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"Why can't you just fire him?!"
"Bertrum we've been over this, Sammy is one of my best employees. I'm not gonna fire him because you 'fell in love' with his girlfriend."
Bertrum growled at Joey. "He made me look like a fool!"
"It sounds like that girl made you look like a fool. Besides everyone here has been placing bets on how long it'd take them to start going out."
He growled again, feeling like an idiot.
"I understand that you love her but, geez. Just get over it."
"Why don't you tell him to get over it?!"
"Because she actually likes him. Besides, if they had to break up then I'm pretty sure both would kill themselves, and you don't want that now, do you."
Bertrum stormed out of the office, leaving Joey to his thoughts.
"First Tom proposed to Allison, and now I'm sure Sammy will do the same.. It almost makes what I'm going to do seem cruel."
He sighed and sat down at his desk, continuing his notes on rituals and ways of trapping souls, which he wrote in a note book labeled, "The Illusion of Living".
"Now where is that nosey little Susie at?"


"Wow are y'all gonna get married?"
"How many kids are ya gonna have?"
"You haven't slept together, have you?"
"Can you all please stop with the questions?!"
Y/n was hiding behind Sammy since she didn't like all the attention.
Everyone seemed to be teasing them about the dramatic kiss earlier.
"We have a lot of music to write for Joey, so can you all please leave."
"Are you sure that's not an excuse to get some alone time?" Lacie elbowed Sammy.
"Don't you have some construction for the park to be working on?!"
"Everybody, OUT!" Susie yelled, and Wally shoed them away with a broom.
Sammy collapsed onto the floor once everyone had left. Y/n laid on his chest, and he stroked her hair.
"I'm sorry I attracted all that unwanted attention, my little sheep."
"It's fine.. It's all over now. At least that Bertrum guy should leave us alone now."
They laid there, starring at the ceiling.
"Hey Wally, you don't by any chance have a red room so we can develop this film, do you?"
"Nah, but I got a buddy who does photography."
"We should pay him a visit after work."
Y/n sighed. "Please tell me you got that camera from Lacie. We all know she'd put that picture in the  newspaper."
"Yep." Sammy said, slowly sitting up. "We still have a while before we leave and still a lot of work to do. So we have one song mostly finished, which can wait until tomorrow when the full orchestra is here to write the other instrument's parts."
They all nodded and went to work.
Wally and y/n were able to come up with a few random parts, that turned into three songs, and Susie was able to come up with two. Of course Sammy had six complete concepts by the time the day was over.
"Hey y/n, I'm gonna take these pieces home and work on them there. Are you okay with that?"
"Of course!" She said kissing him on the cheek. "You do that and I'll make diner."
"I hate to make you do that but it would be a huge help."
"You know I don't mind."
He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you my lovely sheep."
She giggled thinking back to what she did before when he had called her a sheep, but then she remembered what he said about her doing that.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and they had written about fifteen different little parts, which Sammy organized into nine song ideas.
"Hey at least we got over five and one away from ten!" Y/n chanted still in a good mood from earlier.
"Yes, over five concepts, not actual songs."
"Oh, right."
Wally and Susie had checked out a bit early to get the film developed.
Sammy stretched and yawned. "I guess we should head home."
Y/n nodded, grabbing a stack of scores and putting them into a brief case Sammy had stored in his office.
"I wish Susie would have waited a bit longer, then we wouldn't have to walk." he complained.
"Can't we take the trolly?"
"You know it doesn't go outside of town."
"Oh right.. I guess I'm just a bit tired."
"Well it's a good thing we're leaving this God forsaken place."
Y/n nodded and finished packing the music scores.
"Hey Sammy.."
"Yes, my little sheep?"
She giggled as he turned a bright red.
"Why the hell do you find it necessary to do that?"
"Because what?"
"You're cute when your face is red." She said, causing his face to turn even redder.
"Ya know what? Do it one more time and see what happens, I dare you."
Y/n smiled but remained silent.
"What's a matter? Too scared?"
"You know I ain't scared of you."
"Your grammar scares me, my little sheep."
Sammy starred at her for a moment, but then he did a fake sigh.
"I warned you about doing that.. Now I guess I'll have to give you a reason not to do it again."
He quickly pinned her against the wall and before her mind could process what was happening, he had began to kiss her, slipping his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it around hers. The kiss felt suffocating as he pushed himself onto her with a lustful feeling about him.
He slowly pulled away from her with a smirk on his face. "So, have you learned your lesson my little sheep?"
She smiled back at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He raised an eyebrow at her, still smirking.
"I'll take that as a no, huh?"
"Are you kidding? I definitely learned my lesson. I found it very educational at that."
"What are you talking about?"
"Wasn't the lesson about getting a way to get you to kiss me without me actually saying anything?"
Sammy let out a long sigh as he leaned his head back and starred at the ceiling.
"You are very clever my little sheep."
He looked back into her eyes, admiring how they sparkled and shined.
"I love you so much.." He said gently kissing y/n this time, instead of forcing himself onto her like he did just a few minutes ago.
"Lawrence! How are those songs coming along?"
Sammy jumped back, causing y/n to fall.
"You okay y/n?"
She nodded and he helped her up.
The pair were greeted by the smiling Joey. Sammy shivered at the sight of his smile. He didn't know what it was, but there was something unnatural about Joey's smile. It looked just as creepy as those stupid Bendy cutouts that are laying around in some storage closets upstairs.
"Well we have about five songs completed and I'm gonna go home and finish the other nine we started today."
"Excellent! I look forward to hearing them!"
Sammy nodded and grabbed the case full of music in one hand, and y/n's hand in his other.
"Good day, Sammy!" Joey said waving but he just kept walking. Y/n turned and gave a small wave, trying to stay on Joey's good side.


"Y/n your cooking skills are just amazing!"
"Nowhere near yours, that's for sure."
When they arrived home, y/n had found some chicken and a few vegetables in the icebox, which she made a soup with. Sammy had continued to work with the songs on the grand piano in the parlor.
"Ya know I'm still a little hungry." Sammy said standing up and walking over to y/n who was washing dishes.
"Hey, I was wondering if you were still extremely tired from earlier."
"I mean I'm tired but I'm not extremely tired. Why?"
"Well.. Maybe I was making some plans for tonight.."
She turned her head towards him.
"Like what?"
He shrugged and put his head into her neck. She was gonna rest her head on his, but then she felt a sharp pain on her neck, causing her to tense up and squeak.
Sammy lifted his head quickly and looked at the startled y/n.
"Oh my gosh that was adorable."
"S-shut up.. It wouldn't have happened if you didn't freaking bite me!"
"Well at least I know how to get more of that adorable sound outta ya~♡"
He chuckled and kissed her on the head.
"Wait, Sammy! I gotta finish the dishes!" She yelled as he picked her up and started carrying her to the bedroom.
"It can wait, my lovely sheep."
When he laid her down on the bed, he rolled her onto her stomach. Before she could ask, he began massaging her shoulders and back. "You deserve a break. Let me finish the dishes. You do so much more for me than you'll ever know.."
The nice sensation of stress untangling in her back helped soothe her into tiredness. Before she knew it, she was drifting off.

A/n Sorry this one's a little cut off. There was a part of this story that I threw in and it clashed with the original plot, so I cut it. I also hated it. Don't worry it wasn't anything anyone would miss or I wouldn't have edited it out. Thanks for reading this far, you're so close to the end now! You can do it!

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