Part III

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Y/n's shift was finally over after the long day that she had. She couldn't find Sammy so she was just gonna head home, but as she was walking out the door she noticed Sammy leaning on the outside wall of the building. He had his hands in his pockets and he was looking at the ground.
"Hey Sammy!" y/n said as she walked up to him. He looked up at her with tired eyes.
"Hey you alright?" she said feeling his forehead.
"I'm fine." he growled.
"You have a small fever, do you want me to stop by the drug store and-"
"I said I'm fine."
"Did something happen?"
"I said I'm fine!"
"Sorry.." Y/n said feeling a bit upset by the fact that he yelled at her. She had pushed the nightmare out of her head, and just considered it a bad dream and nothing more.
"Well I'm gonna go home, just promise me you'll do something about that fever."
Sammy didn't say anything, he just stared at the grass with a look of hate in his eyes.
She started to slowly walk away, but she wanted to tell him that everything would be fine and thank him for everything he's done for her, but anxiety pushed y/n onward to her apartment. She turned back and looked at Sammy and saw half his trousers were covered with ink. Some of it was splashed on his face.
"Man.. I really wanna do something.. I mean look at everything he's done.. It wouldn't hurt to ask one more time.. right?" She turned around and walked back up to her friend and lifted his chin so his eyes met hers. It actually startled him.
"Listen here mister, you have gone out of your way to care for me, and you always make sure I didn't feel lonely. This is my turn to do something for you. Got it?"
He just stared at her, shocked. She glared at him for an answer, which of course she wouldn't take no for answer.
Sammy tilted his head up to the left and rolled his eyes.
"Great! Come on your coming to my place with me and I'm gonna help you get that ink outta ya hair!"
She grabbed his hand and started pulling him up the road. Y/n didn't notice how red Sammy's face was.

Neither of them said anything on the way to her apartment. Y/n didn't even notice that she was still holding Sammy's hand.
She walked up the stairs and unlocked the door.
"Home sweet home!" she said excitedly.
"This is where you live? I thought you still lived with you parents."
"What? No. I moved out when I found out I got hired at Joey's studio. This was the only place I could afford, but it's not so bad."
There was a kitchen, bathroom, and a single bedroom.
"It's kinda small.."
"Well ya know what,I think it's not that bad."
He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards the stairs.
"What the hell-"
"You're moving in with me. I have a guest bedroom that you can stay in if you want."
"Um.. I didn't agree to this."
"Well I didn't agree to coming here now did I?"
"Can I at least grab my things?"
Y/n ran in and grabbed the few things that were actually important to her and put them in a box.
"You sure it won't be any trouble?"
Sammy picked up her box and smiled at her. "Nope. I told you before, you're my little sheep. As a shepard it's my job to tend to the needs of my flock."
"But I'm fine living here."
"If you didn't want to move then why did you pack a box of stuff?"
"I felt like you weren't leaving me a choice."
"Look how smart my little sheep is!" he said in a pet voice and patted her head.
"You're annoying ya know that."
"Aww I love you too. "
Y/n immediately started blushing. After Sammy realized what he said he started blushing too.
Y/n was amazed but not surprised by Sammy's house. It was a single floor house, but it was huge compared to her apartment. There was two bedrooms, a bathroom, a smallish kitchen, and a parlor. The parlor had a grand piano in the center. "Wow." y/n said as she ran her fingers over the top of it.
"Yeah it was my grandmother's." he said through a yawn.
"This is the guest room. I'll just put your box on the bed."
The sudden realization that she could have another nightmare hit y/n.
"Um.. Sammy?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
His face turned bright red.
"I'm scared I'll have another nightmare.."
He smiled and pulled y/n into a tired hug. Sammy had seemed to forget he was covered in ink.
"Yeah. I'm fine with that, my little sheep."
"Hey, don't forget about that ink." Sammy shoved y/n out of his arms to make sure he didn't get any on her, which luckily he didn't.
"Ya might wanna get it out of your hair first since it could harden in it."
"Heh, yeah thanks for reminding me."
While he was taking a shower, y/n changed into her favorite silky nightgown and laid in Sammy's bed waiting for him to get out since she was scared of falling asleep again.
"It's kinda weird that I'm seeking protection from the person who was in my nightmare." she thought. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open, but she fought it long enough to hear the door open and see Sammy sit on the bed next to her. He lit a small lamp beside the bed and tapped y/n's shoulder. She rolled over and looked at him. ".. yeah?"
"I know you're tired but look at this." He held up a small portion of his hair in the front. "That stupid ink dyed the tips of half my hair black."
"I think it looks cool."
"No it is not! I'm gonna have to stop by the barber tomorrow and get it cut."
"Nooo. I like your hair the way it is. You'd look weird with shorter hair."
He laid beside y/n and she put her fingers through his surprisingly soft hair.
"You look like someone who has a deep connection with music, like me. You wouldn't look right with shorter hair."
"Fine..but does it look bad?"
"No.. Plus everyone will understand that it was ink. I'm surprised that hasn't happened to more people. What even happened?"
"The pipe outside my office bust and I wasn't about to be stuck in there until someone fixed it."
"Makes sense.. "
Y/n had curled up against his chest and Sammy wrapped his arms around her.
"I love you my little sheep.. " he whispered, which she didn't hear since she was already asleep.

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