Part II

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Y/n woke up in Sammy's lap. She quickly sat up and looked at him sleeping. She smiled at how peaceful he looked. She looked at the Bendy clock ticking on the wall.
"Oh gosh, it's 9:30.." She looked back at Sammy and thought "Well it wouldn't hurt to spend the night here. I totally wouldn't stay here overnight if I was alone. I didn't realize how creepy this place was 'till earlier." Even if everyone else was there with her she wouldn't feel safe. Sammy just had a protective aura about him. Sure he was an asshole, and yeah he was typically quiet and self kept, but at heart y/n could tell he was a softy. She found that out the first time he hugged her. It was startling at first, but it was nice to know that she had an actual friend in this lonely world. She laid back down on his chest, placing her head where she could hear his heartbeat.
"Goodnight buddy." She whispered, and drifted back into sleep.
"Hello?" y/n called out into the inky abyss that surrounded her. She could see a light, but she was scared to go towards it. She could hear whispers all around her. One sounded like Henry, another sounded like Susie. She could also hear cries and screams. It felt like everyone's depression was weighing on her shoulders. When she couldn't take it anymore, she made a break for the light. It took a while to trudge through the ink but she finally crawled out of a puddle. Once she was out she laid on the floor trying to catch her breath.
♫ "Can I get an amen?"♫
Y/n jumped up at the weird but fimiliar voice. She peaked around the corner and saw a shadowy figure painting a pentagram then putting a Bendy cutout in front of it. He turned around and stared at the figure of y/n peaking around the corner. He tilted his mask covered face and grabbed an axe sitting beside him. Y/n could feel adrenaline screaming for her to run but she was frozen. The figure walked up to her slowly, dragging the axe behind him. "Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep, rest your head it's time for bed." She automatically knew who the inky, masked person was.
"Sammy? It's me, y/n! What happened to you?!" she stood up, but she still lingered at the corner. When he finally made it over to her, he put his finger under her chin and leaned down to look her in the eyes. Sammy was always tall, but he somehow was even taller. He was also extremely skinny and boney, but muscular at the same time. It didn't make since and y/n was still slightly scared, even though she knew she would put her life in his hands if need be.
"Why are you here? Why did you come back?"
"What are you talking about Sam-"
"Wait, isn't it obvious? You are the most beautiful sheep there is! You must have sent here to be the perfect sacrifice! Why of course! My little sheep you be the one to save us all from this inky prison. My little y/n, oh golly how I've missed you so much.. but there is something I have to do.. "
"Sammy?" y/n said timidly and completely afraid. She started backing up, but he started walking towards her, matching every step she made.
"I'm sorry my love, please forgive me for the sin I am about to commit." She thought she saw a tear fall from under the bendy mask. She backed into a wall, and Sammy stopped at a far enough distance to swing the back of his axe at her.
Y/n jumped up quickly and covered her mouth quickly to hide a scream.
"She's awake, everyone scram before Sammy wakes up or we're all outta here!" She saw a crowd of her coworkers at the window that were watching them sleep quickly scurrying away.
"The hell-" Sammy said rubbing his hair. "Wally!" he growled through his teeth. He then looked at the confused y/n and put his elbow on her head.
"Did you see how many people that idiot had at the window?" She looked at him and shook her head.
"Were you crying?"
"Y/n, did you have a bad dream?" he asked as he wiped a tear off her face. She nodded her head but avoided making eye contact.
"What's up with you, my little sheep? When I found you yesterday, you had a full out panic attack!" Sammy wrapped his arms tightly around her and rested his head on her shoulder.
"I'm worried about you, y/n. If someone did something to you, you'd tell me right?" he whispered. She just stared at the floor.
"Can you please tell me what's wrong.. You know I really care about you, my little sheep. Please.."
"It's nothing.." she muttered. "How come you call me your little sheep all the time?" His face turned a bright red.
"Well.." he said looking at the wall.
"Lawrence! The hall's flooded again!" Y/n could see his eye twitch.
"Alright Joey." he said and Joey left the room. "Why did they have to put the valve in my office. Why can't Joey be responsible for his stupid ink project and keep them in his office." He irritatingly got up and turned the valve in the corner of his office.
"Sammy, you never answered my question." she said. He walked back over to the couch and peered at her. He glanced at the window of his office then back at y/n.
"Because.. you're my little sheep, and mine alone. You're my only sheep too.. if you were wondering."
"What are you talking about?"
He turned his gaze away from her and sighed.
"You'll understand one day.. I just don't think now is a good time to discuss this.." He said. "Come now, we have work to do."
Y/n thought back to her dream.
"Does he really think of me as a sheep to sacrifice to some god? What if that dream was a warning not to trust him? What if that cry I heard yesterday was one of his victims?" Her mind was racing and she felt a little bit betrayed and mad at herself. It doesn't matter.. I have a job and if I don't do it I'll be fired. That's all that should matter right now."
With that she exited the office and walked into the music room. She sat on the piano bench and looked around the crowded room. Sammy was talking to one of the story board members.
"Hey y/n!" she looked up to see Allison standing beside her. "You and Sammy, huh? I think you two are actually really cute together!"
"I don't know.. "
"Yeah, Allison! Leave her alone. How would you feel if I started blabbing my mouth about you and Thomas!"
"Susie! Shut up!"
Susie was just trying to get on everyone's good side and make Allison look bad. It's pretty much just the norm. Y/n quickly left the room before she got dragged into the argument. She went to the break room and found Wally and Henry playing pool.
"Mornin' toots!" Wally said tilting his hat towards her.
"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning up the excess ink from the pipe burst earlier." she snapped at him.
"Oh, right. Don't tell Joey or I'm-"
"Can you just leave."
He left the room, his face red from embarrassment.
"Wow you okay, y/n? I've never seen you snap like that before."
She felt more comfortable talking to Henry, since he was very kind and understanding.
"I don't know.. I guess I'm just stressed."
"Is it because of everyone seeing you and Sammy sleeping together?"
"What! No we didn't sleep together! We just.. It's a long story but I had a panic attack yesterday and Sammy was there and he helped calm me down, and I guess I fell asleep and so did he..."
Henry laughed a little. "Now everyone thinks you two are dating and that something happened last night. Seems you got yourself in a predicament."
"That's not what your stressing about, is it?"
She shook her head.
"No I had a nightmare and I'm scared it will come true, which would result in me losing someone I'm really close to. But I'm scared that person has bad intentions towards me and I don't want to risk a heartbreak.."
"I see.." It seemed like he completely understood everything without knowing the dream or who it was about. "Well, just trust your gut. It will tell you when something isn't right and if you should actually trust them. Don't trust your head 'cause it will result in you losing the person to paranoia. And don't always trust your heart because it could put you in danger."
Y/n was amazed by the advice. She simply nodded and smiled. It made a lot of sense and it kinda scared her. Now all that matters is if she can convince herself that it was just a dream..

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