Epilogue- Lena

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Hello, My Lovelies, 

Oh my goodness!  This is the end of Dirty Little Secrets!!  Thank you so much for supporting this book!  It means so much to me because there was a time when I worried that my stories would never be read and enjoyed. It means so much that they are.  

Please read the author's note at the end.  It contains information and questions I've been asked.  If it's not up yet, give me a few minutes and it will be.

I hope you enjoy you enjoy the epilogue.  If you do, please consider voting.  Comments are deeply appreciated.   If you have a question, comment or send me a message.  I adore you all.  

-XXXX Amanda


-2 years later

I stared out over the reception area, taking in everyone dancing and laughing. Asher pulled me close, his lips moving over mine, his love for me evident in every brush of his lips and every touch.

The tinkling sound of a champagne glass being tapped with a knife rang through the air. We broke from our kiss to see Becca beautiful as ever standing at the microphone.

"Get the bride and groom glasses of champagne. It's time for the toasts. Jay brought us glasses as we turned back to Becca.

"I want to congratulate you both," she said, her eyes sparkling as she raised her glass in her left hand, "Asher, you have gotten the best girl in the world," she said, her eyes filling with tears, "She's kind and beautiful and loving. She's become the best part of my family. Lena has helped me through hell, holding my hand the whole time," she said, as tears burned my eyes, "I love her. She's my sister. I know you'll treat her well. I don't doubt that anymore because through your love for her I have learned to love you as a brother too. So, I wish you happiness, health, lots of love and lots of babies. Just remember to name the first one after me."

We raised her glasses as he leaned close, "You hear that lots of babies," he said, wiggling his brow, "So, that means lots of practice."

I smiled as he kissed my lips, "We've been practicing," I said, laughing as he pulled me closer to him.

"Okay...The best man's toast," Jay announced, causing Asher to groan.

"You chose to make him the best man," I said, laughing, "You did this to yourself."

We turned as Lance tapped his glass, grinning, "Lena Montgomery...Well, Courtland now. I really can't believe you took his last name," he said, causing Asher to narrow his eyes, "Okay. You should mark this down on a calendar because I won't compliment him again. Lena, Asher may have seemed rough around the edges when you first got together but he's kind and giving and one of the best friends a guy can ask for even considering," he said, giving him a grin, "You can't blame yourself for something you didn't know. Whether I admit it or not often, Asher has been there for me and continues to be there for me. I know we argue but he's my brother. Continue to love him. He deserves love more than anyone I know. Continue to be there for him and he'll always be there for you because I've never seen him so in love with someone. That's for life. If he ever does screw up, I'll punch him for you but I don't think I'll ever have to. I love you both," he raised his glass in his left hand, "I wish you love and hope and laughter and those babies that Becca mentioned but don't name your first after her. Name it after me."

Becca flipped him off, "Anytime you're ready, doll," he said, wiggling his brows.

She shook her head, laughing, "Not happening."

I chuckled as I turned to Asher, "I'm aiming for her with the bouquet."

"Oh good," he said, grinning, "Because I'm aiming for him with the garter."

"Ten bucks says they'll dodge them," Asher laughed, "But I'm aiming for the face."

"Me too," he said, laughing as he kissed my forehead, "That smile looks beautiful on you," he said, caressing my cheek, "Are you happy, my beautiful wife?"

I smiled, "I am, my handsome husband."

"Good," He said, kissing the tip of my nose, "I aim to make you happy every day. As long as I can do that, I'll be happy forever."

Then, he pressed his lips to mine and I knew that no matter how our relationship started, he was always meant to be mine and I was always meant to be his.   

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