The Sequel.. pt. 2

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The group of four was standing in front of a rusty old elevator.
"Does this thing even work?" y/n asked.
"Time to find out." Alaska said pushing a button.
The doors opened and everyone walked on hesitantly. Sammy seemed lost in thought, and Alaska motioned for Lycan to start recording.
"Okay, we might die soon, but as we've learned before, no one truly dies in Joey Drew Studios. Don't believe me, ask our new friend."
Lycan pointed the camera at Sammy.
Sammy slowly lifted his head and looked at the boy.
It seemed like he was gonna say something, but a sudden voice cut him off.
"Who dares journey down to the land of angels? Sammy if that's you, don't forget what I told about coming down here!"
The elevator started rocking after a strange impact, and everyone stood on edge.
"I hate elevators, I hate elevators, we're all gonna die."
Lycan pointed his camera at Alaska who was in a ball on the floor.
The rising elevator passed a hall where a shadowy girl stood.
"Alice?" y/n questioned, amazed by the sight.
"Wait, y/n?" The woman walked forward as the elevator rose, and before they had completely passed her, she gave a menacing grin.
"Welcome home old friend!" they all head her scream.
The elevator halted and began to go down.
"Sorry my dears, but I'm afraid there's someone who doesn't deserve to rise to the heavens. A murder belongs in hell with the rest of the damned souls and the demon."
"I didn't do it!" Alaska yelled, still on the floor. Lycan kicked her side and held his finger up to his mouth.
The elevator came to a stop at the previous floor, and the doors swung open. The shadowy Alice was gone but her voice still echoed through the empty halls.
"Here's your only chance for freedom. Give me back the person who lead me to my demise, and ascend to the heavens. Keep him, and may he weigh you all down to hell."
"That voice.." y/n thought. "Susie?"
There was an eerie silence.
"Susan Campbell, it's me! What the hell are you talking about?"
They all watched as a silhouette came from around the corner.
"I know it's you, y/n. I could never forget the face of my little sis."
"Wait that girl is your sister?" Lycan asked.
"No, it was just a nickname she used to call me."
"How long has it been? Months? Years? Decades? I've lost track of the days, it seems."
"It's been about seven years." Y/n went to walk off the elevator but Susie held out her hand.
"I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed to be here. Only the undivine and dreadful should walk here. What are you even doing back?"
"I came back for everyone.. I thought maybe I could help, but it seems things are far worse than I thought."
Susie nodded, placing her chin in her hand. "My, my.. All these years in a sanitarium and your still the kind loving girl we all knew back then."
"Wait I never said anything about the institution."
"I hear everything here.. Your boyfriend over there is known for seeing everything. Speaking of him, where do you think your going Sammy? We aren't welcome on the outside world. It's common sense."
Sammy remained silent.
"First time your not running your mouth about that stupid 'god' of yours."
"Don't you dare disgrace his name!"
"Oh I'm sorry, did I offend you? I thought your girlfriend would have explained that you're speaking nonsense."
Y/n and the twins watched the two argue. It began to get extremely heated, and Lycan looked at the girls, a scared look on his face.
"We should probably get off before she sends us down." he said.
Alaska stood up slowly, as Lycan sneaked off the elevator.
"Fine then! If your so destined to stay by this imbecile's side, y/n,  then ill send you all to hell!"
The doors closed before anyone else could get off the elevator. Lycan watched as it was sent plummeting down. He ran to the edge and stared down. "Alaska!"
Someone grabbed his shit collar and pulled him back.
"You're a cutie. I wonder what kind of parts I can get from you.."
The boy stared up at the woman with a mutated face and a twisted look in her eye.

Alaska and y/n screamed as they huddled together and went down.
The elevator stopped falling abruptly, and the doors opened. They quickly jumped off the machine, and Alaska kissed the ground.
"I'm never getting on one of those again.. I never shoulda in the first place."
Y/n leaned against the wall and slid down.
Sammy casually walked off the elevator and lit a cigar he had pulled out of his pocket.
"Wait, where's Lycan?!"
Y/n and Sammy looked over at the shaken girl who was now frantically looking around. "He got off the elevator before we went down didn't he? That means that freak up there has him! Y/n you know this chick, is she gonna hurt him?!"
Y/n couldn't look the girl in her eyes. She didn't know what her old friend had become, but from her old nightmares she knew it wouldn't end well.
Sammy seemed slightly concerned about the girl's brother.
"If Susie has him, he's as good as gutted."
"What do you mean?" y/n asked trying to stand back up.
"I'm sure you saw the Boris upstairs. She used parts from any creature she can to make herself 'perfect'."
"She's gonna kill him! Come on you idiots we gotta save him!"
Alaska quickly got up and attempted to run up the plain wooden hallway, but fell from her nerves still being shaken.
Sammy approached her and offered her his hand.
"We fell a good ten or twenty floors. It's probably not smart to use the elevator again.. If I can figure out where we are I can get us up the stairs." Sammy reassured her as he helped her up. "It'll take awhile, and be prepare to see the worst. Susie isn't what she used to be. Joey's remake of her made her a bit crazy."
"I totally didn't notice." y/n said sarcastically.

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