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Y/n managed to push the thoughts of her friend's violent death out of her mind, and fall back asleep. When she woke the next morning, she could feel that familiar pain in her stomach.
"Why today of all days.." she muttered as she clutched her stomach and headed to the bathroom.
Sammy walked past the bathroom, but turned back when he saw y/n throwing up.
"Hey you okay?" he asked rubbing her back.
"Classic morning sickness, as Susie put it.." She smiled remembering her friend's words, but Sammy just looked away.
"Yeah.. She did say that.. If you need to stay home and rest then I don't mind."
"It's fine. I'll be better later."
"Don't force yourself to do something you don't have the strength to do, my little sheep."
"Sammy I'm fine."
"Don't think I didn't forget about it." he said placing his hand on her lower stomach.
The kindness and compassion in his eyes made y/n's heart doubt he was the one who killed Susie.
But her mind knew otherwise..

The walk to the studio was a treacherous one for y/n. She heavily missed riding in that shiny, navy blue Sunbeam.
When they arrived, y/n was immediately greeted by Wally. He smiled sadly at the couple until Sammy left to his office.
"Sorry I got you into trouble y/n.."
"Wow your not calling some silly nickname for once. But it's all good. I'm fine, your fine and.."
"Susie's still missing.."
She could see tears forming in his eyes.
"Come on, I know a good place we can talk."
Y/n grabbed Wally's hand and pulled him down to the construction site below the studio, where attractions were being made for Bendy Land.
"So what do you think happened to Susie?" y/n whispered on the way to the carousel styled ride.
Wally shrugged, and they sat on the railing overlooking the ride.
"I can't help but blame myself.. I could have just told her no that's stupid, but I had to let her know where that pub was and then she ran off and.."
He was balling at this point.
"Hey.. It's not your fault. She was really unstable at the time, and that mixed with alcohol.."
"Exactly! I knew that but I decided it'd be better to look cool for her instead of being responsible and telling her no. It's not that hard, Wally! Why do you have to be such an idiot!"
"Wally! Your not an idiot and none of this is your fault. You know what, I know what happened to her."
Wally lifted his face from his knees, and Bertrum, who had just turned the corner to check on the progress of the ride, was now listening intently.
"That damn Joey tricked her and put her into that blasted machine. He did something to Sammy's head and made him try to kill, or knock her out. I don't know what's become of her right now, but that's what happened the night she disappeared."
Wally stared at her in awe and fear. "You mean.. she's as good as dead?"
"Not exactly.. She was alive when she was put in the machine, so maybe she'll come out alive, or.. I don't know!"
Wally could feel panic and anger surging through his veins.
"I'm gonna have a talk with that blasted Joey Drew! I bet his new buddy, Bertrum, had something to do with it too!"
"Wally that's a stupid idea!" y/n shouted as he jumped off the rail and started walking around the corner.
"Yes Wally, that would be very stupid." Bertrum said as he grabbed the boys shirt collar, and had him held in the air.
"Listen runt, you're not telling anyone, and I'm gonna make sure of that."
"Let him go!" y/n yelled marching up to the big man.
"And where did you hear such a theory, Little Missy?"
"That's none of your business. Now let him down!"
"I bet that lousy composer told you, didn't he? I'm gonna have to tell Joey about that idiot running his mouth."
"Don't you dare drag him into this!"
"Oh why not, darling. If you really cared you woulda kept your mouth shut."
She growled and kicked her shoe into his balls, causing him to drop Wally.
"Come on y/n! We can't let him catch us!"
"I need to find a way for him to keep his mouth shut."
"What are you-"
"My dreams were right all along, and if he tells Joey we know about Susie, not only are we done for, but they'll blame Sammy and go after him!"
"Forget about that. We need to tell the authorities!"
"You go on ahead and get Sammy. I can handle this dick on my own."
Wally stood there for a moment deciding what to do. He sighed and ran back towards the music department. He didn't like leaving y/n alone with Bertrum, but he knew Sammy was much more capable of protecting her than him.
Y/n frantically glanced around the room, looking for anything she could possibly use to protect herself.
"I've had it with you! Your so stupidly annoying. Always following that conductor around like some sort of mindless.."
He paused for a moment trying to think of the stupidest animal he could.
"Sheep." y/n said with a smirk.
"Exactly!" he yelled before remembering Sammy's foolish nickname.
"Why you little-"
"Sheep." she said again with a giggle. "I'm Sammy Lawrence's little sheep and there's nothing the likes of you can do about it."
Her confidence and shamelessness at the stupid nickname made him snap.
"I've got money, good looks, an amazing career, and a big house, what more do you want?"
"None of the above. You were missing the main thing that every true lady looks for in a man. A big heart. I love Sammy because he will stay up for hours comforting me after I've had a nightmare. He always knows when I need space or when I need someone to tell me it's all right. He's always there for me, and sure he may not be rich and live in a fancy house, but I wouldn't trade him for the world."
"Ha! You really are something y/n. After what he did to one of your best friends, you still love him."
"I'd let him do the same to me if he wanted.."
She could feel her heart sinking at the thought of his psychotic look when he was trying to kill Susie in her dream.
"It doesn't matter what happens or what he does. I'll always be there right by his side."
"I'm so tired of this!"
He walked over to y/n, grabbing her throat and held her over the railing.
"You think I'm scared of a little fall, you sorry excuse for a man."
Bertrum's anger was fully boiled at this point, causing him to lift her up and slam her down to the hard ground below.
Y/n had anticipated the hard crash onto the ground, but she didn't think about all the metal scraps lying around.
Y/n felt the sharp impact on her stomach, but the rest of her felt like it was still in the air. She opened her eyes and could see the red tinted metal sticking out of her, and after a few moments she had realized what happened.
"Welp, one problem down. Time to find the other two."
She listened as his heavy footsteps got farther away.
"I'm.. not do..ne w-with you y..et." she mumbled and tried to struggle herself off the jagged metal.
"Oh my gosh!" she heard a familiar voice yell. Y/n watched her vision blur, and felt the incredible pain in the lower half of her body, as someone was lifting her off the metal.
"Y/n, can you hear me?"
"What the hell happened? Never mind that, you need to get to the infirmary immediately!"
Y/n had to admit, Lacie was stronger than she seemed, but her running up the stairs didn't feel that great on her new wound. She winced loudly as the pain grew.
She clenched her one eye in pain, and saw Sammy watching in horror as Lacie ran past him on the balcony y/n had just been thrown off of. She didn't see Bertrum, but she could hear him scream as Sammy did something. She could also hear Wally's frantic voice behind her.
"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone! It's all my fault.. again.."
"W-wally.." y/n muttered, "don't blame yourself for my stupidity.. You did good by getting Sammy, and if I know him well enough, he'll give that Bertrum hell.." she smiled at the boy over Lacie's shoulder, but slowly blacked out afterwards.


"Bertrum you stupid jackass!" Sammy yelled as he slung a plank onto the mans head.
"You said if I did you and Joey's 'job' you'd leave her alone!"
"Well maybe you shouldn't have told her anything!"
"I didn't!"
"How did she know then, Lawrence? I'm dying to know!"
Sammy flinched as he said that. How did she know about what happened the other night? He could tell by the scowl on Bertrum's face that he wasn't lying, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that his little sheep was badly hurt and it was this idiots fault.
Sammy grabbed the mans shirt collar, and pushed him against the railing so hard, it cracked.
"I don't care what she did, or what she knows. I think the reason you did that to her was because you knew you'd never have her."
Bertrum gritted his teeth.
"That's right, Mr. Jackass, she's mine and mine alone. Now you better hope she doesn't die, or I'm gonna have to put you through a hell ten times worse than whatever she goes through."
Sammy let go of Bertrum and began to walk away when he started to laugh.
"I doubt that stubborn girlfriend of yours is gonna die, but ya know, I'm sure that little worm you put in her is a goner."
Sammy flinched at those words, and remembered the bloody mess Lacie was carrying.
"Ya see that bloody metal scrap down there? That's the one I threw her onto. You should have seen the way it just went straight through her like a pebble hitting the water. It saddened me a bit to have to dispose of such a beauty, but it had to be done. We couldn't have our little secret getting out."
Sammy turned back towards the greedy narcissist standing against the wooden railing, and charged. The impact of the two men broke the wooden frame and sent it falling down. Sammy had managed to get his balance and held Bertrum by the collar, over the edge of the platform.
"I'm gonna make you regret all those disgusting words that just came out of your mouth."
He looked around the messy floor below deciding what he should do with the desperate man, who was pleading with Sammy to not let go. He looked over at the mechanism not to far of a throwing distance for him.
Right as Sammy was about to spare the man in his grip, he swore he heard Susie whisper in his ear, "Do it."
Without another hesitant moment, Sammy threw Bertrum onto the carousel-like ride below.
He landed with an ear piercing scream, as some of the gears stabbed into him, but it just wasn't enough.
Sammy walked down to the control panel beside the ride and stared at the buttons curiously.
"Lawrence, don't you dare!" Bertrum shouted from above.
Sammy knew the brutality of the act he could commit, and what if someone finds out it was him?
"Give'em a taste of his own medicine." Sammy looked over, and beside him stood the black and white Susie. Her coloring made her resemble Alice, Sammy thought.
The figure of Susie grabbed his hand placing it on the lever, and nodded.
"Hey what are you doing, you lousy composer? Don't you dare turn on the this machine!"
"Oops." Sammy smirked as he pulled the lever. He left the room, followed by the screams of Bertrum Piedmont, the construction manager for Bendy Land. "Oh won't Joey be pissed." Sammy said, still smiling.

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