CHAPTER 6 7 days of hell

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Deku's POV

Kacchan went limp. Dabi checked his pulse in his neck just above the collar.

"AH good he's still alive."

Dabi rips the tape off of Kacchan's face.

"we have to play a little bit longer."

Kacchan didn't even flinch. Dabi walks into my cell takes off the tape on me, and says

"It's your turn again Midoriya."

"Why use tape on us?"

"It's because as weak as both of you are without your quirks tape works just fine for our plans, and plus I save all of my energy just for you. Now SING for me Midoriya."

Dabi puts his flame covered hand on my stomach.




Kacchan's POV

I wake up looking for Deku. He was asleep with new burn marks on him. Dabi was outside Deku's cell leaning against the wall looking at me. He put one finger to his lips and said

"hush he's asleep."

I had no strength to argue. Not only that but if Deku woke up. There's no telling what this crazy bastard might do to him. So I went back to sleep aswell.

Shigaraki wakes me up talking.

"It's time to get up Midoriya."

I hear Deku being choked.
I opened my eyes and saw Dabi choking Deku while Shigaraki was leaning against my cell bars. After Dabi let Deku go I begged Deku to talk. So they would give him a breake and go after me for awhile. Everytime I asked he shook his head no. This went on for four days. On the fourth day. Deku wouldn't scream no matter what. That is until Dabi threatened to kill me.

"there was one rule I forgot to tell both of you about. if Midoriya doesn't scream Bakugo dies."

Deku screamed out.


As Dabi was walking to my cell. Dabi said.

" Then let's continue where we left off."

this went on for three day.

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