CHAPTER 16 Dabi's pet

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Deku's POV

I wake up and see that I'm in a room with just me and a door. My wrists are suspended above my head in chains. My ankles are in chains attached to the floor. I'm in the center of the room. Dabi comes in with food and water.

"If you want this then do what I say from here on."

i nod my head and say.

"Yes sir."

As tears formed in my eyes. I thought to myself.

^This is where I'm going to die.^

"Call me master."

I looked away from him. Dabi went behind me and picked up the whip. He proceeded to whip me with and without flames.

"AAAH! s... Sorry m-master. I promise I won't disobey you again. "

After that he fed me and gave me some water.

"Thank you master."

He smiled and said.

"Don't worry I will brake you then remake you so let's begin."

He then put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Are you ready pet?"

I said nothing to him. A Sharp pain went on my back. he says again.

" Are you ready my pet!?"

I shook my head yes. He loosened the chains. told me to get on my knees. when I did. He unhooked the handcuffs from the chain on the ceiling and attached them to the floor. Dabi put his hand on my back as he started to burn my back and even threatened to pull out one of my teeth. Some days he would not whip me but electrocute me. This happened everyday for one month.

Dabi's POV

After about a month of playing with my pet. He stopped flinching during training. He did everything I asked without fighting back. So I told him.

"I am taking off the blindfold so long as you are a good boy."

He went limp and nodded his head. After I took it off. I asked him.

Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me master how are you doing today?"

"I am fine."

"Good I'm glad to hear that master."

I looked to see him smile with tears in his eyes. I uncuffed him and held out my hand.

"Come with me. I have a surprise for you upstairs."

He took my hand and followed me up. I gave him a box.

"Open it. I hope this fits you."

He opened the box and started to smile and cry profusely. He pulled out a white button up shirt ,a black vest ,a red tie, black pants, and a black pair of gloves.

"Master this is too much. I don't deserve such kindness."

"Put it on. I want to see what it looks like on you. After you take a shower."

"Yes master."

I took him to the bathroom and helped him with his back. after I clothed him.

"No one came for you."

He responded by saying.

"No one comes for pets. I am yours and you are my master. Now and forever."

"Good boy."

I rubbed his head ruffling his hair. He said

"MASTER can I ask a favor of you?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Can I get my hair dyed the same color black as yours?"

I smiled and said.

"Yes, you can get your hair dyed pet."

He started jumping with excitement


After that we dyed his hair and started doing everything together. Even training together. I tought him how to fight without using his quirk. After all, I wasn't going to take off his collar until he was ready. Two months past and he never disobeyed me so I thought to myself.

^ FINALLY He's ready.^

I told him to help me out with a project. I told him to take off his shirt and he did. His scars are still visible on his face and body. So I put fake blood on his chest and on his face. I told him to go downstairs and put the chains on his wrists and ankles. He did just as I asked and even put the chains on tight and attached the handcuffs to the chain on the ceiling. I told him that he is posing for a picture. So he moved his wrists until they started to bleed. He said,

"Does this help?"

"Perfectly thank you."

"Anything for you master."

I smiled and told him to look scared. I taped his mouth. he widened his eyes and I apologized for what I was about to do. I put eyedrops in his eyes to make him cry and put a green wig that resembled his old hairstyle. I took the picture of him not long after. I then told him that I'm now going to make a video. he started to freakout and thrash around. he was screaming and crying. After I was done. I took the tape off . He asked.

"How did i do master?"

"Very good my pet."

I then took off the wig and ruffled his hair.

" Now we prepare."

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