CHAPTER 23 what takes a mind off danger?

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Bakugo says OI Deku Deku! HAY LOOSER!! but no response. Totoroki said Bakugo I think Midoriya might have to get some rest. I'll help you get him upstairs to his room. Bakugo said I think he would be safer if he stays in my room with me. the villains attacked us separately for a reason. You're right said Totoroki. Bakugo picked Deku up and went upstairs. Deku comes to not long after Bakugo placed him on the bed and went to take a shower. Deku looks around to see that the room he was in is not his. Deku looks on the nightstand next to the bed to see a picture of Bakugo with his parents, and another picture of him and Bakugo as kids. not long after that, Bakugo walks in with a black tank top and dark blue shorts on. He Also has a towel laying on his hair, as he's rubbing his hair with it. so you're awake said Bakugo. he throws the towel on the floor, walks up to the bed and sits on the foot of it. Kacchan I....I'm sorr-mmh Deku was interrupted with a kiss from Bakugo. Deku's eyes widened then closed as his cheeks turned red. Bakugo released Deku from the kiss. Bakugo reached into his nightstand and pulled out three pairs of cuffs.Two of them have long chains. Bakugo looked at Deku and said these are for me not you nerd. you're too injured to be the bottom this time. you got that? This is a one time deal. when I am done cuffing myself, you reach into the dror and put the ball gag that's in there and put it on me. when I cause an explosion in my hands that means get the keys and uncuff me. this is the reason why the villains put the gag on you and not me. It was because it's pleasurable not painful for me. Deku nodded his head, okay Kacchan. after Bakugo cuffed his ankles with the long chains and wrists to the bed, Deku put the gag on Bakugo. Deku started to kiss Bakugo on the cheek then slowly moving down to Bakugo's neck. Deku moved his hands down Bakugo's body. Going under Bakugo's shirt and then moves his right hand up revealing Bakugo's abs. Deku kisses Bakugo's bairchest then moves to his stomach. Deku teases Bakugo by rubbing his nipples. Bakugo let's out a muffled moan. Deku continued to slowly pull down Bakugo's shorts and boxers. Deku starts to stroke Bakugo's member. Bakugo let's out an even louder moan. Deku stops and looks up to see Bakugo's face is redder then he's ever seen before. Deku pulls down his own shorts and boxer just enough for his member to come out. Deku slowly enters Bakugo after covering his member in lube that he found in the dror of the nightstand. Bakugo starts moaning again. Deku puts his hands on Bakugo's sides and starts slowly thrusting. After he enters Bakugo completely and once Bakugo is comfortable with Deku's position. with each thrust they both let out a moan. After a little while deku gets faster. then faster, until Bakugo cums on Deku's shirt. not long after deku cums inside of Bakugo. Deku gently pulls out of Bakugo and catches his breath. Bakugo sets off a small explosion in his hands and Deku gets the keys to unlocks the cuffs. Bakugo takes off the ball gag and says not bad looser, not bad at all but if you tell anyone I'll kill you ya got that!? Deku replied with a scared look on his face and said okay he looked away from Bakugo with his face turning red and a smile said Kacchan.

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