CHAPTER 18 We found him

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All Might's POV

I ran into the hospital ,went up to the nurses station, and said.

" I have to wake Bakugo. he's the only one who can help u-"

I was interrupted by Todoroki saying.

"Bakugo left the hospital about two minutes ago. he said he was on his way to the schools costume making department for help on finding Midoriya. he said something about a collar could help."

As we go back to the school. Bakugo and Kirashima were heading to town. Kirashima had his phone in his hand. He was pointing to the outscerts of town. Todoroki ran after them and told me to tell everyone else.

thirty minutes later

Kirashima said "look there's the place the GPS is saying Midoriya is. it's an old insane asylum."

Bakugo runs to the door. About twenty feet away from the door it opens.

Todoroki arrives as the door opens.

A person walks out. as more light hits the figure everyone starts to recognize them. All three say out loud at the same time "MIDORIYA!!!?"

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