Chapter Thirty-Four-Asher

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Hello, My Lovelies, 

Thank you for joining me.  I am so glad to have you here.  Your support of this book and me have been amazing.  I am so thankful for all of you.  

I can't believe it but this is the last chapter!  There will be an epilogue.  Also, I hope you will join me for the sequel, Dirty Little Tease.    

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting.  Comments are deeply appreciated.  They truly keep me going.  If you have a question, please ask in the comments or send me a message.  

-XXXX Amanda


I was going insane as I tried to call Lena again. When it went to voicemail, I screamed in frustration causing Jay to jump. He stared at me with an expression that told me he was close to screaming too.

"Are you sure there is no place that you can think of that she would be besides Becca's?" Jay asked, his brow furrowing.

I shook my head, "No, but I think I'm going to go to the frat house and see if anyone saw which direction she went in."

Jay nodded, "That's a good idea," he said and sighed, "I'm afraid to leave in case she shows up."

"You shouldn't," The thought of her showing up with no one home making my heart ache painfully in my chest, "After what she's been through tonight, someone needs to be here. She's not going to be in good shape."

Jay sighed, "I'm fucking terrified," he said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Me too," I whispered, "But I can't stay here just calling her phone. Do you still have my number?"

"Yeah," he said, raising his brows, "Do you still have mine?"

I nodded, "Call me if she shows up or if Becca calls," I said, near tears, "I'll let you know if I find her."

"Thanks, Man," he said, almost falling apart himself.

"No thanks needed. I love her," I whispered as I headed toward the door, "I need a chance to prove that to her."

"You will prove it," Jay said behind me as I moved toward my car hoping he was right.


I turned into the fraternity house's drive, the lights of the police cars illuminating everything in blue and red. James was sitting in the back of a police car tempting me to beat his ass while Lance was still talking to an officer. Bloodstained his shirt from his busted nose.

I got out of the car, approaching him his swollen eyes were dark in worry. When I glanced at James I was glad to see bruises marring his jaw and lining his eyes as well as blood moving down his jaw from a split lip.

"Are you okay?" I asked, turning back to Lance to keep from dragging him out of the police car and doing something that would end with me being behind bars.

"I'm good," he said, sneering at James, "I took a couple of the fucker's teeth. Have you found Lena?"

I shook my head, "I was hoping someone could tell me which way she went," I said, swallowing over the panic that was threatening to engulf me.

"No one knows," he said, shaking his head, "I've already asked."

I closed my eyes as a tear snaked down my face, "You'll find her," he said, giving me a sad smile, "I know you will."

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