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"Come on sleepy heads!"
Y/n and Sammy woke to Susie's yelling and a car horn blaring.
"What time is it?" He looked up at the Bendy clock ticking on the wall.
"Holy shit, y/n it's almost eight o'clock!"
"Wait what?"
They both jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Y/n got her brush and ran out to Susie's car.
"Sorry! We slept in and you woke us up and-" She started but quickly grabbed her stomach.
"You okay, sis?"
"Yeah.. My stomach just hurts really bad."
When Sammy ran out of the house, still rubbing gel in his hair, Susie glared at him, feeling slightly suspicious about y/n's stomach ache.
"So how much of those songs did y'all write last night?"
Sammy's face turns slightly red and he scratched the back of his head.
"Well, I guess we kinda got caught up doing other things.."
Susie raised her eyebrow, showing that she was now even more suspicious of them.
"Right.. Well I already dropped Wally off and I when I saw you guys hadn't clocked in yet I thought I'd come up and check on ya."
"Yeah thanks." Y/n said, still clutching her stomach.
"We owe ya one." Sammy looked over at y/n and noticed how she was clutching her stomach.
"Hey, you okay?"
She nodded and smiled, but in reality she felt like she had just been stabbed in the stomach and gutted.

Sammy had walked into his office and started working on the songs, trying to make up for the lost time, considering the fact that he was supposed to have them finished last night.
"I'm gonna head to the break room with Susie."
"Are you sure that's a good idea, my little sheep? I mean you know how shady that Bertrum is. I can come with you."
"I'll be with Susie, and ya know she can take'em. You just finish those songs before the band arrives."
He reluctantly nodded and she left.
"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
"I'll tell you when we get there."
They walked into the seemingly empty break room.
"So um.. Susie?"
"What?" She said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Um.. How do you know if your.. I don't know.."
"Oh my God spit it out!"
"How do you know if you're pregnant?"
Susie spewed out her coffee and dropped her cup.
Bertrum peeked around the corner, interested what the commotion was about.
"You think you might be pregnant!"
"Shut up! I don't really know, that's why I asked you how you'd know!"
Susie took in a deep breath.
"Well that explains the morning sickness, and also why y'all slept in."
"Wait, so you're saying I am?!"
"Yep! Congratulations, you've officially screwed your self."
Y/n started hyperventilating. "What am I gonna tell Sammy?"
"Shh, it's okay, y/n. Ya know he will be really happy!"
"What if he's not, and he gets mad at me?"
"He won't. You know that."
"Stop it. Just stop. Everything will be fine."
"No it's not!"
Y/n curled up into a ball on the floor crying. Susie tried to comport her, but wasn't very successful.
Bertrum, who was ease dropping, starred at them, feeling rage start to flow through him. He walked away, disgust in his eyes.
"I can't comprehend this!"
"Well you've got nine months to do that."
"Hey, you guys okay?"
"Wally, do you think you could help me get Sammy in here?"
Wally looked back and fourth between Susie and y/n.
"Sammy got her-"
"pregnant. And she doesn't want to tell him-"
They looked at her in shock since it was the first time they ever heard her cuss.
"Listen, can you please just get-"
"Don't tell him anything! If you really care about me you won't tell him!"
"What? That's stupid! If he cares about you then he would get Sammy so you stop freaking out!"
"Do it!"
Wally looked between them again, and began to cry.
"I don't know who's side to take!" He yelled running out of the doorway.
"Just get Sammy!"
A few employees peaked their heads around the corner, trying to see what was happening.
"Hey I'll be back in a minute." Susie said patting y/n's head, and then walking up to the door.
"Don't let her leave this room.." she whispered into Lacie's ear. "I'll be right back."
Susie ran down the stairs into the music department.
She slammed open the door causing him to jump, then give her a very annoyed look.
"What is it no-"
She ran up to him, grabbing his arm, and pulling him towards the upstairs lounge.
When they got to there, they were greeted by emptiness. Susie frantically glanced around and ran to the nearest person, who was Norman.
"Where The FUCK did she go?" She said slamming him against the wall by his shirt collar.
"Oh I um, saw Lacie taking y/n to the bathroom because she was throwing up."
They both ran into the bathroom, and looked at Lacie who was rubbing y/n's back and holding her hair as she was hunched over the toilet.
"Oh thank god, I thought she ran out of the building."
"What the hell happened?!" Sammy yelled as he ran over to y/n and wrapped his arms around her.
She weakly looked up at him, then at Susie with a questioning look. She shook her head and y/n sighed in relief.
Sammy looked back at Susie and then too Lacie, obviously confused.
"You guys are hiding something from me, aren't ya?"
Lacie innocently shook her head and Susie looked away. Y/n lowered her head, hiding her face from Sammy.
"Come on, you should be at home resting, my little sheep."
"No, I'm fine."
"I can call off the recording today and do it when you get better."
"If your gonna be keeping her out until she gets better, then I guess I'll see you in a good few months, y/n."
She glared at her and mouthed 'shut up'.
"What are you talking about?"
Susie gave y/n that look, and she shook her head. Sammy noticed this and then glared back at Susie.
"What the hell is wrong with her?!"
"Well, ya see, it's not my place to say if she doesn't want me to."
He glared back at y/n and looked a bit betrayed.
"Hey, little sheep, what's up with you?"
"A long story.."
"We've got plenty of time."
"She's pregnant."
Y/n hid her face in her knees and Sammy put his hands on her shoulders.
"Oh my gosh, really?! How do you know for sure?"
"Classic morning sickness. I'm assuming you guys did stuff last night right?"
He didn't respond, but pulled the hair out of y/n's face, and he saw all the tears that were streaming down it.
"Susie, can you give us a minute?"
She nodded and left.
"I'm sorry.."
He tightened his grip on her and pulled her into his chest.
"If anyone should be sorry it's me. So what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know!"
"Shh, it's okay.. You know I love you with all my heart."
"I know but still.."
"I will admit I'm extremely happy about this, and I really don't get why you're acting like I'm just gonna leave you."
"Wait, your happy about this?"
"Of course!"
"I was scared that you'd get mad at me, or just straight up leave, or-"
"No way.. Never.." He cradled her in arms, still slightly smiling.
"So you're really okay with this?"
"Absolutely! There's no one else that I'd rather mother my child. So do you have any name ideas? I refuse to have a junior, so that can automatically get crossed off the list."
"Wow, you really are exited."
He kissed her on the cheek, and rested his head on hers.
"Well I'm not gonna be sitting on the dirty bathroom floor all day, where you could get even sicker."
He picked her up and carried her back to his office, placing her on the couch.
She blushed as he kissed her forehead. He put his hand on her stomach and smiled slightly.
"So now I'm gonna have a little sheep and a baby sheep. I'm gonna have a whole fucking flock, and they're all gonna be as adorable as my wife!" He said enthusiastically as he wrapped his arms tightly around y/n.
"Wait, what did you just call me?"
"My sheep?"
"No you said something else."
"I did?"
"You know what never mind."
"Okay.. Well I'm gonna go call the band and tell them they got the day off."
"Sammy, you don't have to-"
"My star pianist is sick, and therefore it is at the top of my concern that she be feeling better in order for the songs to be at their full potential. Now get some rest my little sheep."
She laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, and she was soon fast asleep.

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