Part I

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It was another boring day. Y/n was contemplating going into work even though she was sick. When she started showing signs of a cold the day prior, Sammy, her supervisor of sorts, told her to go ahead and take the day off.


"Y/n, if you really don't feel well then just go ahead and take the day off. If you don't get better by tomorrow than I'll just have someone else fill in on the piano for the recording. Sure they won't be as good, but.. "
He paused and gave a small smile.
"Are you sure? I really don't mind. "
"You know Joey wouldn't be happy if there was coughing in the background of his animation."
Y/n smiled and nodded. "Yeah.."
He wrapped his arms around his sick colleague in a tight but gentle embrace. He then leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Get better my little sheep."

-end flashback-

She rolled over and sighed into her pillow.
"Since I'm getting slightly better I should go in tomorrow. I've already missed two days. I just hope I haven't missed anything interesting. With the way people have been quitting, the place will probably be abandoned when I get back. "
She stared at the ceiling with curious thoughts of what life has in store, and eventually she started to fall asleep.
The next day y/n woke around 7 and got ready for another day at the dark and musty studio. On the way she stopped at the bakery and got an extra cinnamon roll for Sammy since he let her stay out an extra day.
She walked in to the studio only to be greeted by emptiness.
"Wait.. Maybe we got today off and I just wasn't told."
A simple explanation like that was enough for her. Y/n went downstairs to the music department, which was eerily empty too. She poked her head into Sammy's office hoping he would be there while everyone's off like he usually is, but she was disappointed by her discovery. Well since there was nothing else to do, y/n decided to practice a song she wrote.
The piano keys plinked loudly and echoed throughout the seemingly vacant building. Even though the place was empty, y/n didn't feel out of place, since she normally was always sitting in the corner playing the piano by herself. The only person that ever talked to her was Sammy, and that was only like once a week at most. He was usually doing paperwork, writing music, teaching everyone their parts, all that 'fun' stuff. But it seemed like anytime he had a free second he was watching y/n from the corner of his eye.

-another flashback-

It started as occasional glances, but one day everyone went home early, but y/n didn't feel like going back to her crampy apartment so she stayed in the music room, playing around with the different instruments. Sammy had also stayed after trying to catch up on extra work. At one point y/n was playing her favorite song on the piano. The song moved a bit faster than she could, so she missed a few keys and eventually just stopped out of frustration. When she glanced back she noticed the shadow of someone standing outside of the music room. It seemed like the shadow noticed that she stopped playing and poked its head around the door. When it saw her staring back, the shadow shyly stepped out of the shady hallway and revealed his face.
"Oh.. Hey, Sammy.. " y/n said,feeling a little bit awkward at the sight of company. He approached the piano slowly, making it appear as if he was feeling as awkward as she did for getting caught listening to her play.
"It seems you are having trouble with that piece."
Y/n just shrugged and made a fake smile. "Yeah.. I guess it sounded pretty bad.. Sorry if I was disturbing your quiet... I know your busy with work and everything. "
He seemed a little shocked at what she said. "You didn't disturb my work at all, in fact I needed some good music to help me concentrate. And that was some of the most beautiful playing I done ever heard. If you'd like, I'll teach you how to better play that song."
"Really! I would definitely love that!" y/n said excitedly, but quickly regained her composure after.
Sammy gave a smirk that seemed to say that he thought her outburst was adorable. "Well that's my favorite song so it would be fun to play it with someone else."
"Hey that's my favorite song too!"
They spent hours together that day, talking about interest and songs. The rest of the day they spent quietly playing the piano, creating a few new songs that required both of them to keep a steady, fast, tempo. It was like they were soulmates, not that it meant much. A soulmate is just someone you are destined to meet and be with the rest of your life, whether it's a best friend or a significant other. Either way they were just happy with each other's company. Nothing else mattered in that moment.
Y/n missed that day. She counted it as the best day in her twenty one year old life. She quietly hummed the tune to one of the songs her and Sammy wrote. She then decided to play their favorite song, hoping deep deep down that he would show up and play it with her again. Halfway through it she messed up.
"Might as well go back home.." she said with a sad tone. As she headed back to the stairs, she heard a moan from somewhere behind her.
The only response she got was a barely audible cry. Y/n started feeling a bit creeped out and started to walk down the hallway a bit quicker. She turned the corner and ran into a tall dark figure. With the built up suspense and the sudden impact she let out a shocked scream, that didn't really sound like a scream since her voice cracked.
"Wow, y/n, you okay?"
She stood there shocked and shaken. She finally realized that she was in a fimiliar warm embrace.
"Shh, it's okay my little sheep," he said stroking her hair. "It's just me." She looked up into Sammy's dull blue eyes. They were almost grey but somehow they were bright and calming.
".. Sammy?"
Y/n was still a bit shaken and remained speechless.
"Oh come on I'm not that scary, y/n. What are you doing here anyway? Didn't anyone tell you we had today off for maintenance?"
She simply shook her head, and started tearing up.
"Wow, Y/n, are you okay?" She just buried her face in his chest.
Next thing she knows she being picked up and carried back down the hall towards the music department. He brought her into his office and set her down on a cushiony couch. Sammy sat down behind y/n, still cradling her in his arms. He started humming a soft tune and rocked her back and fourth.
♫ "Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. I've got you safe and sound. No need to be scared, your shepard won't let anything happen to you."♫

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