CHAPTER 12 what is real anymore

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Deku's POV

 We can beat him I put Kacchan's collar on Dabi.

"Are you ready Kacchan?"

" I've been ready."

As we charged at Dabi. Something happened. I opened my eyes, looked to see that nothing had changed.

^Was it all a dream? I should've known better. Dabi would never fall for that. ^

I look into Kacchan's cell and see the light in there is broken, and yet I can still see him. I then looked at the floor of his cell and saw a shadow of a man. Kacchan looked away from the source of the light.


Totoroki's POV

   Me and my old man  split up to cover more ground. My dad says to me.

"if you find them, shoot a firebomb in the air to mark where you are okay son."

" Yeah pops."

As I headed down an alleyway.  I saw the villain known as Dabi leaves a building. I hid behind the corner until I knew he couldn't see me. I looked in a window that was close to the ground and saw Bakugo chained to the wall. I tried to open the window ,but it was locked. so I used my quirk to cause an explosion. Two seconds later the wall was gone. after I entered the building through the hole I made. I saw that Bakugo and Midoriya were in two separate cells. So I tried to bust down the bars ,but it didn't work. So I freed Bakugo and said

"give me 5 seconds and I'll be back for you Midoriya."

I then grabbed Bakugo, put him over my shoulder, exited the building,  sent a firebomb in the air, and went back to the meetup spot. I then met up with my old man and two other heroes. My dad told the two other heroes to stay by Bakugo's side and told me to come with him to see what the best hero looks like in action. When we got there Midoriya was gone, but there was a lot of evidence still there that showed that they were kept there. So I didn't get yelled at to badly by my old man.

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