Author's Note

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Hello, everyone!  I hope you enjoy Dirty Little Secrets.  First, I would like to get the business end of this out of the way.  You may not copy this book or its parts in anyway unless you are quoting for a review or without my permission.  Also, there are mature themes in this book which include sex, suicide and depression and some violence.  I will always put a disclaimer in the author's note at the beginning of the chapters warning you of these themes.  Please skip over these if it will cause any discomfort.  

Other than what is written above, I truly hope you enjoy this book.  Please leave comments.  I like to hear from you.  Also, if you like it please turn that star orange.  Last but not least, thank you for reading.  It means a lot to me that you gave my stories a chance.  If you have any questions, message me.  X

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