Part 14

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January 31st 1998

Instead of breaking into a van and putting themselves into community service for 13 months I'm making the boys spend the night at my house.Since its a school day tomorrow they are spending the day here and then going home and then sneaking out while I wait in the car.After hanging out all day we take Ethans car and drive to Pizzajacks picking up our usual two pizzas.

We lay them in the backseat beside me.We drive to His house first and park on the street."Alright Gray,go in and tell them goodnight, we'll wait here," Ethan tells him.

"God this is annoying, I'll see you guys in 10," Grayson gets out and goes inside."If Grayson gets caught we run," Ethan turns and teases me.

I shake my head rolling my eyes.
"If he isn't out in 20 minutes we'll just head to my place," I let him know.

"Realistically I could just sneak you down into the basement and we stay there until we need to get up for school," he shrugs.

"Maybe, we'll wait for Gray first though," I let him know.

"Cool, lets hope He's late," he jokes. I pout and grab a piece of pizza.

Ethan takes a piece too and we just chill waiting for Gray.10 minutes later he walks out and gets in the car. Ethan sighs

"Whats up?" Grayson frowns listening to Ethan mumble annoyed."Nothing,"

I ignore them as they start bickering and Ethan gets out the car

"Now this is a bit harder. I gotta go make sure mom and dad are asleep. If I'm not back in 20 then abort mission," Ethan hands his watch over to Gray.

"What do we do then?" I ask and Ethan pauses in the doorway."Uh, just uh," he thinks."Don't think negative, he'll be out," Grayson tells me and Ethan nods going inside.

As soon as Ethan's out of hearing range Grayson asks if I know whats wrong.

"I mean, he was hoping you wouldn't come and me and him could stay here. That's all I can think of," I shrug.

Or he could be thinking of the van he can't break into today."Dick," he glares toward the door into the house.

"Please don't mention it, incase he didn't want me to tell. I'm sure he'll be okay in a bit,"

"Yeah, sure," he crosses his arms annoyed and faces forward.

"This was a bad fucking idea," I cross mine too and wait. Ethan finally walks back out and notices we're both in a bad mood.

"What now?" He asks looking between us."Nothing," we both grunt.

He drives back to my apartment and we all sit in silence. Tonight has become a disaster.As soon as we get to my house Ethan gets onto the computer I bought for them to play Mario on.

Ethan pretty much ignores us as Grayson and I fill the blow up mattress. Me and Gray don't speak and barely look at each other."Night," I tell them quiet.

Both of the pizzas lay forgotten in my kitchen only one piece missing from each.I go to my room and listen to the sounds in the livingroom making sure they don't leave. I hear Grayson lay on the mattress and asks Ethan to turn down the volume so he can sleep.

"What the fuck ever," Ethan says annoyed and quiets down. I curl up in bed and whine.This isn't going so well anymore


Hey Olivia," Tori runs over to me in Drama the next day. I notice Grayson and Patrick are skipping."Hi Tori," I wave to her.

She walks over without Sammy aka my mother "Do you wanna hang out after school? I've never seen you hang out with any girls, maybe you could come shopping with Sammy and I?" She offers.

I hate shopping but it would be nice to get to know one of the girls I'm saving the life of.

And maybe it would be nice to spend some quality time with my mom."Okay, I will," I nod. I spend too much time with Ethan and Gray anyway.

"Meet us on Rebel Hill after school, see you then," She waves and walks off as I sit by James. We inevitably became friends but not as close as the first time.

"Ethan and Grayson aren't even here. At least Patrick is just outside," James tells me and I facepalm.

I already know what they're doing. I just hope they don't get caught this time

Lost in time G.D E.DWhere stories live. Discover now