Part VII

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Sammy woke to y/n sleep talking in her sleep again.
"Hey, shh, it's okay.. It's just another nightmare."
"Sammy I'm sorry.." she muttered.
"It's ok my sheep, everything's fin-"
"I said I'm sorry! I don't wanna die like this! I didn't mean to escape earlier either I swear!"
"Wait what.."
He started to be intrigued by what she was saying, and a little bit concerned.
"I didn't leave you, and if I did I'm sorry but that doesn't mean sacrificing me will help!"
"Hey y/n-"
"I thought you said you loved me! If you truly love someone you'd never hurt them, right?"
Sammy suddenly thought back to earlier that day.
"That's right.. I love you more than anything my little sheep.. And yet I lost my temper and took it out on you.. Damn I hate myself.." Tears started to gather at his eyes.
"If you want me to be completely honest, I'm terrified of you. If you were just gonna kill me anyway then why didn't you just let her do it?"
"Holy shit.. This whole time.. Were all the nightmares about me?"
He thought back to earlier that week when she first ran into him in the hallway. "What if she freaked out because of me? This whole time, I thought I was gonna protect her from the world, but I just made her feel like I was cornering her into doing what I want because she was scared of me.. And today I gave her a reason to be scared of me.."
He sat on the edge of the bed, holding half his face in his palm.
Sammy listened the y/n's heavy breathing behind him. He could hear her sobs, which felt like fire in his skin.
He turned to face her, but when he did, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
She looked up into his face and realized he was crying.
"Wait what's wrong?"
"You know.. I thought you knew.. I love you okay! If you were scared of me the whole time why didn't you just tell me? You know I would have left you alone, right?"
"Sammy what are you talking about?"
"I'm an idiot for not noticing earlier.."
"What? You're not making any sense!"
"You talk in your sleep.."
She sat there and took in what he just said. Then she realized everything.
"What no! The person in my dreams isn't you! It's this weird ink person who keeps trying to sacrifice me to this Bendy demon. Each night another person pops up like tonight it was Susie and.." She started crying more.
"I promise what ever I said isn't about you!"
"but it's all true.. Isn't it?"
"What no, I don't know!"
He sat there thinking everything over.
"I should have noticed sooner, maybe then you wouldn't be having these stupid nightmares.. That night you screamed my name and I woke you up, tell me.. Were you yelling for me to help you, or were you trying to get away from me?"
Every bit of what he just said made y/n's heart sink. "It's not.. like that.." she looked at her hands which were now clenching the bed sheet.
"Sammy, I love you.. I always have.. It was the best day of my whole life when we first actually talked and played the piano together. I wanted that to happen every day for the rest of my life. Whatever my fucking nightmares are doesn't involve the actual you.. It actually seems to me that I'm more scared of losing you than I am of you hurting me. Even if you did I wouldn't care. My heart made up its mind when I first walked into the studio and saw you. You seemed very composed and tough, but inside I could see that goofy nitwit who loves hugs. I looked at you that day and wished I'd be yours. It felt amazing when you actually treated me so nicely compared to your usual cold bitterness to the others."
"What about now?"
"Now.. well.. I'm scared.. You're just going to get bored of having me around like everyone else. Whatever the fuck we may have.. I'll just be happy with you around, even if you grow to hate me."
He smiled at her.
"I guess whatever god is actually out there really did bless me with you. But it seems like sometimes sacrifices have to be made, and if that involves me never talking to you again and you being safe, then I'll do it-"
"No! I couldn't live with myself if you blamed yourself for me or if you just stopped talking to me! Please just get this stupid idea out of your head." she said as she placed her head on his chest.
No matter what she said it wouldn't matter. He had his mind made up. Sure it'd hurt like hell, but he'd have to at least try to push the dark thoughts out of his head, and stay with her.
"Hey have you gals seen how weird Joey's been acting?"
"Yeah, it's kinda starting to creep me out. I mean he had to be really off his rocker to hire Allison."
"Susie shut the hell up!" The burly man next to Allison said.
"Aww look Allison! Tom is actually sticking up for you! Looks like your boyfriend actually likes you back!"
It seemed like everywhere y/n went people were talking about Joey and his weirdness. Some were hopping he'd explain everything in the meeting that afternoon.
The only thing she could focus on was Sammy.
"Fuck these nightmares." she muttered.
"Do what?"
She looked up to see Susie in front of her.
"Aren't you supposed to save that word for your boyfriend?" Y/n just shrugged, obviously tired and a bit depressed.
"Relax I'm just joking. What happened, you look worse than I feel."
"A lot of things.. "
She grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.
"Sammy didn't do anything to you did he?"
"That doesn't sound very sure. Come on we're gonna go talk to him. "
"Wait I don't think that's a good idea.."
But it was too late to deter the pissed Susie.
"Sammy!" she yelled as she kicked in the door to his office, causing him to drop his paper work, and a few other things. She then pulled y/n in the room, still gripping her wrist tightly.
"What did you do to my tiny fuckin cinnamon roll!"
"Susie, what the hell do you want? Can't you see I'm busy!"
She pulled y/n over and shoved her into the chair in front of his desk.
"What did you do? Look at this! She's super sad and I know you had something to do with it!"
"Well if she has a problem involving me, then she could say something to me. Which means that it is none of your business."
"Well we already tried you two working things out so now it's my turn."
Y/n got up from the chair and helped Sammy gather the papers he dropped from the Susie explosion.
"You know I can do this myself." he whispered.
"Yeah but still."
She went to grab a stack of scattered papers and ended up cutting her hand on something.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, guess it's a paper cut.. "
"Y/n you don't need to help him clean up his mess!"
"Oh well." she said still picking the papers up. That's when she saw it. A piece of glass feel out of the tiny stack she was holding.
"Guess it wasn't just a paper cut. "
Sammy looked up from his pile and felt a rush of panic.
"Hey give me your hand. " She did as he asked, and he took the glass out of her other hand. "Definitely too deep to be paper. I'll go get some bandages from the medic room."
"Nope. " Susie said blocking his way.
"I don't trust you. You probably put that glass there so you could sneak away!"
"That doesn't even make sense!"
"Will you two shut up!"
"If you really don't trust him then we'll all go. Is that fine with you two?"
They both nodded, of course Susie's was a 'whatever' nod, but it counted.
They went down the stairs and y/n sat on the small bed.
"Little weird that you found that glass don't ya think?"
"What if he was gonna stab you with it.. But he'd need a good motive.. Wait! Did he get you pregnant?!"
Sammy looked back to see what the commotion was about, but y/n just face palmed while Susie gave him the death stare.
"Well that's what happens in the murder shows." she whispered.
"Will you shut up already. "
"Ok let me see your hand."
She once again gave it to him. "This is gonna sting like hell, just a heads up."
Which it did, causing her to wince a bit.
"What is that? Is it poison?"
"It alcohol you dumb ass."
"We've been over this. No one's killing anyone." y/n said with an elongated sigh.
"I still don't trust him."
Y/n watched as he wrapped up her hand, and noticed something a tad bit off.
"Hey Sammy, how'd you get that cut on your wrist?"
"Oh.. Um.. I don't know." he said pulling his sleeve up.
She grabbed his arm and pulled down his sleeve to reveal a lot of deep cuts.
"Is this.. because of me?"
"sorry.. "
They both stared at the floor. Even the never shutting up Susie didn't know what to say.
"It was just a dream.. And nothing about it seemed real. I mean Susie was a deformed Alice Angel, and you were some sort of ink dude who worshiped a demon who looked like Bendy. I promise I don't hate you for what happened the other day at all.
Please just don't do this again."
"So at least we figured out what the glass was for."
"Can you leave us alone now?"
"My mystery was solved so might as well."
After she left, Sammy sat down next to y/n.
"I'm sorry.. But I just can't stop blaming myself.."
"Well if it makes yo feel better I'm blaming myself now."
He looked over at her, looking like he was going to cry again.
"How about we put this all in the past and go back to how things used to be.. Or at least, why can't that be easier.." she said.
"Well I might be able to do a small something to help.. "
He gently grabbed her chin and pulled it closer to him. "I love you, my little sheep." was all he said, before kissing her.

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