Chapter Seventeen-Asher

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Hello, Lovelies, 

Surprise! I know this is a couple of days early but it's my birthday and I want to give.  So, I'm releasing one of the chapters I was going to release on Wednesday today.  There will still be a release on Wednesday.  I promise.  

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented and added my books to their library.  You do encourage me to keep going.  I appreciate you all so much.  I hope you enjoy this chapter.  

-XXXX Amanda

I dedicate this chapter to @AnneP93 Thank you so much for supporting me.  I hope you like this chapter.  


I woke up and she was gone. I gritted my teeth trying not to let it bother me that she had snuck away while I was asleep...Again. It didn't make sense to me. None of the other girls had left...I usually had to kick them out.

I moved to the window and glanced into her room through the blinds. She was standing in front of her window, glancing at the dress she was wearing. She was going out? I clenched my fist and shook my head. It wasn't my business. It wasn't. At least that's what I told myself until I was standing outside getting in my car and saw James pull up in his black Mustang.

Lena glanced at me and waved, and I forced a smile across my face, "I'll see you at the party later, right?" I called out.

She raised a brow, "Yep...You're still my ride home, remember?"

I nodded once as she got in the car. As he drove away, I gritted my teeth. I wanted to hit something. This couldn't end yet. I wasn't done.

Jay stepped outside a frown across his face as he walked across the lawn toward me, his keys in his hand. He glanced over his shoulder at the retreating car, concern ebbed into his features.

"Hey, Asher," he said, his voice pleasant but the frown still remained on his face.

I froze worried that he had somehow found out about me and Lena. That would be an absolute fucking disaster.

"What's up, Jay?" I asked, trying my best to keep my voice neutral.

He bit his bottom lip, "I'm just worried about Lena."

"Worried?" I asked, frowning as I tried to calm the spinning in my stomach, "Why?"

He shoved a hand through his hair and shrugged, "Just an overprotective brother, I guess," he said and sighed, "Though I'm relieved she isn't stuck in her bedroom and continuing to grieve over Barrett, I'm not used to her going out and I'm definitely not used to her dating."

"Well...She's grown," I said as guilt swirled through me trying not to see what I was doing with Lena as a betrayal but it was. I couldn't deny that "The fact she hasn't really dated means she's behind most of us."

"I know," he said, sighing as he ran a hand through his blond hair, "I just don't want to see her hurt."

Again, that guilt infected me, because I knew from experience that Lena would be hurt...Probably by someone after me because what was between her and I was just sex. Maybe I would have doubted that on her end if she didn't leave my bed to go on a goddamn date with another guy. The fucking thought was depressing. I didn't want things to end so soon with her.

"It's part of life, Jay," I said, swallowing, "We all get hurt. I think Lena can handle it."

Jay smiled, "You're right," he said, giving me a hesitant smile, "I just hope this James guy is gentle with her. After all she's been through, she doesn't need a heartache so soon after Barrett's death."

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