Part IX

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Sammy passed out as soon as they got home. Y/n stayed up all night, hoping that it would help if she didn't wake him up and make him paranoid again. The night felt like it took forever as she waited sunrise. Around six she got bored and decided to make her and Sammy breakfast. He didn't have much, but she was able to use what she could find to make some pancakes. By the time she finished, it had finally turned to seven o' clock.
Sammy walked out a bit confused and scratching his head.
"Morning!" y/n smiled, exhausted, but she wasn't about to let him know she didn't sleep at all last night.
"Wow.. You didn't need to do that.."
He said wrapping his arms around her, and kissing the side of her head.
"If this taste as good as it smells and looks, then I'm gonna marry you." he said jokingly, and probably wouldn't have said anything had he been fully awake, but y/n was flattered nonetheless.
"I would happily oblige." she joked back.
They looked at each other smiling, but neither if them were really happy. Both were paranoid of losing the other and stressed from work.
So pretty much the whole week was filled with y/n avoiding falling asleep. Of course Sammy, being the overprotective guy he is, noticed her acting slightly off. He still didn't know about her being an insomniac, and she knew he'd fuss at her for it.  
It seemed Sammy wasn't the only one noticing her strangely tired behavior.
"Hey little sis!" Susie said running up and giving y/n a hug. "Good morning Ally.."
"... What!?First, it's the afternoon. Second,  I sure he'll am not fuckin Allison!"
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing to be me!" she yelled from the other side of the room.
"Well I sure as hell ain't some fuckin hoe!"
They looked over to see y/n laying on the floor. "Hey now, you can't just fall over when I let you go for one second."
"Sorry.." she yawned. "Guess I just lost my balance." Allison and Susie shared a concerned glance. "Hey hun, you gettin' enough sleep?"
"Yeah.. " she yawned again.
"Sure don't seem like it."
"Whatever.. I gotta deliver these papers to Sammy." She then walked to the right of the music department.
"You do realize Sammy's in his office, which is on the left right?"
"Oh, right.."
By the time Saturday rolled around, her brain was just about done for.
"Sammy! We have a problem!"
"What is it now, Wally?"
"Y/n kinda passed out in the middle of the floor."
He shoved Wally out of the way, causing him to fall into this mop bucket. He then swung open the door searching for his little sheep. He finally spotted her lying in Susie's lap.
"Yesh. She's out cold.. I told you she was really sleep deprived."
"I wonder why. You don't think Sammy's been a dick to her again do you?"
"Shh! Lacie keep your voice down he's right there!"
Sammy was in full protection mode, causing him to charge at Susie and take the sleeping y/n from her.
"Hey! Careful!"
He then growled at her. Like, he legitimately growled at her.
They two girls backed away from him, but still watched what he was doing.
"Hey little sheep.. Everything's okay I'm here now.." he whispered cradling her tightly in his arms.
They could also hear him singing a soft tune.
"Aw! They're so cute! I feel bad for ever doubting him."
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Come on, I don't think we're needed here anymore."
"But I wanna watch.."
"Come on!" she said grabbing Lacie by the shirt collar and dragged her out of the room.
"Man I wish someone loved me that much.."
"Ugh. Why does everyone think they're couple of the year. It's so cheesy, really."
"Well I mean-"
"Ya know what I'm not interested."
She said walking away.
Sammy was still cradling y/n in his arms. He eventually picked her up and carried her to the medic room.
She was out for hours, which meant Sammy had to go back to his office and finish his work. He was scared she'd wake up without him by her side and start to feel abandoned and also start to hate him.
"Good evening Mr. Lawrence! Me and Joey have a few plans for Bendy Land that we would like your opinions on." Bertrum said busting into his office.
"Can we do this later, now really isn't a good time.."
"Well this isn't much of a waiting matter Mr. Lawrence. All ideas must be finalized so we can start with the preparations."
"Yes, but I'm a very busy man, and I have a lot of work to do."
"I'll be happy to let Joey know how you feel. I'm sure he could find someone to replace you. It would be such a shame wouldn't it. Being head of a department as big as this must have meant you've been here for quite a while.. I'd hate to let Joey know you think his park is a waste of time and money."
He gave a devilish grin causing Sammy to snarl.
"Fine. What do you want."
"We want you to orchestrate music to play in the background of the park. We'll need multiple tracks as playing the same one over and over would be most obnoxious."
"What about the orchestra? They can't play for hours on end like that. A shepherd has to keep his flock healthy and safe. "
"Why of course, we've already thought of that. What a dreary sight it'd be to see the musicians passing out on the floor. Plus that would involve us needing multiple orchestras across the park. We will simply use a device like this." He picked up a tape recorder from Sammy's desk. "There will be about ten to thirty different tracks that will play throughout the park at the same time!" Bertrum pulled out a layout of where the recordings would be placed, and showed different wires that connected them all to main station where the tracks would be set on a rotation. "The tracks will need to be very upbeat and energizing! I mean we are running an amusement park, not a depression park. Now if I were you I'd go ahead and get started, since Joey wants this project done as quickly as possible." He grabbed all his papers and put them in his vest pocket, and left the office.
Sammy could feel rage flowing through him. "I'm so fuckin tired of all for them and what do I get in return? A small paycheck! I deserve way more than that.Why the hell did he say he was asking my opinion if I don't even get a say in the matter?"
He stood up, his hands a bit shaky from the urge to punch something. Sammy was never really at controlling his anger, so he sorta screamed and punched the another hole in the wall.
"I'll get the wall plaster and paint!" he heard Wally shout at someone from the other room.
"Joey, why would you keep such a stubborn, and destructive employee. Doesn't it cost extra to fix up the walls all the time?"
"Now, now Bertrum. Sure he may be a bit difficult from time to time, but Sammy is an amazing musician. No one can beat his skills."
"Yes but still.."
"Well maybe next time you'll know not to tick him off. He's put a lot of others in the downstairs infirmary." Joey whispered in warning. Bertrum pulled Joey in close and whispered, "If one of your idiots lays a single finger on me, I'll shut down your park, and I'll sue you for all your cheap ass is worth."
Joey felt a chill make its way down his spine. He couldn't stand the thought of losing his dreams. Bertrum walked away from Joey leaving him stranded in his thoughts. He then noticed Sammy walking in his direction looking at the floor with a sense of dread.
"Lawrence!" he said pushing Sammy against the wall. "You better not do anything to piss off Bertrum. Our company needs him! This park can finally get our name more out there, and you better not fuck this up."
"Get off of me! Do you really think I care? The only thing actually worth my concern is-" he stopped himself from telling him. He knew if Joey knew about him and y/n, it probably wouldn't end well. Everyone knew how shady Joey is, and if he knew he'd probably threaten to fire her, and use it as blackmail. "Ya know what never mind. If you want me to get my work done around here then get off me." Joey backed off, but glared at the young song writer.
He walked down the stairs ignoring Joey's gaze.
"Hey my little sheep. Are you awake yet?" she squinted her eyes and looked at him.
"sammy?" she muttered.
"Hey baby.." he whispered and kissed her forehead. "You feeling any better?" She gave him a confused look and looked around the room.
"What happened?"
"You passed out earlier. Susie said something about you being sleep deprived. Care to explain?"
"Sorry.." He sighed and started to twirl a strand of her hair.
"I guess that explains you being up so early the past few days."
"I didn't want to worry you with my sleep talking again.. And I didn't want to wake you up either.. It's just you seemed so stressed, and you needed a lot of rest."
"You're making me feel bad again."
"Don't be. At least tomorrow is Sunday, right? I want you to sleep all day if ya need it. Just make sure you sleep next week because we have to come up with thirty plus, new songs."
"Wait what?!"
"I know right. Let me give ya a heads up, that Bertrum guy isn't exactly that fun." She nodded and laid her tired head on his chest.
"Hey what happened to your hand?"
Sammy looked down at his hand which was bleeding from a few cuts and one really deep gash.
"Oh wow I didn't even notice. Must have been from when I punched a hole in the wall."
"You nitwit."
"I know, I know."
Y/n got up and grabbed a roll of bandages. "Give me your hand."
He did as she said. "This is gonna sting, okay?"
"Whatever." he said, which in return she poured some alcohol on it.
"Hey I warned you." She said wrapping up the wound.
"Better?" she asked looking up at him. He smiled at her, slightly biting his lip. Y/n could tell he was debating on doing something, and it didn't take long for her figure it out.
In a quick movement, he pinned her down on the bed and bit her neck.
"Ow! Sammy-"
He sat up and locked eyes with her.
"What? There's nothing wrong with having a little fun, is there?"
She wanted to push him back and call him an idiot, but she couldn't get anything to come out. When he got no response, he simply smirked and resumed passionately kissing her neck.
"Is now really a good time for this? I mean you said we have a lot to do and-"
"But that's sooo boring." he whispered into her ear.
"Sammy, your an idiot."
He propped himself up on his hand and glared at her, with a look of amusement.
"We've been over this before, my little sheep. I might be an idiot, but at least I'm your idiot." He laid back down on top of her, putting his head on her neck. She found herself wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Sammy, is y/n doing any better?" Allison was walking down the stairs, and they both jumped up and pretended that nothing happened, but of course Sammy went to stand up while y/n still had her legs wrapped around his one and fell.
"Hey Allison." y/n said trying to look innocent.
"Is he okay?"
"He'll be fineee."
"Ok then.. Well I'm gonna go back upstairs.."
She turned around and walked back up, pretending nothing happened.
"Are you okay?"
"No I'm fuckin dead."
"Well that's too bad.. I don't wanna kiss a dead body."
"Pfft, yeah well let's find out." He grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the floor with him, and he kissed her, which, of course, she kissed him back.

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