Chapter 47: You're Allowed To Look

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Wow I'm updating...this is wild
Also I love the-fame-monster so you better go follow them now or I'll rip out your toenails (gosh I sound like Kate)
Anyways, enjoy.


El's POV

Reaching my hand out, I rolled my eyes at him, "Your mouth is open, Mike."

Mike nodded slowly, taking my soft palm in his. He leta sheepish expression appear on his usually goofy face, "Sorry," he mumbled.

I hip bumped him to ease the tension I had accidentally caused, "No need to apologize. You're allowed to look."

I didn't know why I was being so flirty. Maybe it was because Mike was shirtless.

Blushing at the thought, though he was right next to me, and I didn't need to imagine it. He looked good. Really good.

"Looks like you're blushing, El."

I glanced up, a small grin pasted on my lips, "Stop it."

Nearing the pool with stupid smiles on our faces, mine was immediately wiped off when I stood over the rippling water.

I could feel my heart starting to race in my chest, my sternum seeming to vibrate with every pulse.

Mike noticed of course, turning to me and gripping my hands even tighter.

"El, I'll be with you the whole time. We can just put our feet in for now." (Btw you should read Roadtrip Of 1988 by luxuriousvoyage111 it's so good omg)

His voice calmed my nerves momentarily, "Promise?"

He gave me a knowing nod, "Yes. I promise."

Tightening his grip around my fragile fingers, Mike pulls me gently towards the shallow side of the pool.

Someone jumps into the water near me, splashing small droplets onto my hot skin. I wince slightly, the familiar feeling of lukewarm liquid against my bare arms.

Now we were at the edge, the stairs directly in front of the pair of us.

Mike gave me a kind side glance, "You ready?"

Exhaling deeply, I allowed myself to fake a smile and nod.

He went in front of me, sloshing into the pool in a non messy way in order to avoid getting me wet.

His hands still holding mine, he smiled sweetly, "Just put your feet in first. Yea, like that...go as slowly as you want," he reassured me as I dipped my toes, breaking the surface of the large puddle in front of me.

I squinted my eyes closed, scared of immersing myself. But instead of the fear that I expected from the action, I was met with a good sensation.

The sound of laughter filled my ears, Mike's voice almost muffling them, "Look at you! You're doing great, El."

Opening my eyes, I let him guide me down the small pool steps, the water rushing up to my knees already.

"Can I...can I try...on my own?" I said, letting my gaze drift to his.

Mike looked slightly worried for a moment but it soon dissipated with a proud grin, "Of course. Do you what me to still stand here?"

I nodded my curls as he slowly let go of my wrists, our fingertips kissing momentarily.

Breathing in sharply, I took a few more steps down, almost on the last one and up to my mid-thigh.

Suddenly, my foot slipped, causing me to fall forward into the body of water, Mike luckily catching me before I was under.

He held tightly to my sides, right where my rib cage wrapped around my torso, "Are you okay?!"

"Yea," I chuckled slightly as his concern for me. I wasn't going to deny that I was scared out of my mind and thought I was going to die for a brief moment.

He breathed out, wrapping his arms around me quickly.

I could feel how tense he was from my almost plunge into the pool.

Realizing for the hundredth time that he was shirtless, I felt my face turn completely red as I enjoyed his warm embrace.

"Ew! Lovebirds! Get your asses over here!" We could hear Dustin calling to us from across the pool.

I let Mike go, turning to see Dustin and Max both flipping off a lifeguard that had reprimanded them to stop swearing.

"Wanna go?" Mike smirked over at me; it was obvious he noticed my rosy complexion.

"Let's go. But slow please. I don't wanna fall in."

He lead me by the hand, nearing Will who clung onto the wall with a content expression upon his adolescent face.

"Hey Willy Will!" I smiled brightly at him.

The boy with the bowl cut grinned, his straight teeth showing, "Hey El! You okay? I saw you almost fall in," His tone wasn't teasing nor concerned, he just seemed to be genuinely curious with how I was doing.

Shrugging, I respond, "Eh. I've been worse."

Mike and Will give each other a knowing and almost comical look, "Oh we know."

I smacked them both on the arms, their snickers floating towards my attentive ears.

Lauren noticed our little group, her arm going up in a small wave as she drifted towards us.

"How's it going, guys?"

"Peachy!" I chattered, making her eyes glitter with a smile.

Hoisting myself up onto the rim of the pool and admiring Mike as he moved to talk to Lucas, I wrung out my hair, letting the drips get on Laurene's scalp.

She giggled, splashing me with a handful of warm water.

Will turned his attention to her after viewing the water fight between Lucas and Max across the swimming pool, "I'm gonna grab a slushy, you girls want anything?"

I shook my head, content to sit in the sun for a few moments. Lauren tilted her head, "Ooh sounds good. Can I come along?"

"Sure thing," the small boy turned to me, "be back in a sec!"

And with that, they turned away, heading towards the large dessert cart.

"WHO WANTS TO PLAY CHICKEN?!" I practically fell into the pool when I heard Max scream, the curly haired jokester still at her side.

I glanced to Mike, whose face had lit up at the sentence, "I'm in."

Lucas and Dustin also volunteered, the dark skinned boy being the only one strong enough to hold Dustin.

I attempted to hide my flinches when I watched Mike duck under the water to place the pretty redhead on his broad shoulder.

The pangs of jealousy stung at my stomach, making me squirm as I looked at them from the edge of the pool.

They look like they're having so much fun.

I looked down, kicking at the water and trying to refrain from staring at the cute boy and Max.

With no self control, I started to stare, becoming sick with all to the feelings swirling around me.

Max and Dustin wrestled midair atop the tall boys' shoulders before Max plummeted backwards into the water, Mike going down with her in a mess of red hair and matted curls.

My breath hitched in my throat, as I noticed them rising out of the warm pool, laughter etched on both of their faces.

And it almost broke me when he reached up and wiped the hair from her damp cheeks.
Well there's some depressing mileven/madwheeler for ya.

Omg tea ☕️

There's maybe going to be a little elmax fight soon 😏

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