Chapter Twenty-Five-Lena

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I hated the hospital. Apart from births, I could not remember a happy occasion for visiting. Sickness and death were everywhere. People crying over the loved ones they feared they would lose or had lost. Wheelchairs and gurneys filled with those who were hoping for relief of the things killing them and that sickening sweet scent of flowers the building shared with a funeral home. Still, I braved the corridors hoping to find Becca in better condition than I imagined.

When I found her room, Becca was still unconscious upon her bed. Her parent's red-rimmed eyes met mine, the sorrow within them crushing my heart as I swallowed over the lump in my throat that was the only thing keeping me from screaming in grief and agony.

"How bad are her injuries?" I asked, frowning as I glanced at her bruised face.

"Broken ribs from the steering wheel, lacerations and a broken wrist," her mother said, frowning, "She also has a minor concussion."

"What happened?" I asked, and though I wouldn't admit it, I feared the answer.

"She went to a party," her father said, his lips trembling with the force of the pain and worry for his daughter, "She left early. From what I understand from the girl who invited her, people started talking to her about Barrett. She was so upset, she squealed tires trying to get out of there. A mile down the road she lost control and careened into a tree."

I gritted my teeth as I glanced at Becca, "How could people be so cruel?" I whispered.

Her father opened his mouth to reply but Becca moaned, "Barrett," she whispered through the haze of her medicine, tears fell from her closed eyes moving down her cheeks.

My aching heart turned to ice as her mother whispered, "Is she ever going to get over him?"

I gritted my teeth as her mother met my gaze realizing what she had said, "Lena, I'm sorry. I know he was your best friend but-"

I shook my head cutting her off as Becca whispered his name again and I turned to her mother, "She loved him," I said, trying to keep my voice low for Becca's sake, "She won't ever fully get over him. I was his best friend and I'll never get over him, but Becca gave her heart to him. So, no...She'll never fully be over him. It's cruel to expect her to be. The best you can hope for is she finds a way to move forward without him, but he'll always be there in her heart and mind. He's not going to just go away."

Her mother flinched, "I-I didn't mean-" But she broke into a sob before she could say anything else. I closed my eyes as guilt filled me. The woman was worried about her daughter, but I had made everything much worse.

I moved toward Becca and gripped her hand, "I'm so sorry, Becca," I whispered as grief pressed down on my chest, "But if I stay, I'll bring more pain. I think it's best if I go."

"You don't have to leave," Her mother said through her tears.

I shook my head, "I am sorry," I said, my sorrow moving through my words, "But I know I'm too upset and if I stay, I will only say things to hurt you worse. Please call me and let me know when she wakes."

Her mother nodded, "Thank you for being a good friend to her."

I nodded but I couldn't' force my lips to curve into a smile, "I will always try to be." I turned to her father, "Tell her I came," I said, raising my tear-filled eyes to gaze at him. He nodded his head once before patting my shoulder as I walked past him to exit the room.

I walked out of the hospital, trying to take a deep breath as I fought to keep the sobs at bay. Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I texted Asher to pick me up. As I waited, I sat on the bench outside the hospital covering my face with my hands and sobbed.


"Lena," Asher's voice washed over me, concern lacing each word.

My body shuddered as I raised my head to look at him. His face was dark as he gripped my hand, pulling me up into his embrace. I inhaled his spicy scent, finding comfort in the warmth of his arms as his lips pressed against my temple.

"Let's get you home," he whispered, his voice oddly husky as if some of my pain had melted into him.

He led me to his car, opening the door for me to get in before closing it. When he got behind the wheel, he glanced at me before driving away from the hospital. Silence moved through the car, but I needed it. Too many emotions were swirling through me. Grief for Barrett...Sadness for Becca and the disastrous feeling of love I had for Asher. All those emotions I tried to stop but they were hitting me twisting through me and landing blows to my heart without mercy.

Time passed but I didn't feel it. It all seemed to blend together in a way that was surreal. My thoughts taking away the flow of it as I stared at my hands clasped in my lap.

"Lena," Asher said softly, "We're home."

I lifted my head, blinking as I realized the car had stopped and he had turned off the ignition. I nodded getting out and moving around it toward my house but Asher stepped in front of me, grasping my cheeks in his hands as he tilted my face towards his. His eyes darkened as they met my gaze, something breaking within them. For a moment, I could almost convince myself that he was in love with me but even in the haze of too many emotions, I knew how dangerous it was to believe that.

"Stay with me tonight," he whispered, his voice hoarse with worry.

I shook my head, "I'm a mess, Asher," I whispered as the pads of his thumbs moved over my cheeks soaking up my tears.

"That's why I want you to stay," he said, frowning, "I can't let you be by yourself...Not like this."

I shook my head again, "I'll be okay."

"No, you won't," he said, his eyes meeting mine again, "And that's why you need this. Let me be there for you. Let me take this pain from you."

I stared at him wishing that I could stop just one of the emotions running through me, but I couldn't. As I nodded and he led me into his house, I knew that instead of stopping one of the emotions, I had just solidified it because no matter what happened after tonight, I was no longer falling in love with Asher. I was in love with him and there was no turning back.

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