CHAPTER 38 A true Hero

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The princeable of UA said in a press conference The student at our school died being a hero. even though he was still in training. Izuku Midoriya played as Bait so our pros could catch the villains behind all of the attacks on the school. unfortunately during the battle he took a fatal blow in the chest. in order to protect one of his friends. instead of feeding the hate started by the league of villains. I propose that we erect a statue and make our fallen student a true hero. if so then it shall be called by the hero name Deku. During the press conference the city council voted on the proposal. Before the council made their decision, Stain appeared in front of city hall saying to the news media. I the hero killer Stain give myself over to the police. There's still hope for true heroes to exist in this messed up world we live in. Izuku Midoriya is one example of the tittle hero.After that the council approved the monument. The statue was put in the middle of the main entrance of UA.
At this time Bakugo and Todoroki were on there way to ask Dabi some questions. Shoto asked why did you leave home brother? Dabi responded with a smile wouldn't you do the same if you could? Our father was an abusive asshole. Shoto said Was? He still is! Dabi started to laugh. Shoto then asked his final question. Why didn't my quirk work on the cell doors during the first rescue? Dabi said The bars are coted with the same material that the collars were. So quirks don't work on them. Ask Bakugo he'll tell you that I'm right. Shoto looked over to see Bakugo grabbing his forearms tightly, and shaking all over. Bakugo walked over where Shoto was standing. He then asked Why.....WHY DID YOU KILL DEKU!!? Dabi said Shigaraki's plan was to make one of you give up on becoming a hero and join us, but when you were rescued I decided to take matters into my own hands. Yours actually very lucky. if Shoto would have never rescued you then by Shigaraki's orders. I was supposed to kill both of you that day. Bakugo's eyes widened. I decided to have a new play thing, and if he would've died then one for all would have no one to go back to but All Might. He would never entrust one for all to anyone ever again. Bakugo walked away and started laughing. Your plan failed miserably said Bakugo. He lifted one arm and with a flick of a finger in Dabi's direction. A strong breeze flow through the bars of Dabi's prison cell door. Dabi said well damn I never would've thought that in a million years. How did that happen anyway? I thought that you'd have to take in his DNA? Dabi's eyes widen and he looks at Bakugo with a huge grin. OH! So that's how close the two of you were. Hell if Izuku was into guys like you then maybe I should've fucked him. Bakugo had to be held back by Shoto after Dabi said that. Bakugo said YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU!!! The guards had to trankwillize Bakugo just so Shoto could leave with him. Before he did something that he would've regretted.

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