Chapter Nineteen-Asher

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Hello, My Lovelies, 

I hope you are all having a great day!  Thank you for joining me and thank you for supporting me in all the ways you do.  It means a lot. 

I have entered this book as well as Twisted Souls and Sparked in The Wattys.  Also, I am editing Sparked.  There will not be any plot changes.  I am simply fixing grammar and description errors and clarifying anything that doesn't make sense.  Also, I am plotting a new dark romance.  It will not be paranormal but it will have the same dark ambience as Twisted Souls.  I'm really excited about it.  I will let you know of a release date soon.  

Again thank you for joining me and supporting me.  If you like this chapter, please consider voting.  I love to hear from you so comments are appreciated and if you have any questions, comment or send me a message.  

-XXX Amanda


The sun shined in through the windows breaking through the blinds and causing me to flinch away from it as a groan moved through my throat. I reached across the bed expecting the same emptiness I found after each time Lena and I were together. Instead, my eyes flew open surprised because she was still laying in the bed beside me.

My eyes roamed over her beautiful face as she slept. and my heart clenched as my eyes traveled over her cheeks, taking in the shadow of her eyelashes and her freckles, sprinkled over her cheekbones and nose before settling on her full lips. My lips twitched as I realized again that I had gotten her to stay though I didn't know if that was because she truly wanted to or because I had exhausted her to the point she overslept. Either way, I was happy she was still here.

I smirked as I traced her lips with my finger, causing her to stir. Her blue-green eyes opened, the glaze of sleep fading slowly before her lips twitched into a smile.

"Good morning," she said, her voice husky before she stretched like a cat, arching her back and bringing her body closer to mine.

"You stayed," I said with my eyebrow raised an amused expression on my face.

Her eyes widened in mock horror, "Oh no," she whispered, "Are you about to kick me out? Should I start crying now or should I do that as I'm leaving?"

I narrowed my eyes, "No, but I might spank your ass if you act like a brat."

She leaned up, kissing me on the cheek before whispering in my ear, "Now, that might be fun."

I was too shocked to say anything as she slid out of bed with a mischievous grin, "I'm using your shower...And your toothbrush because I think going to my house for a toothbrush with Jay there might cause questions I don't want to answer."

"So, you're taking over my bathroom without thinking I might want a shower?" I asked, frowning.

She smirked, "It's not taking it over if your shower is big enough for two," she said, shrugging her delicate shoulders and giving me a knowing look before moving into my bathroom.

A slow grin moved over my face as I stood from the bed already imagining what Lena would look like with water sliding down her skin. I chuckled to myself. I would have to get her to stay more often because I couldn't think of a better way to wake up than to Lena Montgomery.


"Jay's gone," she said, glancing out the window of my kitchen, "It's time to make that walk of shame."

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