercury here. And she was enjoying it. That came as a bit of a surprise, given that she'd expected to hate each and every minute of the next four weeks. Oh well, things could change.

They were getting along just fine when Kai appeared in the seat behind them, its previous occupants having disappeared God-knows-where. There seemed to be a pile-on at the back of the bus. Jennie rolled her eyes. Kai leaned over the seat between them and grinned.

"Hey," he said, his eyes lighting up as he noticed Jisoo.

Jennie felt like pushing him off and telling him he was a jerk, but instead she just rolled her eyes again.

"Kai, this is Jisoo. Jisoo, this lummox is Kai."

Jisoo took the greeting hand and shook it.

"Lummox, eh?"

"She loves me," Kai said slyly. "Everyone loves me."

Jennie rolled her eyes for the third time in as many minutes.

"I could believe that," murmured Jisoo, causing Jen to raise her eyebrows.


* *©clomle44* *

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