CHAPTER 1 Class 1A -2

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Deku's POV

As I walked to the men's restroom to get dressed in my hero suit. I heard laughter. I looked around, but saw no one else. After getting dressed in a stall I heard laughter again, but this time I saw a portal by my feet. Before I could say anything darkness had engulfed me.

Kacchan's POV

Class had started 2 hours ago and the looser was still nowhere to be seen. I told the teacher that I'm going to go look for him. I ran out of the training hall and went to the men's room Where I'd last seen him at. I busted down the door to the stall that he was in.

"DEKU YOU LOOSER, CLASS HAS STA-. Deku isn't here? his bag and cellphone is , but where is he at?"

A voice says to me.

"Would you like me to take you to him?"

After that, all I saw was darkness.

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