CHAPTER 24 theft at U.A.

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Deku gets up from the bed and tells Bakugo that he is going to go downstairs to get something to drink. Bakugo said not in that shirt you won't. Deku looks down to see the mess on his shirt that Kacchan had made. Deku's face turns red and he starts to panic. Bakugo takes off Deku's shirt and says Here take one of mine for now. Deku said I think I'll just run shirtless to my room and if anyone asks I spilled a drink on it. People will start assuming if I have one of yours on. Bakugo huffed and said fine just  hurry up and get back here looser. Deku says RIGHT! and runs for the door but when he opened it he saw Kirashima. Deku runs past Kirashima saying sorry I spilled a drink on my shirt I'll be right back Kacchan. Deku stops around the corner. and hears Kirashima tell Bakugo that Aizawa wants everyone to see the videos confiscated for Dabi's hideout so that everyone would understand Deku's reaction to the news. Deku runs to his room, gets a clean shirt and heads to the common room where everybody is watching the videos. Deku shows up just as the first video starts. Deku watched as Bakugo and him are being tortured in separate cells. he even sees what happens to Bakugo as he was in shock. Bakugo being whipped by Dabi even having one of his toenails being removed. Bakugo's eyes full of tears but wouldn't let a single one escape from his eyes. Totoroki saving Bakugo and Dabi taking him away. Then Aizawa puts in tape number two. Deku holding strong through whippings and electracuteings but one part that Deku forgot about was the water room which broke him.  Dabi had knocked Deku out with a shot in the arm, unchained him. then dragged him to another room. Dabi chained deku to a chair that was on a guided pulley system. Dabi waited  for him to wake up then pulled a lever that dropped Deku in a tank of water. Dabi would keep him submerged until Deku lost consciousness. this went on for days until Deku said master please stop I beg you. once everyone heard Deku say that on the video, even Aizawa started to cry. All Might looked behind the class to see Deku. He was crying, Deku rubbed the tears off his face and started running upstairs. Before All Might could chase after him Bakugo, Totoroki, and Kirashima ran after him. Deku made it to his room but was stopped by the three following him before he could enter. Totoroki and Kirashima gave Deku a hug and said, we don't care what you said we're just glad that you are hear with us alive and out of the villains hell. Totoroki and Kirashima let go and said we're friends which means we are always with you no matter what. Bakugo was leaning against the door when all of a sudden an explosion happened in Dekus room. blowing the door down . Bakugo falls on top of  Deku both are less than an inch away from kissing. Bakugo realized that before Deku did and jumped up off of Deku. Kirashima and Totoroki hit the wall across from the door. when the smoke cleared the boys looked to see no one was there but all of the drors were opened and still open. Deku looked in every dror of his writer's desk to see that nothing was missing but when he looked in the bottom dresser dror he noticed something was missing. Deku started to panic it's gone he said in a whisper. Totoroki said what's gone Midoriya? Deku replied MY HERO NOTES. Bakugo said You mean that damn book you took notes about every pros quirks and their weaknesses? Deku nodded yes. Bakugo said who else knows about that book and would want it. Deku thought for a moment. then he remembered the news showing the footage of Dabi's escape. THE SLUGE VILLAIN THAT HELD YOU HOSTAGE BAKUGO!!! He escaped when Dabi did. Bakugo said God fucking damnit.
The boys were met at the stairs by Aizawa and All Might. Aizawa said What happened we heard an explosion? Deku says  my hero notes are gone. someone broke into my room and took them. SHIT said All Might.

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