Chapter Thirteen-Asher

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Hello, Lovelies, 

You are all so awesome!  I can not thank you enough for reading, voting, commenting on and adding my books to your libraries.  I know I thank everyone every single time I can but it's because your support does mean that much to me.  I will be doing a double update today. So, please look for the second chapter a little later.

There was little difficulty yesterday with notifications.  People weren't getting them.  I hope they fixed it.  For those who also read Iced, I updated two chapters and for those who read Twisted Souls, surprise, I updated a chapter on a Tuesday!

I also want to thank those who nominated me for The Fiction Awards 2019.  I've never been nominated for anything so it's a HUGE honor.  Thank you so much!  I appreciate each nomination.  I was honestly floored when I saw them.  (In a good way.)

I hope you are enjoying Dirty Little Secrets.  If you enjoy this chapter, please consider voting.  Also, I do like hearing from you.  I read every comment.  So, if you like something, let me know.  If you have a question, ask me in the comments OR send me a message. 

Warnings for this chapter:  Strong language and some caveman tendencies.  If either of these will disturb you, please don't read this chapter.  

-XXXX Amanda

I dedicate this chapter to @AlexAndLaila Thank you for being so kind and supportive.  I hope you like the chapter. 


Lena's vanilla scent lingered on my pillow, tempting me to take her again. I smiled reaching for her only to find her side of the bed cold and empty. I frowned sitting up and glanced around taking in the room dazed and narrowing my eyes as anger slid through me. She'd left me, sneaking out in the early morning probably soon after falling asleep after telling me she would stay the night. This girl was driving me fucking insane.

I lifted my brow, rising from the bed and throwing on my boxers before moving to the window and opening the blinds. I winced when the sunlight hit me, blinking as I narrowed my eyes when I saw her dashing around her room in shorts and a t-shirt, her ear pressed against her phone talking to someone as she shoved her books in her bag.

Pursing my lips, I realized she had grabbed some clothes too, packing them away with her books. I licked my teeth, fighting frustration as I watched her continue to dash around her room. She thought she was going to avoid me but that wasn't going to happen. I bent down grabbing my jeans and put them on. I searched around the room, picking up my shirt and socks before dressing and had to play damn hide and seek with my shoes before I found them beneath my bed. When I pulled them from toward me, I found her panties lying beside them. My lips twitched into a smirk as I stuffed them into my pocket before shoving my feet into my shoes not bothering to tie them before heading out the door.

I noticed Jay's car was gone so I sat at the little table in front of her house, waiting for her to exit her home. Ten minutes passed before she stepped outside. She had yet to notice me when she stepped away from the door.

"Good morning, Lena," I said, smoothly causing her to jump and put her hand over her chest. She grimaced in guilt and surprise.

"Fuck!" she said, turning with wide eyes facing me.

I smiled but it did little to dispel my temper when she took a step away from me. I narrowed my eyes as I shook my head warning her not to flee again. My nostrils flared as my eyes swept over her, remembering every moment with her in a second.

"I think we need to talk," I said, through clenched teeth, "If you would prefer to keep it quiet, I would advise you to come closer."

She glanced over her shoulder as if thinking about running, "I will chase you and bring you back," I hissed, causing her to flinch.

"You wouldn't," she said but her eyes widened.

"You know better," I said, my eyes narrowing further accepting the challenge.

She groaned as she realized I had pulled her from a party by throwing her over my shoulder and took a cautious step toward me. She knew I wouldn't hurt her so I could only assume she didn't want to be near me because she didn't trust herself. I wouldn't let her get away with that.

"Closer," I said, my eyes narrowing further and she shuffled a step toward me, "Closer."

Finally, she moved to the table with another groan, "Why the fuck are you here?" She hissed in a whisper.

I raised my brow, imagining her ass turning red beneath my palm. I had never wanted to spank a girl until I met Lena, "You left," I said, tilting my head, taking her in as I pulled her panties from my pocket and laid them on the table, "Plus, I thought you might want these back though I shouldn't give them back after you fucking ran out on me."

Her eyes widened as she grabbed her panties and stuffed them in her backpack. She turned taking in my face, "Seriously, Asher...You're mad when you would have just kicked me out when you woke up anyway. You do realize how ridiculous that is? Are you simply mad that I left on my own? Do you get a kick out of kicking girls out of your house? That's insane. You know that right?"

"I wasn't going to kick you out!" I snapped, my voice rising loud enough to wake the neighbors and she flinched glancing at the houses around us. I lowered my voice, "I literally asked you to be my...friend last night!"

"I thought we decided not to do that," she said, crossing her arms over her chest trying to look anywhere but at me.

I stood, towering over her and took her chin tilting it up with my fingers. My lips twitched when I saw her eyes dilated and swimming with desire. Her lips parted as she sucked in a breath as her cheeks heightened in color. Whether she would admit it or not, she wanted me as badly as I wanted her.

I tilted my head, keeping my eyes firmly on hers, "But I think it's a mistake not to be...friends," I said, my voice husky as I studied her.

"It's a mistake if we do," her brow furrowing with the effort to keep her body from reacting to me, "Maybe we should talk about this later."

I shook my head because she was still trying to blow me off, "Where are you going?" I said, titling my chin toward her backpack.

"The library," she said, shrugging and I narrowed my eyes because she was telling me a half-truth.

"Nothing that can't wait," I said, grabbing her wrist, "How about we talk now? I'll drive you to the library after."

She opened her mouth to protest but I raised my brow, "Unless you're lying."

She gritted her teeth and then, rolled her eyes, "Fine," she groaned, "We'll talk."

My lips twitched with my success because once she was in my house, I was going to do everything I could to convince her to be with me again.

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