Chapter Ten-Lena

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Hello, Lovelies, 

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented on and added my books to their libraries.  I truly appreciate all of you.  It means so much that you read my stories and interact with them. 

I want to do a double update today but I'm not sure it will happen.  The weather is awful here...Lightning and thunder and flooding but I'm going to try to get another chapter of Dirty Little Secret to you today.  If not, I will post one tomorrow.  

Warnings for this chapter: There is strong language and talk of sex. 

-XXXXX Amanda

I want to dedicate this chapter to @RebeccaGrieshaber You've always pushed me to be a better writer.  You're my cousin but you were also one of my first readers.  Thank you for supporting me.


If Asher thought I actually believed the bullshit he was spewing about having sex with me without an argument, he was wrong. For some reason, he was determined to keep me pure and safe. I guess on some level, he did have some morals which made me realize that he may be the best guy to get rid of my innocence. After all, I really didn't want a total jerk to take away the thing I had held onto for all these years like it was something precious...That one thing that made me untouchable and viewed as too pure for the world. It was once something I had been proud of. Now, I hated it more than anything.

What he didn't realize was that I would use whatever I could to make him see that I was saying good-bye to my v even if he didn't take it from me. I wasn't lying about that. It was time to get rid of poor, pathetic, innocent Lena who hid in the shadows waiting for life to pass her by...I winced at the thought because even Barrett had thought that about me. My best friend in the world thought that I was going to sit in a corner and wait for death to come without doing anything significant. It was time to prove him wrong. It was time to prove everyone wrong.

As we walked out, Lance raised his brow, his eyes settling on Asher's hand curved around my wrist, "You coming back this time, Lena?" He asked, causing Asher to jerk his head towards him.

"No, she's fucking not," he said, gripping my wrist even harder and pulling me toward the door as Lance gave me the call me signal. I grinned and nodded causing Asher to growl. I guess most people would have been terrified, but I laughed because I knew Asher would never hurt me. He had spent too much time trying to protect me from all the dangers he had worked up in his head.

He opened the car door for me, and I slid inside before he stomped around to the other side of the car, his temper on full display. When he sat behind the seat, he frowned, his teeth gritting so hard I began to worry they'd break under the pressure.

"You're not coming back here tonight," he snapped, his nostrils flaring as he sent a deadly glare in Lance's direction.

I didn't know who he thought he was ordering me around. He would quickly find out that was not going to go well for him.

"I'll do what I damn well please," I sassed, causing him his jaw muscles to flex as he gritted his teeth even harder when I crossed my arms over my chest. His car started with a roar and we drove down the street in silence for a few minutes as he tried to regain control of his temper.

"What you're doing is reckless," he said finally, and I rolled my eyes because he was starting to sound like my father when he admonished Jay.

"If you're going to be an asshole then turn around and take me back," I said as his hand tightened on the steering wheel so hard that I thought he would crush it.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, his voice almost tortured, "Why would you do this with some random guy."

"You're not a random guy," I said, shrugging as I tried to push away the thought of what Barrett truly thought of me, "You're my neighbor. I kind of know you."

"I don't do relationships," he said, frowning as he stared out the windshield, "You know that, right?"

I laughed, causing him to frown. Did he think I was stupid? "I think I got that clue after the tenth girl left your house in a month crying."

He was silent for a long moment before he swallowed, "I just don't want you to expect-"

"I expect you to take my virginity, that's it," I said, raising my brows, "Then, we can just go back to being friendly neighbors. Hell...I'll even ignore you if you want me to."

He pulled into his driveway and I glanced at my house finding Jay gone, "It won't be like that," he said, softly, "It will be...different. This is your first time. It's supposed to be special."

I narrowed my eyes, I didn't want special. I just wanted it gone. I wanted to be free of it so it didn't hold me back from a life where there were people. As awful as it sounded, people tended to avoid the innocent ones.

"If you can't handle it, I will avoid you," I said but he shook his head, "I'll make sure you won't see me."

"I'm worried you won't be able to handle it," He said, shifting. Then, he sighed glancing at my house before turning toward his, "Let's talk about this inside."

"Fine," I said, taking off my seatbelt and getting out of the car. He followed me to the door, unlocked it and allowed me inside. I blinked as he turned on the light.

"Lena," he whispered as I stepped inside his living room, "I don't know if I can do this."

I sighed shaking my head because I knew from the moment he agreed, he would back out, "Okay," I said turning back toward the door.

"You're going home?" He asked, that stupid hope in his voice.

"Well, kind of," I said with a shrug, deciding not to lie because I wanted him to know that no matter how many times he pulled me out of a party, I was determined to do this, "I'm going home to call Lance and he's going to pick me up. He said if you showed up and took me home, I could call him, and he would take me back to the party."

Asher closed his eyes, his hands fisting at his sides, "I'm going to kill him."

"You don't have a right to," I said, realizing Asher was a lost cause and took a step toward his front door.

My hand curled around the handle, but I released it a moment later when he grabbed my arm and turned me toward him. I fell into his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist. I raised my head to stare into his face with a frown. His mouth opened as if he were going to say something but then, a sigh parted his lips and his eyes darkened as all resolve melted away before his lips crashed down on mine.

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