CHAPTER 30 Class 1A's decision

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Bakugo was woken up Kirashima shaking him. When he awoke Bakugo had a blinding headache. Bakugo opened his eyes to see Todoroki pulling back the covers of Deku's bed. Bakugo remembered getting knocked out by Deku. Bakugo jumped up and started looking around for any clues as to where he went. Todoroki said Where's Midoriya? Bakugo continued to look around without egnolaging anyone's existence. Just then Bakugo found a box under Deku's bed. As Bakugo was about to open it Kirashima wrapped his arms around Bakugo and said calm down Bakugo. I've never seen you worked up like this before. Bakugo kept Screaming LET ME GO YOU RED HAIRED LOOSER!!! Todoroki opened the box and  read the letter and list. Todoroki's eyes widened and he started to text everyone including the teachers. Todoroki said let him go Kirashima we have to meet with everyone in the princeable's office immediately. Kirashima released Bakugo and Todoroki grabbed the box. As they walked in the office everyone was already there waiting. Aizawa said we got your message and brought over the videos of Bakugo and Deku's kidnapping. now what's going on. Todoroki said there's missing footage that we just obtained. Todoroki put in the disc that was in the box. it showed Deku getting chained to another bed in a different room then before with a new outfit on. The first night had Deku having night terrors and screaming. Dabi walks into the adjoining room from his which Deku was in. Dabi puts his hand over Deku's mouth and even puts a knife to his throat. something was said between them and Deku closed his eyes. Dabi then walked out of the room. time fast forwards to the next night where the same thing happened again but this time Dabi put tape on Deku's mouth and then stabbed Deku in the left hand. after that he left the room. Every night Deku was chained and gagged. if he made a sound then Dabi would cut, or stab him. the night before the rescue Deku must've not made any sounds because Dabi never entered the room and Deku's eyes didn't open until Dabi opened the door in the morning. After that Todoroki took out the disc and Aizawa put in the next one. it showed the fight where Deku got ran through by Bakugo and Todoroki's Teamwork. Todoroki then read the letter that was in the box and then started to readout the list aloud. as everyone heard their parents home addresses there faces got pail. After Todoroki finished Aizawa started to make a rescue plan with the pros.

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