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Y/n's head hurt, and the light seemed 'conveniently' bright.
"I can't believe I let you come here.."
Her head was spinning and all she could see were people getting dragged out of wherever they were, and she could hear Wally frantically apologizing for something Susie had done.
She couldn't tell what was happening, but she knew the warm embrace and the tenor voice cussing under his breath.
"You really can't go an hour without getting into trouble, can you? Gosh dammit y/n."
"That's a pretty one you got there, keep her out of trouble."
"Yes, officer."
She could now see the sudden darkness of the night sky.
"I'll drive you guys home once I find Susie. I know she's still around here somewhere.."
"I'm not waiting on that wretch! If she has the keys or something then I'm walkin."
Y/n didn't like the sound of Sammy's angry voice, and felt like it was because of her.
"H-hey, um, S-sam-mmy.."
"Not now, y/n."
"but.. I'm sorry.."
He stayed quiet and carried on walking with her in his arms.


"Well, well, Susie.. Didn't expect to see you here."
She slowly glanced over at the shadowy man approaching her.
"Sorry I'm not handing out drunk autographs."
"Oh now why would I need an autograph from someone who just got fired?" The mysterious man taunted.
'How did he know that? Did word travel that fast? Well the fall of an idol is huge news. But still..'
"What do you want?"
"Don't you recognize me?" The man said stepping out of the shadows.
"Why the hell are you here?!"
"I have a business opposition for you."
She froze in her drunken rage, feeling hope and desperation flow through her veins.
"Go on.." she said.

Wally heard an angry scream from an all to familiar voice. He ran around to the back of the building, but found nothing but a flickering street light.
"Susie!" he yelled, hoping for a response,
But no one came..


By the time Sammy had arrived home, y/n was sound asleep. He gently placed her on the bed, pulling the blankets over her.
"Goodnight, my troublesome little sheep." he said kissing her on the on the head.
He was angry at her, and extremely stressed from work and Joey's new "promotion", but somehow seeing her peaceful, sleeping face, made his nerves calm.
He left the room, letting out a long sigh.
"She's in such a deep sleep she probably won't wake up before morning.." He looked back at the sleeping y/n. "I'll leave a note and let her sleep in anyways."


Susie was surprisingly level headed for being shit face drunk. She still had a major headache though.
"So tell me Mr. Drew, what would a big business man like you want with a fallen idol like myself?"
"A lot actually. You know I've found a solution that can make you stay at the studio, if you're willing to try it."
She knew that devious look in his eye meant trouble, but she had to get her job back. It wasn't even the job she wanted, it was Alice. She knew Alice needed her, and she wanted more than anything to become Alice.
"Now Mrs. Susie Campbell, how would you like to be Alice?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why you'd be a real life Alice Angel! I thought you'd jump at the chance, no questions asked, but if you don't want this opportunity I'm sure Allison would love it."
"No I'll do it, whatever it takes!"
"That's what I thought. Sammy, do be a dear and please your lord."
She went to turn but soon found herself wrapped in a tight grip, almost like a suffocating hug.
She automatically recognized the embrace holding her still as her friend and coworker, and felt a chill as he held a cloth covered in a foul and distinguished liquid.
She wanted to squirm and break free, but before she could he whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry 'best friend', but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. If this doesn't work out like Joey planned then just remember that you have the loveliest voice that will make all the other angels jealous."
Susie could feel tears welling in her eyes when she heard that. She stayed still and accepted whatever fate would become of her, and with some of her last lightheaded breaths, she wrapped her arms around his, and closed her tired eyes.


"Susie!" y/n screamed as she lunged up from the bed. She looked around the room frantically looking for Sammy, longing for his soothing voice to reassure her that everything was alright. When she didn't see him, she fell trying to get out of bed, but quickly got up and stumbled out of the room.
She noticed the kitchen light on and a note on the table.

I noticed we were low on food so I made a quick run to the market. I'll be home in about an hour or two, and if your reading this in the morning then just go ahead and go back to sleep. I'm just gonna let you sleep after the long night you had, and don't worry about the band recording because most of them contracted that nasty influenza.

-Sweet dreams my little sheep,
                               Sammy ♡

"What does he mean if I'm reading this in the morning? He can't just tell me in person when he gets back from the store? I guess he's just tired and didn't want to write two notes."
Y/n let out a long yawn and walked back to the room after grabbing a glass of water.
"What even happened earlier.."
She pondered her thoughts and thought back to Susie getting let off and her suggesting them getting drunk.
"Oh right, we went to that secret pub Wally was talking about.. But if Sammy knew about that then it must have meant we got caught.. Oh wait, that means Wally could have been arrested! Wait, no I doubt that. Why am I not arrested? Ugh I guess I'm just gonna have to wait until tomorrow to find out."
She could feel curiosity tearing apart her mind, but it was quickly silenced by the heaviness of sleep. 

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