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I decided to hang out with Grayson at his today, hopefully I'll find up what's wrong.

I got dressed and walked over to my ouija board,

"Is something gonna happen"

" Y E S "

"Is it gonna be good or bad"

"B A D"

Shit, that's not gonna be fun is it?


I walk into school looking around for Grayson, I spot him smoking and standing next to Patrick, I began walking over to him, until my dad came past him shoving his shoulder,

"Oh fuck you dude" Grayson spook up

"What?" My dad went into his face trying to intimidate him.

"Hey! Leave him alone." I shout marching up to him

"Oh no! The faggots girlfriend is here to protect him" my dad said throwing his arms in the air as if he was scared

My dad started laughing in my face, witch caused me to stamp on his foot making him scream in pain.

"Bitc-" He went to grab my hair till Grayson shoved him to you floor kicking his stomach.

"Dude chill" Patrick grabbed Grayson

"You're gonna pay" my dad said spiting blood up, I sigh and drag Grayson to English with me.

Me and Grayson sat next to each other, making small talk until my mom walked into the room giving me a dirty look walking to the chair behind us, I just ignored it and went back to talk with Grayson.

"You didn't have to do that." I said to him tucking my hair behind my ear

Grayson looked up from his paper, "he shouldn't have done that to my locker girl." He winked at the end making me laugh a bit.

"Shh" i say smiling at him and getting my work out from my bag.


I was in a forest, far away from the city, with two guys with loaded guns.

The cold wind of the afternoon blew heavily against us,

At first I only watched, keeping a safe distance because Ethan has been acting weird towards me.

The gun shots resonated through the woods like loud explosions, and I was almost sure that I was going to lose my hearing.

Every once in a while Grayson turned to look at me with a reassuring smile and I smiled back despite the nerves that I had in my stomach.

I watched as Ethan loaded a shotgun, aimed at a pile of old wood, that had been placed over a tree's branch and pulled the trigger, the bullet going right through the wood.

"Holly shit, perfect shot!" Grayson exclaimed and hurried to pick up the wood from the ground. They examined the hole the bullet had left with admiration.

"Imagine what that would do to Olivia's head," Ethan said with exhilaration. At that, something cold went through my veins.

"W-what", They turned to look at me in surprise, as if they forgot I was there,

I could already feel the adrenaline rush in my blood as I watched Ethan reload his gun,

"One..." I heard Ethan say

"Sammy told me about you guys"

Ethan's words resonated through my head as I aimed at me.


"Ethan no" Grayson shouted running up too his brother

Suddenly, a flash went through my eyes, and for a split single second I Saw my old life, The bullet hit hard against my shoulder, pushing me back against The floor,

I full of adrenaline.

I look over at Ethan and Grayson fighting. But I was going in and out of continuous

feeling out of breath. My eyes were dark,

The power that a gun had to knock me to the floor shocked me, even though I've been killed over 100 times.

Before I knew it I Ethan walked up to me loading the shotgun and leveling it up to my face,

this time leaning down, Seeing this, made me wanna scream.

"Night night locker girl."

Without a second thought Ethan shot me the recoil once again hitting hard against my face.

Lost in time G.D E.DWhere stories live. Discover now