CHAPTER 20 Final fight

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Todoroki puts up an ice wall all around him, Kirishima and Dabi. Kirishima uses his quirk to harden his whole body in order to have a stronger punch or kick against Dabi. As Kirishima is fighting Dabi with hand to hand combat. Todoroki is making spikes shoot out of the wall. Dabi tries using his quirk but Todoroki uses his flames to counter Dabi's.
Deku is making use of the skills he learned from Dabi while using a knife.

" Kacchan you were right I was never going to be a hero."

Bakugo was shocked to hear those words from Deku. Deku noticed that Bakugo was lost in thought. So he went for Bakugo's throat with the knife. Before he reached Bakugo. Deku had a flashback to their childhood. it was about both of them as best friends before they had quirks. when Deku came back to reality. He had cut Bakugo's cheek with the knife. Bakugo grabbed Deku's arm, squeezed until he let go of the knife and said.

"I WON'T LET YOU GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM OF BECOMING A HERO. after all we've rivals remember?"

Deku jumped back about twenty feet and started to laugh.

when Todoroki and Kirishima had Dabi cornered at the wall. Kirishima went for a punch and Todoroki had a fist covered in ice Dabi melted the wall and jumped back about thirty feet. Deku and Dabi were back to back with all three heroes around them. Dabi says,

" I think it's time to knock these heroes off their pedestals what do you think pet?"

"You're absolutely right master" he replied back.

Dabi took the collar off Deku and said

"have fun."

Deku looked at Bakugo and a tear fell down his right cheek he wiped it away and went for Kirishima. when Bakugo went after Deku, Dabi intervened with a fire kick to Bakugo's stomach. Todoroki helped Bakugo with his fight. Kirishima tried as much as possible to douge Deku's Full cawling but after five minutes he was exosted. Deku landed one good hit to his stomach and down he went. Kirishima grabbed Deku's led as he was walking away but Deku paid him no attention. Kirishima didn't have enough energy to grab tight. Deku looked at Dabi's fight and saw Bakugo's arm had a spike
made of ice about to stab Dabi through the gut. Todoroki had made a spike out of permafrost that Bakugo had on his right arm. Deku used full cawling to get to Dabi.
Deku was impelled by the spike of ice. Everyone even Dabi had a surprised look on there faces as Deku coughed up a puddle of blood. Two blood streams were in each corner of Deku's mouth. the spike melted and Deku fell into Bakugo's arms. Deku reached up with his right hand and put it on Bakugo's cheek and said

"I knew you wouldn't let me down"

Bakugo had a flashback to them being tortured by Dabi.

" If I hurt you or someone else please kill me."

looked at Deku in the present. Deku said

"Thank you K...Ka...."

Bakugo interrupted Deku with tears pouring down his face.

"Don't talk save your energy until help arrives."

Dabi jumped back but got frozen in ice my Todoroki. Deku started coughing up more blood and Bakugo looked back at Deku. Deku's arm started to fall off Bakugo's face but Bakugo grabbed it before his hand could fall to far. Deku said

"Kacchan come closer."

Bakugo moved closer until his face was about ten inches away from Deku's face. when Deku grabbed Bakugo's face with both hands and kissed him. After Deku backed away from Bakugo. He smiled and said.

" I've always wanted to do that but never had the courage to."

Bakugo had a shocked look on his face as Deku closed his eyes and Deku's arm fell to the ground.

All Might and all the other pro heroes showed up right as Deku fell into Bakugo's arms. I ran to Midoriya's side but was past by Aizawa with Recovery Girl on his back. As Midoriya was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Recovery Girl was keeping him as stable as she could with what little energy he had left. Dabi went to prison for his crimes. Deku was in I.C.U. for about a week until he was stabilized. he was in a coma for about three days. Deku was waking from the coma because a nurse told Bakugo that he had to leave so that Bakugo could get some rest, but he started to yell and say.

" I'm not going anywhere without him!"

The nurse insisted that he leave and Bakugo screams.

" NO, I WON'T LEAVE!!!!!"

Deku's heart monitor started to beep a little bit faster. The nurse and Bakugo looked and saw Deku's fingers switch a little. the nurse said.

"He's about to wake up."

Bakugo texted everyone he could think of with instructions for when he snuck Deku out of the Hospital.

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