Part 22

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"Ethan no!" I scream sitting up fast in bed, was that a dream?

I struggle to breathe easier and try to relax.

'Good morning Long valley, it is Friday, January 1st, 1998'

I facepalm as the familiar alarm goes off. I reach over and yank it out of the wall socket and I throw it across the room where it breaks against the wall. "Fuck!" I scream and punch the bed.

I get up and look at the Ouija board on my dresser,

"Why is this happening to me!" I don't wait for an answer and cover my face frustrated.

I lean against my wall and punch the sides of my head.

Thats it, no more mr nice guy. I don't care if they end up happy anymore,

if I can't stop Hannah and Mark from getting them guns then I will fucking call the cops and get them locked up.

I am done playing around with them. I don't care how much I loved them, I need to escape this time loop. I debate on whether or not I should even be friends with them this time since the new plan is to get the police.

I guess the closer I am to them the more they reveal, they never would have taken me shooting if we weren't friends.

I decide to skip school today and start on monday.

If I want to get to Mark I need to get to Phil first.

Blackjacks is hiring, thats the perfect way to get to him.

I dress nicely and make myself look decent before walking down to Blackjacks.

At this point I've been in this place more than I've been in my apartment.

I go in and Phil is on the register.

"What can I get you?" He asks.

"Can I just get an application?" I ask.

"My boss is here, you could probably just talk to him, he's pretty chill," he shrugs and looks behind him. Bob is putting a pizza in the oven.

"Sure," I shrug and wait.

"Bob, this chick wants to work here!" Phil points at me.

"Do you have experience?" Bob asks.

"No, but I'm willing to learn, and I have friends who work at a different pizza place, I watch them all the time and know how shit works around here," I answer.

"I'll give you a shot kid, heres an app for now, I'll be back in 20," he hands over the sheet for just basic info.

Even after two years I still accidently write 1999 next to my birthday.

I quickly sketch a 81 over it. Bob returns and takes the application from me,

"You'll come in tomorrow at noon for a little training, sunday also. By monday I'll know if I want you to stay. I'll pay under the table for the two days. You'll need these," He hands me a shirt, apron, and hat.

"NhThank you, I won't let you down," I smile at him and leave. Thank god he didn't ask about me not being at school or something, I don't want to seem irresponsible. I hope Phil ends up being the one who trains me. I drop the uniform off at home and go grocery shopping since I'd usually go after school. I see Sue and Dylans older brother Byron when I walk in. Man, even when I skip I can't avoid any Klebolds. I avoid them and continue with my day. I get home and put everything away. I'm nervous to start my first job, I almost feel normal, like a normal kid starting to work but then I remember I only have this job to stop a mass murder. After a long day of frustrated thinking I fall into a restless sleep. --------------------------------------- It's training day at Blackjacks. I get to the restraunt at 11:30 to be there early and just watch. I already have the shirt and hat on but the apron tucked in my arm. I walk in and notice Dylan is on the register, god I hope I don't train up there today. I wonder if Eric works today too. "Miss.Baker you made it early," Bob waves walking out. I nod polietly while I sit in a booth and watch Dylan pick up the phone. He grabs a pad of paper and shifts the phone to his right ear so he can write down an order. "You'll be training up front today, in the kitchen tomorrow, I think you'll do good with Dylan and Chris since you go to school with them," Bob explains. Well, at least I don't have to deal with Eric yet, and I'm excited about Chris. "Awesome," I nod and give him a thumbs up. We wait for Dylan to finish the order. "Do you know any of them?" He asks. "No, mondays actually my first day of school," I lie. "Well it's an excellent time to meet them and make friends," he claps excited and I laugh at his reaction. "You're funny," I giggle. Dylan hangs up and slides the paper onto the table for Phil to make. "Dylan, this is Kasey, you'll be training her for the day, make her feel welcome, but not too welcome," he winks and walks away. Dylan looks down at me awkward and looks away. Well, at least the murder is gone from his eyes. "So, basically I just wait for a phone call or someone to walk in. Saturdays usually get busy after noon," he tells me quietly. "Alright," I nod and patiently wait. I watch Dylan twittle his thumbs and tap his foot, "So you go to Columbine?" "Uh yeah, you?" He asks. "I'm starting on monday," I shift boredly. "Well, don't expect much, its shit there," he shrugs. "I'm not expecting anything, I just wanna hurry up and graduate next year," I emphasize graduate a bit. "Just don't come near me or my friends, we'll just make you a target," he says with worry in his voice. "My attitude makes me a target," I sass and he giggles a bit. He gets comfortable and leans against the counter beside me. Oh no, I'm already falling into the same pattern with Dylan. Chris walks passed us and leaves to deliver a pizza. Bob watches us and we both stand up straight andwatch the door. We see a car pull up and Dylan tenses, "I've never trained anyone before," "Relax, it will be fine," I slug his arm. He smiles down at me and then puts on a brave face for the couple walking in. "Welcome to Blackjacks, is this for here or to go?" He asks. He takes their order and looks back up, "Okay, 8.27," He ignores the register and immediatly does mental math before handing them their change. "Give them their cups and hand the order off," Dylan tells me as he does it. He turns and hands the paper to Phil who walks further into the kitchen. "Simple really," I shrug. "The kitchen will be harder," he nods, "But they're all really chill and will help, especially Eric," he praises his best friend. "Yeahhhh," I murmur kinda awkward, the vision of Eric and his shotgun in my mind. The memory turns into Eric and his knife, both scenes the same with Eric staring into my eyes as he kills me. Dylan has me take the next order and I succeed. He smiles claiming to be the best teacher ever. He also helps me take orders by phone and soon I'm a pro and we're a perfect tagteam. "Catch Kasey!" Dylan laughs as he throws a cup of ranch at me and I catch it one handed before adding it to the stockpile. "I see you two are having fun," Bob chuckles walking over from his office. "Shes a natural," Dyl jokes. "You're free to go Kasey, I expect to see you at noon again," he nods. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then Dyl," I take off the apron. "Bye Kasey, see you then," he waves and I head home.

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