Chapter 15

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Making-out, rather than Jensoo!Sex

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She didn't want to leave. Four weeks in mud and sharing a cabin with seven other people after trekking through the wilderness and she didn't want to leave.

It was a perfectly easy marked trail with camping sites every night. How is that wilderness?

One word summarized why: Jisoo.

Jennie stuffed the last of her belongings into her pack and looked around the cabin, watching her classmates do the same thing. Jisoo, typically, was already packed and lying on her bunk reading a book. Jennie ducked her head down and regarded the purple haired from upside down.


"Sure," the reply came, a grin coming with it. "You look good upside down. You should consider staying that way. Makes your face all red."

Jennie poked out her tongue and jumped off her top bunk. Outside, the day was warm and flurries of activity were going on everywhere. Jisoo and Jennie nodded understandingly to a teacher's yelled warning not to go too far because the buses would arrive any minute. Instead, they made their way down to the lake shore where so much had happened over the past few weeks.

As they sat, wishing they could hold hands or at least have some physical contact, Jennie shoved her uncertainty deep down inside her and tried to hold on to these last few minutes. They sat in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable. Something in Jennie hoped that Jisoo would bring up the future. At least mention that she wanted them to keep seeing each other when they got back to LA.

Cos you wouldn't want to bring that up yourself, would you? Coward! the obnoxious voice in her head mocked.

Jisoo remained silent, however, and, before Jennie knew what was happening, they were loading themselves onto the bus. Grabbing a seat about half-way up and a good distance from Krystal, Jennie felt Jisoo slide in next to her the same way she had four long weeks previously. This time she didn't sit half a seat away but pressed her thigh up against the brunette's, unconsciously setting off a chain reaction in Jennie's body. The curly-haired girl tried desperately to suppress it.

The bus ride back was hot and nearly pure torture as far as Jennie was concerned. Around about half-way, Jisoo fell asleep, her head nodding gently sideways and falling neatly on to Jennie's shoulder. Wanting nothing more than to wrap an arm around her and pull her close into cuddling bliss, Jennie sat stiffly, far too aware of the people surrounding them.

The bus pulled into King High far too soon; for Jennie, three years would have been too soon. She'd woken Jisoo with a gentle nudge just before they hit the edge of LA, completely mesmerised by the softness in those brown eyes as she woke. Though she could have stared into them for hours, she had to pull away, suddenly aware of the fact that she was drowning in Jisoo.

Now they were back, Jennie scanned the crowd to see if her mother had stirred long enough to come get her and almost laughed at herself for thinking she might. No Chaerin in sight. She could see Jisoo's parents though, standing to one side with cheesy grins and her oafish older brother in toe. God, what a nightmare! Jennie had almost forgotten that Jisoo's brother was dating Krystal. How the hell that one was going to turn out was anybody's guess.

"We're here," she heard the beautiful purple haired next to her murmur. There was both a sense of sadness and a sense of longing in her voice. Jennie looked at her, entranced by the girl she had become so attached to over the past month. She felt a hand reach out and squeeze hers. "It'll be okay. You'll see." And with a knowing smile, Jennie watched Jisoo swing herself out of her seat and off the bus.

The brunette sat in her seat until the bus was completely empty and she was forced to get off so that the driver could go home. Picking up her bag, she frowned, thinking of the long public transport trip home. She hadn't been stupid enough to leave her car in the school parking lot for a month, knowing full well it wouldn't be there when she got back. Glancing around, she could see Jisoo's family still in full greeting mode, a perfect Brady moment. Her heart sped up at the sight of her girl being so happy. Then it kicked into overdrive as she watched her worst enemy, cheerleader bitch extraordinaire, strut over to meet her boyfriend.

"Shit!" she swore under her breath. Was this the beginning of the end?

* *©clomle44* *

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