Chapter Eighteen-Lena

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Hello, Lovelies,

I know this is later than usual.  I had some technical difficulties with the internet on my computer.  I want to thank everyone who has supported me in any way with all of my books.  You are all wonderful and I do love hearing from you.  It really makes my day brighter.  Thank you to everyone who also wished me a happy birthday.  I hope I made your days brighter with the chapter uploads.  I like when I make people smile.  

So, I do have some news.  Sparked is entered in The Wattys 2019.  However, Twisted Souls and this book will also be entered.  I don't know what to expect.  This is my first year.  If anyone else is entered, I want to wish you good luck.  

Also, I would like to thank the talented @_itz_shifana for the cover above.  It will be my new cover.  I will changing it tomorrow.  The only difference is there will be an Authentic Skulls sticker for the contest I'm in.  

Again, thank you all.  You all rock every day!  If you enjoy this chapter, please consider giving that star an orange color.  I LOVE interacting with you so even if you just want to say hi, comment.  I read every comment and try to reply to most.  If you have a question, comment or send me a message.  

My question for you because it's been swirling around my brain: Should Lance have his own book?

-XXXX Amanda


I shifted away from James as he put his arm around me. Though I had repeatedly told him I wasn't looking for anything serious, he didn't seem to get the memo. I was beginning to understand why Asher had to kick those other girls out when they got too clingy after their one night with them. I also understood why it had become tiring enough for him to make me his friend.

I glanced at Asher finding his eyes on me taking in every movement James made toward me with narrowed eyes. I glanced at my phone. It was three in the morning our usual time to leave. I faked a yawn as I glanced up at James as he tried to reach for me again.

"I'm tired," I said, backing up a step from him while trying to keep a pleasant smile on my face, "I think I'm going to go home."

James' grin widened, "I'll take you," he said but I was already shaking my head, refusing him.

"That's okay," I said, taking another step away from him, "Asher always drives me home."

James grabbed my wrist, his brow furrowing as he lost his smile in a way that sent warning bells through my head, "No, I'll do it," his voice deepened carrying a threat not to leave with Asher.

I frowned as I tried to jerk my wrist away, but his grip tightened almost painfully, causing me to wince. James' face hardened even further as he took a threatening step closer to me, causing me to try to cower away from him but he kept moving nearer. Gone was the man who had asked me on a date and had been nothing but kind to me until that very moment. In his place, was an angry, possessive jerk who I was afraid was going to hurt me. Asher's voice broke through the fear snaking up my spine.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, causing James to release me, turning to narrow his eyes at Asher. A warning that he knew exactly what was going on between me and Asher moved through my mind, but I was too terrified of him to heed the warning.

I nodded, swallowing as I resisted the urge to rub my wrist, "Yes," I said, happy that my voice was steady.

"Lena," James hissed through his teeth, his face morphing into one of remorse but I stepped away from him, unable to tell if he was masking who he truly was. Asher's hand on my back, gave me courage to walk away without a second glance as fear of him moved through me making me wonder if I would have problems with him later.


Asher was quiet as we made our way to his house. As he unlocked the door, he glanced at me taking in my troubled face with a raised brow.

"You need to be careful around those frat boys," he said, gritting his teeth, "Most are okay but some of them don't take no for an answer."

I nodded, my stomach twisting as I shifted, wanting to tell him my fear of James in that moment but deciding not to. Asher was my friend, not my bodyguard. He opened the door before we stepped in. As soon as he closed the door, he crowded my body so I pressed my back against the wall. I wasn't afraid of him like I was James. Instead, desire unfurled in my stomach.

"Are we still friends, Lena?" He asked, huskily, his eyes heating.

"We'll always be friends, Asher," My lips twitched when he narrowed his eyes.

"You know what I meant," he said, his voice lowered in warning.

"Are you asking if we're still the best of friends?" I asked and he groaned before I showed any pity on him, "Of course we are...A date does not mean I had sex with him."

As soon as the words were spoken, his lips were on mine. His tongue entered my mouth with such urgency that it stunned me for a moment. His hand slid up my dress, before ripping my panties to shreds.

A hiss slid from my lips as his fingers entered me, his thumb pressing against my clit. I moaned into his mouth as I neared orgasm, but he pulled away before I fell over the edge, making me cry out in frustration.

The sound of the buckle of his belt unfastening reached me. He produced a condom from his pocket before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans allowing them to fall down the floor, followed by his boxers as he toed out of his shoes and socks. He ripped the condom foil open and slid it on his length before pinning me to the wall again.

His eyes met mine and I tensed. There was something desperate and feral banked within them as he wrapped my legs around his waist and entered me roughly, claiming me...branding me. His lips met mine in a bruising kiss as he slammed into me again and again pushing me to the edge. I came hard, gasping for breath but he didn't stop, he didn't slow down. My body tensed as I felt another orgasm slam through me. My body began to shake violently as I moaned his name.

"I love my name on your lips," he said, nipping my bottom lip, determination coating his words, "I'm going to make you say it again and again and again."

He turned with me still wrapped around his body and laid me across his dining room table without breaking away from me. He slammed into me so hard, the table moved, and I gasped with the strength of it. His finger slid between us rubbing my clit. My body tensed as I came again, this time bringing him over with me. He leaned over me and kissed me, his tongue swirling around mine roughly before pulling back as I shivered, my breaths moving in and out of me, rough and labored. I narrowed my eyes. There was something different this time. It was as if he was trying to brand me with each thrust, telling me with his body that I was his and his alone. I shook my head. That type of thinking was dangerous.

"Take a breath...Just one, Lena," he whispered, against my ear causing that dangerous thought to enter my mind again, "Because I'm not done with you yet. I plan on taking you on every surface of this house."

I frowned wondering if he was kidding but that thought died as he pulled his shirt over his head before pressing his lips to mine letting me know that he wasn't kidding...He wasn't kidding at all.

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