CHAPTER 27 Make it stop

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After Bakugo and Deku finished with dinner. Deku asked if they could talk. They went upstairs to the restroom in their room. Deku locked the door. Bakugo got behind Deku and started kissing Deku's neck. even trying to put his left hand down his pants. Deku pushed him off. I'm Sirius Kacchan!! I can't take being tied up, not even for sex. Everyday that I was with mas- I mean Dabi I was in chains. even after cooperated with his demands, and got my own room. I was chained to a bed. One night I started screaming in my sleep. I woke up to him taping my mouth shut. after that every night I was bound and gagged. So PLEASE STOP!!

Bakugo said You damn nerd I'm trying to get you back to normal. I'm doing this to make good memories of you tied up. When we were in middle school if I got close to you and started talking to you, then nothing would happen to you. but if I grabbed your wrists and pinned you to the wall I noticed that you would get a boner. the reason why I'm trying is so that you can be like yourself again. The second that I said give me everything you got I can take it. he looked and saw that I was aroused. so he backed off of me. That was the only reason why the blue flame bastard left me alone.
I will never allow anyone else to do that to you but me. ya got that Deku? I will never hurt you I promise.
but if that's what you want then we'll do that.
Bakugo hugged Deku and put his head on his shoulder. I'm sorry if that scared you.

just they Bakugo said let's go to bed. we still have classes in the morning. Deku unlocked the door and was about to get in bed when they heard a knock at the door to the room. Bakugo opened it to see All Might Bakugo, and Midoriya can we talk said All Might. All three of them went down to the common room. just then All Might saw a shadow at the window in the common room. he told the boys to get back. before Bakugo and Deku could move. Shigaraki came out of a dark void. he grabbed All Might's right arm. it started to disintegrate, but before it could reach his shoulder a blade came through the window and cut off his arm. Dabi came out of a void next to the boys. next thing they know Stain has his foot on Shigaraki's back, and two blades covered in blood. When Stain locks the blood off of the blades Dabi and Shigaraki can't move. apparently he had cut Dabi on his chest and cut Shigaraki on his face. Stain put a collar on Shigaraki. Stain said I wonder if this one is good enough to erase the crimes I've done. just then Shigaraki said
Kurogiri get us out of here now! A voice said I can only get Dabi, you must have a QC on. Stain said yeah these colors are amazing. if someone has one on then they can't be taken back to there hideout by a quirk.
Kurogiri started to take Dabi back. As Dabi was going back in the void in the floor. he said I'll be back for you soon pet , but I'd prefer if you'd save me the trouble and come to me. One way or another I'll have you soon enough. Dabi then started to laugh.

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