Part IV

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"Good morning my little sheep. " Y/n looked up to be greeted by the inky dark figure of Sammy. "My, my, you are a hard sleeper. So peaceful.." Sammy said as he leaned in real close to her. "I've missed your beautiful face. It breaks my heart to have to do this.. But my lord needs the finest sheep to be his sacrifice if we want to leave this inky prison."
"Sa-ammy what are you doing?" y/n stuttered from fear.
"What has to be done.. "
He left the room and returned with a bunch of candles. She then noticed that she was in the center of a pentagram. He hummed a simple melody that sounded very fimiliar.
"Hey do you remember that day we first started to become friends?" she said hoping to stop whatever he was doing.
"So you do recognize that tune."
"How could I not know one of the songs I helped you write."
"That was the day you finally caught me listening to you play."
"Wait.. "
"Ever since you first walked into the office I knew you were going to be mine. That day was the best one of my whole life.. I was with my love at long last.. You were as beautiful on the inside as the outside.. "
"Wait, Sammy.. You-"
"Shh.. He's coming.."
He lifted up his mask and kissed her on the forehead and said "Farewell my sheep," before running away. "Sammy!"
The walls started dripping with ink. Suddenly y/n could make out the shape of a dark figure crawling out of an inky hole. Once it fully emerged she could make out an eerie smile from under its ink covered face.
"Wait.. Is that Bendy?! How?"
The creature started walking over to her, the room getting darker each step it took.
"Hey, it's okay I'm here."
She lunged up and into the arms of the not so inky Sammy.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here."
She was breathing heavily and had a few tears rolling down her face.
"Shh, shh.. It's okay my little sheep.. Nothing's gonna get ya, not on my watch." Deep down Sammy was flattered that y/n had called out his name. It made him feel even more protective of her, not realizing that he was the one she was having nightmares about.
She looked up into his eyes and started to feel safe again.
"Sammy.. "
"What is it?"
"Would you sacrifice me if it meant saving others?"
He tightened his hug around her.
"I wouldn't give you up, even if the whole world depended on it. It would be pointless.. The whole planet can die for all I care. I couldn't live in a world where you and me never got to see each other again.."
She just looked back towards the wall and leaned back into his chest.
"Where did you even get that idea?"
She shrugged.
"So.. Why were you calling for me out of everyone else?"
"What do you mean?"
"You were talking in your sleep. That's what woke me up, which led to me waking you up. It started as just a few quiet words, but then you kinda started freaking out."
He pushed some hair out of her face.
"Does my little sheep love me more than I originally thought?" he said with a devilish smirk.
"Shut up ass-shit."
He laughed and kissed her forehead, which caused y/n to blush.
"What was that for?" she looked back at him with a questioning look.
He smiled and said, "Because I wanted to."
He then fell back on the bed, pulling y/n back with him.
"Sammy-" she wined. "Why are you acting so weird?"
"I took your mind off the nightmare, didn't I?"
Y/n couldn't fall asleep because of the creepy Bendy, or the thought of the demonized Sammy. He stayed up with her to keep her mind off things, which helped a lot. They both went into the studio the next day exhausted.
"Morin' Sammy!" Wally said waving happily. Well until Sammy looked at him with his piss off look. Anyone who worked in the studio long enough knew Sammy had anger issues.
Y/n ended up passing out on the piano. Everyone was just carrying on normally until they heard a huge crash of piano keys causing them to look over and she y/n completely dozed on the piano.
Sammy stayed in his office "doing paper work" which was just him staring off into space since he couldn't focus. Someone later came in and reminded him he had a recording session.
"Come on y/n. We have a session to do. "
"What?" she said in a yawn. She looked around and noticed the music room was less crowded and the orchestra was on the stage. 
"Oh, sorry."
Sammy began conducting the orchestra, waving his arms and giving different signals to the small group of instrumentalist. They did exactly what they were told with an eccentric rhythm.
Sammy moved with such emotion it amazed y/n every time she watched him. He had that ability to feel the music, not just listen to it. She felt really connected to him in that way. He didn't just listen to it, he understood it, just like her.
He looked over to y/n and cued her, which she started instantly. About half way through it she was cut off by a loud crash outside the music room.
Sammy cringed at the sudden noise, but kept going like any professional, hoping it wasn't caught on the audio.
After the last note was over, he asked for an audio playback, which had the crash in it.
He bust out of the room, putting another dent in the wall from the doors inpact.
"Which one of you fuckers fucked up my fucking song!"
When y/n walked out she saw Allison with a bloody nose, Susie with a black eye, and Wally with a mop bucket on his head.
"So sorry Sam, I tried to break up their fight and Susie threw me into the wall."
"No excuses! It was perfect! Perfect! And you three had to be stupid little shits!" He rolled up his shirt sleeves and picked up Wally by his shirt collar.
"I'm sorry! It was an accident, sir, I swear!"
"Sammy!" y/n called out.
By now all of the orchestra was gathered at the door ready to watch the fight.
"Can I please get through, excuse me." She tried to maneuver around the crowd, but they were all tightly packed and watching the furious Sammy and the poor Wally.
"Sammy don't you dare do anything stupid!"
He then threw Wally into the two girls. Y/n could swear she saw birds flying around their head like in one of the cartoons. She had finally got around the crowd when Henry walked in.
"What happened here?"
"These fuckers messed up my recording!"
"That doesn't mean you need to kill them or put more holes in the wall than you already have in the past."
Sammy walked up and pined him against the wall.
"Listen here old man-"
"Sammy leave Henry out of it, will ya." Y/n didn't have a problem with the other three since they were annoying, but Henry was everyone's best friend.
Sammy just ignored her and kept his aggressive temper.
"You wouldn't understand! All you do is sit around and draw a little freak all day. What I do is actually creating art!"
"What! Bendy is everyone's child just as much as he's mine! If you hate the cartoon then why don't you just leave?!"
"You think I wanted to work here? Hell no! This place is the last place I wanted to be! There are pipes constantly bursting, spillin' ink on my head and when it bust in that hall people end up going in and out of my office! I can't even have a peaceful sanctuary. I need quiet in order to write music and it seems I can only do that when none of you idiots are here."
"Well if you have such a problem with the pipes take it up with Joey, don't bitch at me!"
"Why don't you learn to mind your own business!"
Sammy pulled his arm back, ready to pull a punch, when y/n decided to jump in.
"Sammy cut it out!"
She grabbed his shoulder to pull him back, but when she did he dropped Henry and turned around and slapped her.
Everyone stared and gasped.
"Y/n..." Sammy started but couldn't get anything else out. He stared at her with panic quickly flooding over him.
"I'm so sorry.. You know I didn't mean-"
"Get you hands away from her!"
He reached out to caress the red mark on her face but Susie slapped his hand back.
"I thought you two were supposed to be stupid love birds or whatever, but I will not tolerate you putting your hands on my little sis!"
She had never called y/n her little sis before, and it seemed like one of her attention games, but this time she was actually being defensive and trying to protect her.
All Sammy could do while Susie yelled at him was look back and fourth between her and y/n.
"Oh my, your nose is bleeding y/n! Here I have an extra tissue." Allison said.
"That jerk! I outta slug 'em!"
"Wally that's not necessary." y/n muttered while Allison dragged her to the break room. The only thing she could see when she turned back was Henry staring at her and Sammy in astonishment, and his fear filled eyes.

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