Chapter 10

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She found Jisoo sitting back by the fire with Kai and Kyungsoo. She sat down next to them, ignoring the curious look from Kai, and nudging Jisoo. There was no response.

Oh great, you've really, really gone and fucked it up this time, Kim.

Jennie pondered her next move. She could try and talk to the girl.

Bad idea. She had to agree.

Pretend nothing had happened.

Better idea.

Or... Unfortunately she couldn't think of a third option. She decided to go with option two.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur. Jennie was too eaten up inside to really pay attention to anything, and Jisoo wasn't talking to her. The purple haired sidled off to bed way too early, and Kai kept Jennie out, bugging her about where she'd been. She refused to tell him, and eventually extracted herself. She had a quick shower, and then bed.

She and Jisoo were sharing a bunk and Jennie had called the top. The lights were on, the other girls in the cabin readying themselves for bed. Jisoo was in her bunk, sleeping bag pulled up to her neck, facing the wall. There was no way Jen could talk to her without everyone else hearing what was going on.

With a low sigh under her breath, she hauled herself into her bunk and lay staring at the ceiling. The lights went out, and she still lay. She considered grabbing some paper from her bag at the end of her bunk and abseiling a note down to Jisoo, but if the purple haired was actually asleep there'd be no way she'd get it.

And, yet, you're still juvenile, the voice smirked.

Eventually, she just let herself fall asleep.

The morning dawned clear and blue. When Jennie awoke, the bunk beneath hers was empty, although all the others were full. Despite her usual inability to get up before noon unless actually forced to do so, Jennie had been waking up at close to dawn every day. Wired.

Ah, yes, that would be the purple haired's doing. Touché.

She slipped down off the bunk, hitting the floor lightly and making for the bathroom. One bonus of getting up so early was the complete lack of anyone else around. One shower was occupied, and Jennie's sixth sense once again told her it was Jisoo. She slid into the shower stall next door and busied herself. Trying to be quick, she tried to catch the purple haired before she left the bathroom, but, by the time Jennie emerged, the other girl was gone.


Grumbling her way back to the cabin, she found Jisoo putting on her sneakers.

"Morning!" she tried, forcing bright cheer into her voice.

"Morning," Jisoo replied, far too softly for good.

One of the other girls threw her pillow at Jennie, hitting her in the back. "Shut the hell up, Kim. It's dawn."

Jennie shrugged, and pulled on her own shoes. She walked out of the cabin, inhaling the crisp outside air. Jisoo emerged next to her.

"C'mon" she said, pulling the purple haired by the sleeve. Jisoo stayed motionless. "Sit by the lake?" Jennie offered, mentally crossing her fingers.

Jisoo didn't say anything, but she followed, and Jennie sent up a thank-you. They made their way down to the lake as it lapped at the shore's edges, not too far from the camp. Smoke was rising from the main communal hut and breakfast would be soon. Jennie let Jisoo sit down and then sat a careful distance away. She let the silence marinate between them for a decent interval and then cautiously asked, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

Way to play the 'Nothing happened, I don't know what you're talking about, it wasn't me and, if you say it was me, I'll see you in court' card!

Jisoo remained mute.

"Okay," shrugged Jennie. She leaned back on her hands and looked out to the lake.

Jisoo then took her completely by surprise. One minute she was sitting three feet away and the next she was on her knees next to Jennie, her cold hands cupping the brunette's face, and her mouth descending.

What happened next was pure poetry, at least as far as Jennie was concerned. The soft lips she'd felt just once were pressed against hers. She and Jisoo were awake, together and sober, and Jisoo was kissing her. She fell back on one hand, bringing the other up to gently touch one wrist, and opened her mouth slightly. She felt Jisoo press the advantage, and her stomach went wild. The kiss was hot, insistent, and oh-so-good. Jennie could smell the fresh sweet perfume that was Jisoo, as it wrapped itself around her. She moaned slightly, tongue tangling with the purple haired's. She had completely lost track of herself and of anything else going on, when she was left bereft. Jisoo stared down at her, shock and maybe awe on her face, but it was tinged with horror. Jennie stared, unable to say anything, as Jisoo turned and ran.

Dumbstruck, it took her moments to react. The second she got herself in order, she was up and running, faster than she ever thought possible. She caught Jisoo about halfway to camp, grabbing her on the elbow and spinning her around. She opened her mouth to speak, but was silenced by the tears slowly running down the purple haired's face. Wordlessly, she pulled her into the strongest embrace she could muster, ignoring any protests, and murmuring comforting mumbles. She felt Jisoo relax and kept going. She could have stayed there all day, but the camp was stirring, and soon people were going to come out. Jennie didn't feel like having an audience. She pulled back, still gripping Jisoo's elbow lightly.

"Jis," she said, softly, her eyes watching a few people emerge from their cabins, not able to look at the other girl's face.

"Don't. Please." The request was a choked-off sob and Jennie was torn back to Jisoo's face. The purple haired wasn't crying again, but looked strained and hurt.

"No... no," Jennie tried to reassure her. "Look this... this doesn't have to mean anything" God, let me be saying the right thing! "We're just friends right? I mean, that was... nothing," she finished weakly.

"Jen." Jisoo sounded distant, hollow.

"Jis, please!" Now Jennie was pleading. "I just want to be... friends."

Jisoo took a ragged breath and then sighed it out.

"Me, too" she said, with absolutely no conviction whatsoever.

Gutless wonder.

* *©clomle44* *

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