Part XIX

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"What the.."
Y/n looked around the dark room.
"Where I am I?" She said scratching the back of her head, which didn't feel right. Instead of feeling her hair, she could feel a thick and cold liquid.
"What the hell is this?!" She pulled her hand back to reveal the dark inky mass sticking to it.
"Eww!" She tried shaking it off, but it was to thick, causing it to stick to her hand. She looked around the dark room again, realizing that there was a burst pipe right above her head.
"How the hell did I end up here?"
"Probably the same way we all did."
She jumped at the sudden voice and looked up at a someone emerging from an ink splatter on the wall.
"What! I'm not that little freak!"
"Alaska shut up! You know he hates it when someone talks about the cartoon like that!"
Y/n watched as another figure emerged from the splatter. The pair were looked like normal teenagers, but their hair was made of ink. The one, who she thought was a girl because of her name even though she wasn't dressed like a girl, had devil horns coming from her inky hair, and the boy who followed behind her had a pair of perked ears that matched his Boris look. They both shared similar face features making them seem like they're twins, but it could of just been their white complexion and black hair. 
"Who are you?"
"We could ask you the same thing. Normally when people break in here they fall in that giant hole Henry made." the girl said.
"Wait, I thought Henry quit right before Bertrum came."
"Who and what now? I only know Henry from running into him a few times when he helped me find this idiot, but I know nothing of a Bertrum. Whoever he is he can't be worse than that stupid ass demon."
"Don't call him such a mean word!"
"Did you join Sammy's weird religion or somethin'?"
"Wait Sammy! Where is he?"
The twins looked over at her in shock.
"You know Sammy?"
They glanced at each other and then back at y/n.
"She's not an ink person, so she can't be one of the workers."
"Well maybe she's a defect like us."
"But she's got color."
"I dunno. The ink machine might just have gotten worse at making living cartoons since we got pushed into it."
"That would explain why she's under a burst pipe and covered with ink."
They nodded in sync as if it was a perfect explanation.
"Oh Lycan!~♫" a familiar voice sang.
"Yeah Susie?" The boy replied.
The Alice/Susie y/n had saw in one of  her previous dreams turned the corner.
"Have you seen my-" she stopped and starred at her.
"You know her?"
"Why do you look exactly the same as you did back then? How are you even here? I thought.." Susie walked up to y/n and helped her up.
"I really have no idea how I got here. Last thing I remember was lying on the couch in Sammy's office."
"Wait, there's no couch in Sammy's office."
Susie looked over her shoulder. "Not anymore. It caught fire when Sammy dropped a cigar on it."
"Sammy doesn't smoke." Y/n blurted out innocently.
"Well he did up until the point we were all turned into this. But that was a good thirty something years ago."
"Good god y/n! Ya didn't have to scream in my ear!"
Lycan covered his pointed wolf ears.
"I'm not even thirty years old!"
Susie starred at her, a look of confusion in her eyes.
"Y/n, what year is it?"
"Nineteen twenty-eight."
Alaska walked up to y/n and poked her in the forehead. "Did ya bump your head or somethin'? I was born in forty one, and I'm fifteen. You do the math."
"That would make it.."
"Nineteen fifty-six. Y/n, how the hell did you get here?"
"I-I don't know.."
"This confirms my theory that shadow figures are time travels and not actually ghost!"
"Shut up, Alaska. Your obsession with paranormal stuff is what got us stuck here in the first place!"
"Just wait till Halloween! We're gonna scare all the kids, little or our age!"
"Can it! You two idiot twins go tell Sammy to meet us in his sanctuary, and do not, I repeat do not, let him know anything about y/n. Got it?"
They nodded and Lycan jumped into a puddle, while Alaska walked backwards, giving a solute before stepping back into the puddle.
"How did they-"
"Don't question it. They've been hanging around your boyfriend, well technically long forgotten fiance to long. I don't know how he does it, but he loves to watch everyone through the walls. Now, we need to figure out how you ended up here."
Susie grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her upstairs.
"So does the music department look the same?"
"Yeah, wait no. The board was a little different, and there was less ink."
"Yep. Sounds about right."
She released y/n's hand and motioned for her to follow. They walked into the music room and up to the closed gate.
"Hey Sammy, you have a visitor!"
"Go the fuck away Susie!"
"Well trust me it's worth it."
"Nothing is fucking worth it anymore. We're all damned to this inky hell for all eternity and there's nothing, and especially no one that is worth seeing anymore."
"Sammy you stupid idiot just open the door!"
Y/n smiled and ran to the piano, and started to play her and Sammy's favorite song. After she finished the first part she ran over to the violin and picked up from there. Susie watched in amazement as y/n raced between instruments and played each part. When she finished she stopped and waited for the sound of the door opening.
"That was cool, but how does that help us?"
"His favorite song is the password to his sanctuary."
"Well it didn't work."
Y/n looked around the room looking for whatever she missed.
"Crap! I forgot to turn the projector on!" She sighed and walked over to the door and banged on it.
"Hey Sammy Lawrence! You better let me in! I am not doing all of that over again."
She listened, but was greeted by nothing but silence. She turned around, and when she looked up, she could see a shadowy figure with a Bendy mask peeking around the corner of the loft.
Y/n smiled and ran to a chair, and stood on it so she could get a better view of the shadowy Sammy.
"Hello there handsome."
"Y/n? How are you here? I thought you were taken.. and you were gone forever..."
She tried to climb up to where he was, but fell. She braced herself for impact but was caught before she hit the ground.
"I've missed you so much! How have you been my little sheep?!"
He glared at her for a second, but then she could see a smile form under his mask.
"I love you so much."
"Ugh, sappy love shit."
"Shut up! It's adorable!"
"I swear you were supposed to be a girly girl, Lycan."
"Come on guys, we should leave them alone. I still need help putting Boris back together."
Y/n watched as the three left.
"You all look just like you did in my dreams, but you're not trying to kill me. I'm so confused. Susie said it was nineteen fifty-six, but last thing I remember was falling asleep in your office on the couch because I was sick."
"Well, that used to happen a lot, but it was a long time ago. You've seen me a good lot since then."
"No, I was just lying there starring at the ceiling, and I think I remember closing my eyes, and then I woke up under a burst ink pipe and those two found me."
Y/n couldn't tell what expression he was making because of the mask. She went to move it and he shoved her back.
"Don't touch that.. You wouldn't like what you'd find underneath anyways."
"I love you, and I love seeing your face."
"Please.. Just take my word for it.."
"Well how am I supposed to kiss you then?"
He looked at her with that creepy Bendy face.
"Besides that thing is unnerving."
He sighed and slowly pulled the mask away. She starred into the holes where his eyes once were. His whole face was just an inky outline of his skull. Her beloved Sammy had been diminished to an a dark corpse.
"What did they do to you?" Y/n said placing her hand on his cheek.
He leaned into her hand like a cat, enjoying every little bit of contact she had with him.
"Don't you remember anything, my little sheep?"
"I told you, I fell asleep on the couch and then- Wait.. I'm dreaming again! That explains everything! Quick find a way for me to wake up!"
"Um, y/n.. This isn't a dream. You're in Joey Drew Studios a good twenty to thirty years after it closed. Don't you remember anything at all? That day you came looking for me and saw what happened when I was thrown into that machine, how I ended up like this. That painful moment I had to watch Wally pull you away from me? I know it hurt like hell to me, but did it mean nothing to you?"
"Sammy I-"
"What about the night that.. That night we lost our child?"
Y/n felt a chill strike through her.
"What.. No.. No this is just a dream. I'm not going to lose it, I'm just scared of that happening because of how happy you were when Susie told you this morning. Yeah that's it! I already know I'm dreaming so that's all! Come on y/n, time to wake up now!"
"For the last time! You're not dreaming, and all that happened! Don't you remember?!"
He pinned her against the wall and pulled up her shirt.
"Doesn't that scar remind you of.. Where's the scar? The doctors said it wouldn't heal.. The hell?"
Sammy let her go and starred at her.
"I'm telling you, none of the things you mentioned have happened! I still don't get why you're all saying the studio closed thirty years ago when I used to work there! How can a nineteen year old be a worker at a studio that closed thirty years ago?!"
"How old am I?"
"Twenty one?"
"What year is it?"
"I don't even know?! I thought it was nineteen twenty-eight but you all keep saying it's fifty something and.."
She slumped down the wall crying.
"Come to think of it, you look very young for a fifty year old woman.. This is most definitely odd.. Y/n, what if all your dreams were you traveling into the future? I mean that would explain how they could always predict what was gonna happen to us."
She lifted her head and met his empty gaze. "So.. Am I really gonna lose you to some machine?"
Sammy looked down. "I'm sorry I never listened to you. I shoulda quit when Susie went missing just like you said. I'm a fool for not listening to you. I was just under so much stress, and Joey used that against me, I guess. I mean bloody hell, I started worshipping a cartoon."
Y/n giggled. "So did you really start a Church of Sammy like we were joking around about that one time. Gosh that was a good few months ago, I almost forgot about it."
"Wasn't that the same night that I.."
She nodded, knowing that he still felt guilty for that.
"I'm still sorry about that, my little sheep."
She stood up and wrapped her arms around the inky mass that was once Sammy.
"I could never hate you, no matter what."
He wrapped his arms around her.
"It feels good to be able to hug you again. If I could tell my past self anything, it would be to always give you hugs, even when you hate the world, 'cause one day you'll lose her."
"No. I'm always gonna be here with you.. Always."
His inky body was cold, but the longer she stayed in his embrace, the warmer it got. Y/n could feel herself growing tired and light headed. The only thing she could think to do was mutter a simple, "I love you." before her mind went completely dark.

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