Part XIV

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Sammy couldn't get the sight of another man kissing his sheep out of his head.
He watched as y/n played different keys on the small piano.
"Hey Sammy, I think I've got the next part of the song complete!"
He loved when she smiled like that. She was always so eager to help him, and when she did something that he would be proud of, she had this smile that seemed to light up the world.
"Well let's hear it." he said sitting on the bench next to her.
She played so gracefully and beautifully. There wasn't a single thing Sammy didn't love about y/n.
He watched every movement her hands made on the old piano, and lived through every note.
"That's 'bout as much as I got, but it's a start."
"I think it's almost as perfect as you."
She blushed as he kissed her on the cheek.
He grabbed a piece of sheet music and handed it to her so she could write down the small part to the song.
"Hey Sammy!"
He looked up at Norman who was up in the projectors booth.
"What is it now?"
"We have a small little situation with Susie."
"Jesus Christ.."
Y/n got up to follow Sammy.
"Where is she?"
He walked up to the office, passing a concerned Wally looking through the window.
"Hey Wally. You know what's wrong with Susie?" y/n asked.
He shook his head.
"No, but I was the one who found her running down the hall.."
Sammy walked into the office and put his hand on the shoulder of the curled up Susie.
"I asked her what happened but she said she needed Sammy.. I wish she woulda been fine telling me instead.."
Y/n watched her hug Sammy and him hug her back after a moments hesitation.
"I don't like her all over him."
"Me neither."
She shot Wally a quick glance. "Wait.. Do you like her?"
He gave a small smile and nod.
"Wow.. Didn't expect that, but I'm not surprised."
"You wanna go in there so we know the full story?"
"And to keep her off my boyfriend."
They walked into the office, where Susie was crying on Sammy's shoulder.
"What happened?" Y/n said trying not to sound defensive and jealous.
She slowly looked at y/n, her mascara running all the way down her face.
"Here, you might want this." Wally said handing her a handkerchief.
"It'll be okay, toots."
He sat down and wrapped his arms around her.
Y/n couldn't help but feel bad for her. She didn't think anyone's seen Susie cry before of all people. She's always so sarcastic and defensive, kinda like a girl version of Sammy.
"Hey sis.. You okay?"
She shook her head.
"I-I can't believe it.."
"Believe what? Did Joey do somethin'? Speak to us, toots."
"Joey said.. He-he said I wasn't good enough.. And he said he'd make a deal with me.. But I couldn't do it!"
"What did that bastard want you to do?" Y/n asked really concerned. Susie pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "The same thing Bertrum wants to do to you.."
"How do you know about that?!"
"Ya wanna hear the whole story?"
All three of them nodded.
"Wally, check and make sure no ones in the hall and the door's locked."
He did as she instructed.
"Coast is clear."
"Well, after I gave you guys your coffee, I was headed to the lounge room, but something caught my curiosity. There was a small opening in a door, and inside Joey and Bertrum were talking. I decided to stand outside the door and listen in to what they were saying. It was mostly about the park and concerns about the stock market. Then they started talking about the 'machine' and it's purpose. I was interested nonetheless to know what all these ink pipes are for, so I kept listening. Joey said it was ready for a few new test subjects since the first attempt was a fail. He also said something about it being deep within the vaults of the studio. Then he proceeded to talk about why it was a failure. The machine needs souls.. He said he would take some of the nonimportant workers one by one to experiment on them. Then Joey suggested they start with the orchestra since they were the easiest to replace. Bertrum said that wasn't very smart since Sammy seemed to keep tabs on everyone, and that he had feelings for y/n and would prefer her to be spared. It was extremely creepy to me, considering the fact that he's in his fifties I think. Joey said he would keep her around, but I could hear the lie in his voice. They then started talking about me. They said I would be turned into Alice, but the chances of it actually working are extremely low. I would be their guinea pig. They then talked about how 'good for nothing Wally' would be a good experiment thing too. I was honestly mad how he had just thrown two of my friends under the bus, but then they mentioned how they would test some other things out on Sammy if he noticed what was happening, because he would be a big problem with his temper. And then they said if all their experiments fail, then they'll just hide all the evidence and move on like nothing happened. In Joey's own words he said, "I want the people to actually shake hands with my cartoons. I don't want them to just dance on a screen or be people in costumes. I want them to be real."
Just hearing him talk like that sent chills down my spine.. But then Joey started talking madness.. He was talking about using witchcraft if all else fails. I peaked through the door to get more of a visual, and that's when it appeared. This humanoid version of Bendy crawled out of a tiny ink puddle in a pentagram. All Joey did was talk in disgust at the beast. He talked about how it was defective and soulless, which was why they needed to sacrifice people in order to get creatures who could speak, and understand humans. That's when it noticed me. It stared at first, or I think it was. I couldn't tell because it had ink that dripped over it's eyes. But it started to approach me, and all I could do was stare. Bertrum started yelling at Joey, but I didn't catch what they were saying, I could only focus on the beast Joey summoned. That thing was only a few feet away from me, causing me to fall backwards. That's when they noticed me. Joey chanted some weird langue that made the creature get pulled back into the puddle. It reached out for me, like it wanted me to save it. I was almost tempted to take its hand, but Bertrum grabbed me and held me to where I couldn't move. "Susie Campbell.. What a shame.. I really did enjoy your Alice voice.. But it seems now I'll have to sacrifice you earlier than I thought. I guess Allison really was meant to be Alice." I remained speechless. "Well now that I think of it, I could use a favor from you. The stress of planning and building have really taken a toll on me."
He walked up to me and offered me that deal. He told me that he knew I was into him, which I'm not at all, and when I said no, Bertrum shoved me onto the ground. I wanted to run but he stomped his foot on my back to hold me in place. I could hear him pull a flask from his pocket and pour some of the liquid. He picked me up and held me with one arm and used that weird stuff that you pour into a handkerchief and try to gag people with. But I he didn't think his plan through, so I slammed my boot and hard as I could into his balls and I ran. And now I'm here.."

Everyone was completely taken aback by her story especially y/n.
"Did you say he tried to use anesthesia on you?"
"That's what that stuff is called! Yeah he tried to knock me out with it."
"And you saw a creepy Bendy demon thing?"
"Yeah. Hard to believe but I swear I'm telling the truth!"
"I believe you.."
They looked at her. Sammy started to think about the questions y/n asked and realized what she was talking about, causing his eyes to widen.
"Y/n.. you don't think.."
"Susie you just described all those nightmares I've been having for the past month.."
Everyone was shocked and scared, especially y/n who started having a panic attack.
"No, no, no.. This can't be real.. Susie please tell me your pulling a cruel joke on me! It can't really happen! I don't want to die like that.. I can't!"
"Hey, shh, shh.. It's okay my little sheep.. No one's going to get you."
"Sammy if I die please know I love you with all my heart."
"You're not going to die.. Not anytime soon at least."
Wally stared at his trembling hands and glanced up at Susie who looked like she was gonna start freaking out too.
Sammy was holding the shaking y/n go his chest and trying to comport her, which he wasn't doing so well since he was on the verge of going crazy too.
"So should we quit? It would be the safe route to take, wouldn't it?" Wally asked, but everyone else stared at the floor.
"How about we have a sleepover at someone's house and just talk about what we should do.. I have a small apartment so it wouldn't work well on my end. But I could drive us all somewhere in my Sunbeam.."
"We could stay at my house, since y/n already lives with me it'd be easier and convenient."
They all agreed except for y/n who was in a state of shock and couldn't respond to anything.
Wally looked out the office window, and nodded when he saw no one out there. Sammy picked up y/n and Susie grabbed a little bit of his shirt sleeve. Wally lead the way, peaking around corners and motioning for the rest to follow.
They were all so shaken they forgot to clock out even though it was about an hour early.
No one really noticed the group leave since Joey was over working the animators as much as the music department.
"Hey Susie, do you want me to drive? You're still a bit shaky to be drivin'."
"Yeah.. Thanks Wally." He took the keys from her and opened the door for Sammy who had his hands full, and he also opened Susie's door as a sign of chivalry.
Sammy gave him directions, and often missing a turn from not being able to think straight. But eventually they made it. They all barricaded themselves in the main bedroom. Wally and Sammy got the mattress from the guest room.
"I hope you two don't mind sharing that bed. It's the only thing I've got."
"I can sleep on the floor."
Susie wrapped her arms around Wally, causing his face to turn red.
"It's fine.. I need a teddy bear anyways. Is y/n holding up alright?"
Sammy sighed and shook his head.
"I've seen her have a panic attack before, but this is the first time I've seen her fully go into shock like this."
"I feel bad for her.."
"You have no idea.. She's had these nightmares for almost a whole month straight. There was a short period that she didn't sleep for a week, but then I called her out on it, and she seemed to be sleeping fine, but then there was last night.."
Susie leaned in, still holding Wally in her arms. "It was about what I saw today wasn't it?"
"Something like that.. The one lastnight was about her dying. It was scary for me to hear her talk about it. She could describe what it's like to drowned in ink in such perfect detail, just like she lived it."
"Gosh.. I knew she said something about her nightmares once, but I didn't realize they were that bad."
He sighed and nodded.
"Right now I think we all need some sleep. I'm sure y/n wouldn't mind if you borrowed some of her pj's. Wally you can wear some of mine."
"Thanks.. But what are we gonna do? We can't exactly go back, but we don't exactly have a choice either."
"For now.. I guess we deal with it and keep going. Susie probably shouldn't go back."
"I don't think I could abandon Alice like that."
"Well, I guess you could stay in the music room with me and y/n. It's not a good idea for you to be by yourself though."
Sammy looked over and watched as his little sheep slept. "Poor thing.. Everytime you get too worked up, you end up passing out don't ya.."
He pulled the blanket up over her and wrapped his arms around her.
"God, whoever you are, please spare her the fate that bestows the rest of us.. amen."

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