The Sequel.. pt.1

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Y/n sat alone in the plain white room she'd grown all to familiar with. Wally visited her any chance he could, but when he started his own mechanics shop, the visits became less frequent. Eventually she urged him to stop coming by, and that visiting her in the old mental institution was just a waste of his time. Y/n was sixteen when she first met the love of her life, and nineteen when she lost him. It had been almost ten years since Joey had her locked up, and she was now twenty seven. She quickly learned how to pretend things were fine, but her night terrors always made it seem like she was suffering from PTSD. The only ticket to her freedom was cooperation, fake innocence, and no sleep. Y/n had forced herself to stay up every night to prevent the nightmares. She also pretended to forget all about Joey Drew, Sammy Lawrence, Bertrum Piedmont, and Susie Campbell. It pained her so much know that somewhere in that old studio, Sammy was slowly losing himself in an inky madness, and all she could do was pretend not to know.. 

"Mrs. Y/n." She looked up as the doctor. "Here is your old clothes. Have a nice rest of your life." he said leaving the room. She jumped at the sudden arms around her. "I finally was able to get enough money to pay them to let you go! Sorry it took so long toots."
"Wally! I thought you had actually given up on me like I told ya to!"
"Now why would I do that? I did decide to stop visiting you to work, but I wasn't gonna abandoned ya here. Plus I was working to get money for you ta get out."
"I really owe you my life!" she said hugging him. 

They left, y/n wearing her old outfit. "It's amazing how much things have changed, huh?" Wally said watching y/n stare out the truck window. Everyone has an automobile now, and ya never see any horse drawn carriages."
"I hate how big the city's gotten. No trollies either.." They drove until they reached Sammy and y/n's old house. "You kept the old place in good condition." "Yep. It's way better than that old crappy old apartment I lived in before. I made sure to keep it in the same shape ya'll left it."
One of the things Wally did for his old friend was pay the taxes on her and Sammy's old house. He had been using the small guest room so he didn't have to pat extra for his old apartment. 
The first thing y/n noticed when she walked in was the grand piano. When she looked at it, she swore she could see Sammy sitting at it, playing any random song that came to his mind. His longish hair slicked back on the sides, and his bright eyes flashed as he smiled at her.
"They didn't have a piano back there.. I thought I'd go mad without one." She sat down and began to play that song that had remained dear to her heart. Wally watched in amazement as she carelessly plinked at the keys, the whole house being filled with the piano's grand echo. She eventually reached the part where she'd have to have Sammy help her play. Trying to keep the fast tempo, her finger slipped, and hit the wrong key. Y/n jumped at the sudden imperfection, feeling her beloved's absence once again. 
"I hate not having him here to help with that.." 
"I know something to help you cheer up!" Wally said, grabbing her hand and pulling towards her old room. On the dresser sat a one of the copies of that iconic picture Susie had taken. That picture of y/n bent over, her back in one of Sammy's arms, his other hand on her cheek, as he passionately kissed her. She hugged the picture, tears starting to falling down her face. 
"But uh, toots.. There's somethin' else I wanted ya to see.." He opened the closet, and inside was a makeshift shrine. 
"The hell Sammy?" she whispered as she folded the old picture into her pocket. Suddenly she remembered how in all of her nightmares Sammy seemed to be worshiping Bendy. "I guess there was things not even you knew about the guy.."
"Suppose so.." she let out a long sigh. "The studio. We need to go back."
"I don't know y/n.. What if we went back and found nothing? What if we were just caught up in some big misunderstanding?" 
"Well we'd never know unless we went back and found out. Besides, what is there to misunderstand? Susie was never found after that night at the pub, or the fact that everyone at the studio that day never came home. Especially Sammy.. Wouldn't you like to know what happened to the 'fallen idol'?" Wally sighed in defeat. "I can drive you there, but I'm not going in there." 
"I'm fine with that." she said, longing for the time lost to the old place. 

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