Chapter Thirty-Two-Asher

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Hello, My Lovelies, 

Thank you so much for joining me.  Each of you, have made writing this book a wonderful experience.  It means so much to me that you have taken time to read this story.  

Sequel: I wanted to let you know that the schedule for Dirty Little Tease will be the same as this book's schedule.  I will release a chapter every Wednesday before 5 p.m. Central.  I do hope you will join me for Lance's story.  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting.  Comments are deeply appreciated.  If you have questions, comment or send me a message.  

- XXXXX Amanda


I glanced at the clock for what seemed to be the thousandth time since Lance had texted me that Lena was coming home to talk to me but an hour later, they still hadn't arrived. My thoughts twisted, running through every scenario that could have possibly happened to keep her from coming home. Lance hadn't answered my texts or calls and that terrified me because if she had decided not to come, he would have told me. Dread unfurled snaking through me to settle in my stomach warning me that something bad had happened.

Images of Lena the last moment that I saw her flashed through my mind, angry and hurt. Her eyes glistening with tears that I had caused. All I wanted to do was take those tears away and tell her I loved her. I curled my hand into a fist and hit the wall, tempted to go search for her but afraid if I did and she was simply avoiding me, it would push her further away.

I glanced around the room, trying to find anything that would calm my worries...Something I could hold onto that would remind me of Lena until she arrived. Instead, I winced because the only thing left of her in my apartment were memories, proving how much I had pushed her away. I didn't even have a picture and yet, Ellis had a mark everywhere in this house. I narrowed my eyes, determined to change that because as soon as I got Lena back, I wanted proof of her existence in every aspect of my life.

Shaking my head, I realized I couldn't wait anymore. I moved through the house to my room to grab my keys and my wallet, stopping as I glanced at my bed and there I found the only trace of her. The scent of her was all around me, bringing tears to my eyes once again as I wondered if she had been hurt.

My heart pounded as I made my way to the front door. As I reached for it, my phone finally rang. I sighed in relief as I saw Lance's name flash across the screen.

"Where are you?" I asked without a greeting, the worry clear in my voice. My heart picked up speed when I heard sirens in the background, "What the fuck has happened?"

"Asher," he said, his voice more nasal than usual, "Lena's missing."

"What do you mean she's missing?" I asked, my body trembling.

"She decided to go talk to you but before we were going to leave, she went to the bathroom to wash her face because she had been crying. She didn't return and I went to search for her. When I got to the bathroom, I heard a thud and what sounded like whimpering and opened the door. That asshole, James was holding her," he said, his voice trembling with anger, "I pulled her away from him, but I don't know what happened after that. Some of the people here said she rushed out of the house."

My breaths quickened as my heart raced. I was gripping the phone so tight I was afraid it would break, "How can you not know where she went?"

"I was too busy beating James' ass," he said, the words rushing from him, "I was lucky to find her before the asshole raped her. We've got to find her. I'm scared she's in shock, but the fucking police won't let me leave."

"I'll find her," I said, trying to think of places she could be, but my panicked mind was offering up nothing.

"Call me when you find her," Lance said, his voice trembling with worry, "Let me know she's okay."

"I will," I said and then, hung up stepping outside as I glanced at her house, hoping she had come home but knowing that she didn't.

I took a deep breath because I knew I needed help. My eyes landed on the usually absent car in her driveway and let out a sigh realizing I was going to have to tell Jay that his sister was missing while hoping that he may know where she would have gone.


I knocked on the door to Lena's house swallowing over the panic, but I was sure it was still banked in my expression when Jay opened the door. A frown crossed his brow as his body stiffened.

"Hey, Asher," he said, his voice hesitant as he took in my face, "Man, what's wrong? You don't look good."

"It's Lena," I said, watching his face pale at the mention of his sister's name, "She's missing."

He stumbled backwards, shaking his head, "No, she's at a party with a friend," he said, blinking away the panic momentarily, "I saw her leave."

"That friend is named Lance. He's a good friend of both of ours. She was attacked while in the bathroom at the party by the guy who took her on a date...James. Lance found them. He fought him, but when the fight was over, she was gone," I said, as Jay's eyes narrowed, his pale face reddening with anger, "Some of the people at the party said she ran out of the house."

"Shit!" Jay said, his voice trembling, "Did that asshole ra-"

I shook my head, stopping him before panic could tighten around him even more, "No, Lance saved her before that."

Jay wiped a hand over his face as he took a deep breath, "Did Lance look for her?"

"He couldn't," I said, tears filling my eyes, "The police wouldn't let him leave."

"How long has she been missing?" He asked his hands curling into fists.

"Over an hour," I said, the time causing me to panic all over again, "Do you know anywhere she might have gone?"

Jay shook his head, his brows drawing together as his eyes shifted upwards, "Lately, she's been out at parties," he said, pausing as he gave me a knowing look, "Or with you."

I flinched as guilt swam through me mixing with the panic. Jay frowned and then, nodded his head, "Which is why I thought it was strange that she went to the party with another guy."

A tear fell down my cheek as the agony of his words slashed through my chest. If I hadn't pushed her away, she would have been with me. This would have never happened.

"Fuck! This is my fault!" I screamed, grabbing my hair and pulling as I almost broke down, "I pushed her away and I shouldn't have."

My tears made him pause, the panic subsiding for a moment, "You love her," he said, his eyes moving over me slowly as I realized that he didn't ask. He stated it.

I nodded, "How did you know?"

"Because you are freaking out as bad as I am," he said and then, shook his head, "We've got to calm down and think. Where have you taken her besides the parties?"

"A diner, the movies," I said and then, my eyes widened, "I took her to see Becca in the hospital. Do you have Becca's number?"

Jay nodded holding the door open to let me in, "Try calling Lena while I try to get in touch with Becca and her parents."

I nodded and began to call Lena's phone leaving message after message hoping she would get one of them and call me back but each time my call was sent to voicemail I panicked a little more.

"Come on, Lena," I whispered, "Pick up the phone and let me know where you are."

I closed my eyes, trying to think of anywhere else she could be, so I could bring her home.

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