CHAPTER 36 Friends

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Bakugo pulled back the sheet revealing Deku's face. When Bakugo did that. The sheet moved just enough to where he could see the buckles on the straps that held Deku down. "You damn looser, Heroes are supposed to be rescuing others. Not getting cought." Said Bakugo while undoing the straps. Just as Bakugo finished the sheet fell completely off of Deku. Bakugo looked at Deku and saw the hole in his chest where his heart is. As he fell to his knees Bakugo let out a blood curdling scream. Bakugo dropped his head and started sobbing uncontrollably. After about five minutes of crying that fell like hours to Bakugo. He picked Deku up by putting one arm under Deku's shoulders and one under his knees. Just as he took a step back Bakugo started to fall backwards. He was cought by Todoroki. Bakugo got his balance back and continued to walk down the hall to the meet up point. Todoroki hit the button on the device they were given if Deku was found. Todoroki's earpiece went off. it was All Might asking How's young Midoriya did you find him. Todoroki responded with " Yeah we .... ..we found Midoriya." earlier that day . Not long after everyone had left to find Deku. All Might felt a familiar feeling he hadn't felt in years, but it wasn't as strong as it was in the past. No matter how much he thought about where he had felt this before. He couldn't remember until Todoroki said that they found Midoriya in a sadden voice. it was then that he remembered feeling of one for all returning. All Might transformed into his muscle form and ran to see Young Midoriya. All Might showed up, and Bakugo was fighting with everyone about not letting Young Midoriya go. Bakugo refused to let anyone take deku away from him, but when All Might showed up. Bakugo let Deku go into the police officer's hands.

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