Chapter Five-Asher

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A/N: Hello, my lovelies, 

I hope you've enjoyed Dirty Little Secret so far.  Besides a few curse words, there are no real warnings in this chapter.  However, after this chapter, there will be more warnings.  I will try to tell you anything that might be disturbing.  Please read them before each chapter.  I hope you enjoy.  Please remember to vote and comment.  Thank you so much for reading.  -XXXX Amanda


I wanted to bang my head against the damn steering wheel. Why the hell did I offer her a ride? But even before the thought finished forming in my mind, I fucking knew why. I still watched her through the window in the mornings hoping for her happiness to return but it never did. Instead, there is a heavy presence around her. I wish I could take it away but to do that, I would have to be more involved than I already was.

I winced realizing that I invited her to the damn party. I was starting to think I needed to cut out my damn tongue because it seemed to have a mind of its own. It didn't seem as if she would go so my worry was ridiculous. Even if she did, I would introduce her to some of the people I knew and maybe she'll get out of her room. Then, maybe she'll smile.

My gut twisted when I realized she did laugh...At me. She teased me about being a man whore. It shouldn't have bothered me, but it did. Still, I knew I wouldn't change it.

My phone buzzed and I glanced at the display. My friend, Lance's face popped up on the screen. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He has constantly told me he looks better than me with his blonde hair and blue eyes. It had quickly become a competition that we should both give up on before it goes to far.

I answered the phone, "Asshole," I exclaimed as his deep laughter rumbled through my ear.

"Did you have fun last night?" He asked, laughing. With that statement, I knew the girl from last night had already cried to all her girlfriends and Lance had somehow heard about it.

"I told her before we did anything that it was a one and done," I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah...Well, she said she saw you arrive at the library with another girl twenty minutes later," he said, tsking, "That's cold even for me. At least, I wait an hour."

"It's not like that," I said groaning, "She's my neighbor. She needed a ride."

"I'm sure she did," The amusement was clear in his voice.

"Not that type of ride, asshole," I said as my annoyance rose causing me to grip the phone harder in my hand.

"Who was she?" There was too much interest in his voice.

"Lena Montgomery," I said though I didn't want to. I didn't want him anywhere near her but I realized if I didn't tell him, he would find out. Worse, she would become a challenge. He hissed.

"As in Barrett Vanzant's best friend?" He asked, the tone of his voice changing.

"Yeah," I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Yeah...You aren't getting down that pretty one's panties," he said, laughing, "She's a good girl...Definitely too good for the likes of you."

"True," I said, my chest growing heavy again because I knew it was the truth. Even if I wanted a relationship, Lena would always be too good for me.

"Well, that won't stop Chrissy from being catty," he warned, his voice ominous, "She's fucking mean when she's pissed."

My heart clenched. I really should have just left Lena alone. Now, she was going to have a problem because of me.

"Fuck!" I said, opening the door to my car as I tried to remember Chrissy's room number.

"Yeah...You might need to fix that before it comes back on her," Lance said, "Like I said, even I'm not that cold and putting Lena in Chrissy's sights is not something she needs."

I groaned, "I know," I said, shaking my head, "I wasn't thinking."

I gazed at the dorm, "I'll let you take care of that," Lance said, laughing.

"Wait," I said, wincing because I knew he was about to give me another round of shit, "Do you remember her room number?'

Lance choked, "You've got to be kidding."

I winced as he told me. I hung up on him as I went into the building to explain to a girl that I had just been a dick to that I was just doing something nice, hoping she would believe me and leave my sweet neighbor alone. I usually wouldn't have bothered but I didn't want to be the one responsible for Lena's tears.


Chrissy still had mascara streaking her face when she answered the door. I grimaced when her red, puffy eyes narrowed and landed on me.

"Already done with the other girl?" She asked the venom in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, frowning as if I didn't know.

"The girl you took to the library," she said, her voice hoarse from crying, "What did you do? Fuck her in one of the aisles?"

"Lena?" I asked, shaking my head as if she were crazy, "She's my neighbor. She needed a ride. Her brother, Jay is my friend. Besides, I think we both know I last longer than ten minutes," She rolled her eyes and I sighed, "I wouldn't fuck my neighbor. That's too close to home."

That was enough for her eyes to widen as she accepted the excuse, "Because you're an asshole who can't commit."

I shrugged but didn't deny it, "I explained that to you last night," I said, putting my hands in the pockets of my jeans, "You said you understood."

"Why are you here, Asher?" She asked angry again but at least her anger was focused squarely on me and not on Lena.

"I'm not a complete asshole," I said, shifting because there was a part of me that hoped that was true, "You were upset. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay."

"Well, I did," she said, the venom returning to her voice.

I winced because I had not wanted to face her again, "I am sorry your feelings were hurt," I said, shrugging before realizing the motion didn't seem as if I meant my apology.

Chrissy's eyes narrowed again, "Well, I don't forgive you," she said, raising her chin, "You don't deserve anyone's love. I hope you die alone."

I opened my mouth to reply but she held up her hand, "Just leave," she said, snarling, "You're a waste of my time."

Then, she slammed the door in my face. As I headed out of the dorm, I wondered if Lena would need a ride home but shook the thought from my head. She would get an Uber or have her brother pick her up. I gritted my teeth trying to convince myself that Lena Montgomery was not my problem.

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