Chapter Sixteen-Lena

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Hello, Lovelies, 

This is a double update.  Please make sure you are on the right chapter.  Sometimes, Wattpad only shows one update.  I just like to give you a little heads-up.  Thank you for joining me again.  If you haven't voted on the new cover, please do so.  It will help me out a lot.  

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented and added my books to their libraries.  I appreciate all of you.  If you find these two chapter entertaining, I hope you consider voting.  If you find something you like or have a question, please comment or message me.  I do love hearing from you.  

Warnings for this chapter: Sex, language, caveman activity, drinking.  If any of these things disturb you, please don't read this chapter.

-XXX Amanda

I dedicate this chapter to all of my silent readers.  I appreciate all of you.  


The music wrapped around me, pumping through my already dull senses. My body swayed as one of the frat boys, James wrapped his arms around my waist. He was cute in a boy next door kind of way with tousled brown hair and hazel eyes. When he smiled there were deep dimples that split his cheeks. However, when he leaned close to me, I felt none of the electricity I experienced with Asher.

"You're fucking beautiful," he said in my ear, his breath heavy with the scent of beer floated across my face causing me to flinch away from him.

"Thanks," I said pulling my body from him, trying to put some distance between us.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, tilting his head.

The truth was I didn't but if it gave me a moment away from him, I was willing to pretend. I gave him a sweet smile and nodded.

"I'll be back," he said, moving through the crowd of dancing bodies.

I closed my eyes and raised my arms, swaying to the music. Hands moved around my waist, causing the electricity to rise in my body. I knew without looking that it was Asher pulling me against him. I swayed my hips, pressing my behind against him causing him to groan in my ear.

"It's 3 a.m.," he said against my skin, "Are you ready to go?"

His hands moved across my abdomen. To anyone at the party, it would simply seem as if he were trying to talk to me in the heightened noise of the crowd but the way his hands dug into my hips told me he was more than a little turned on.

I nodded as desire unfurled in my belly traveling to my core, "I'm more than ready."

His lips twitched almost breaking into a smile before James came back holding two solo cups. His eyes narrowed on Asher.

"Hey, man," he said, raising his brow as his gaze moved between us. Something passed between them that I didn't understand.

"I'm sorry, James," I said, rolling my eyes, "I have to go. Asher is my ride here and my brother will get upset if anyone else drives me home."

James almost sagged in relief causing a sliver of guilt to slide through me because if he truly did like me, Asher was more of a threat than he was assuming.

"Give me your phone," James said, holding out his hand.

I pulled my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and pressed it into his hands. His fingers flew over the keys and a few seconds later, his phone buzzed.

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