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After first period, I was alone again I couldn't find the twins either.

Tori headed off to another class at the opposite end of the school, leaving me to wander the halls until I found the rest of my classes.

As I got to fourth hour, I felt more and more isolated.

It reminded me of my freshman year at my old school.

I hadn't known a single person, but within a few weeks, I'd met my best friends.

I wasn't here to stay, at least not permanently,

I hoped. 

I wasn't even sure how long I'd be here for, wherever 'here' was, I must of been here for more then 20 years.

I had to figure out a way to get back home before the massacre occurred.

Even though I was trapped in a past decade again, I still felt nervous,

Was it gonna be the same as the old one?

Who was I going to sit with?

I knew I shouldn't care that much, especially considering this was Red lake and I had bigger problems.

But I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my stomach as the bell rang for 'A' lunch, as it was called on my schedule.

I hoped I would be able to find Tyler or better yet The twins somewhere in the cafeteria. 

My anxiety increased as I was elbowed and shoved in the crowded hallways leading downstairs to the commons.

Kids were meeting up with their friends, claiming tables, setting their backpacks on empty seats next to them. I saw a bunch of guys in baseball caps swarm the commons, and I craned my neck to see if Tyler was among them, but they all looked the same.

I couldn't see The twins either. 

Then I got an idea.

Tyler and I were seniors, so maybe he went out to his car to go off campus for lunch.

I made a bee-line for the parking lot, shoving my way through the crowds.

One of the weirder things that struck me about being here was that it smelled different then before.

didn't know why, but the smell was just. . . off.

It was like going up to your attic, minus the humidity, and taking a deep breath. 

When I got to Tyler's car, or rather parking space, he was gone and so was his Honda.

"Prick," I said to myself, rolling my eyes and hugging my arms tightly around my shoulders due to the cold weather.

"What a guy," I muttered, beginning to walk back toward the school.

I guess it was plan B:find the twins. 

As I moved toward the entrance, a mirage of cigarette smoke blew in front of my face, making me cough and cringe backward a bit. 

"Sorry about that," a deep voice murmured to my left. I turned toward the direction of the voice to find a guy leaning against the outside wall, a cigarette dangling from his fingers.

He had on a jacket and denim jeans, but no baseball cap as I had become accustomed to seeing on guys at the school. 

"No worries," I said in a quiet voice, staring almost in shock at the guy.

I recognized his voice, but upon seeing his face I knew who he was for sure.

QqHe didn't seem to notice and took another drag.

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