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At seven Grayson offered to give me a ride home,

I didn't realise how tired I really was until I opened the car down and sunk into the car seat, resting my head back into the seat.

That twenty minute nap at there house really made me exhausted.

My stomach was filled up with Mrs Dolan's cooking, we sat around the kitchen table with Sean and Lisa at each end.

Grayson at the side of his father followed by Ethan and Robyn, I sat facing them.

Lisa did most of the interviewing, while Sean sat back listening to his wife, adding a few quick questions now and again.

Mainly questions about my family, what classes I'm taking, the college I'm choosing.

Of course it was all bullshit I was saying but they didn't need to know that.

By the end of the meal I felt mentally tired from all the questions that's we're asked.

Robyn did most of the talking, making a lot of inside jokes with Grayson witch annoyed me and Ethan.

I could tell there parents we're very fond of Robyn, and that she was a usual in this house.

After cleaning the table, Robyn had began to gather up her textbooks when Grayson said he was taking me home.

Robyn chewed her lip viably disappointed and annoyed.

I felt sorry for her, I could tell she really liked Grayson.

I knew how she felt, when a boy displays affection for someone else,

from her books she had made about the shooting, she was becoming a woman, with long glossy blonde hair, and her sweet smile.

I'm surprised Grayson hadn't asked her out.

"We can rent a movie tomorrow?" Grayson ask her.

her disappointment soon turned into a wide smile, I was pretty impressed with how Grayson picked up on her site of exclusion.

I watched as Grayson handed me my coat and called to his mom,

"I'll be back soon mom"

"You'll have to tell me the directions" he said in a low voice with one hand on the wheel and another on the radio.

A song I recognised came on, Grayson went to turn it over again but I grabbed his hand.

"I like this." I said and smiled at him

It didn't really fit the mood, a dark drive though a cold suburban road, but I couldn't help but mumble the words under my breath.

Grayson turned the music down,

"Look at the sky" he said looking at the darken sky though his windshield.

Dotted all over small slightly faded stars.

"Know any thing about stars?"

I carried on looking at the sky my face laying on the cold window.

"A little"

"The North Star?"

"I think-" he cut me off

"Look! Right there" he pointed at the brightest star I had ever seen, his eyes sparked when the light hit them.

"Turn here right?" He asked softly

"No" I lied,

"Keep going"

Lost in time G.D E.DWhere stories live. Discover now